var path = require('path'), when = require('when'), semver = require('semver'), fs = require('fs'), _ = require('underscore'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn, buildDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.build'), distDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.dist'), configLoader = require('./core/config-loader.js'), buildGlob = [ '**', '!docs/**', '!_site/**', '!content/images/**', 'content/images/', '!content/themes/**', 'content/themes/casper/**', '!content/plugins/**', 'content/plugins/', '!node_modules/**', '!core/test/**', '!core/client/assets/sass/**', '!**/*.db*', '!*.db*', '!.sass*', '!.af*', '!.git*', '!.groc*', '!*.iml', '!config.js', '!', '!', '!.travis.yml', '!Gemfile*' ], configureGrunt = function (grunt) { // load all grunt tasks require('matchdep').filterDev('grunt-*').forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks); var cfg = { // Common paths to be used by tasks paths: { adminAssets: './core/client/assets', build: buildDirectory, nightlyBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'nightly'), weeklyBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'weekly'), buildBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'build'), dist: distDirectory, nightlyDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'nightly'), weeklyDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'weekly'), buildDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'build'), releaseDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'release') }, buildType: 'Build', pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), // Watch files and livereload in the browser during development watch: { handlebars: { files: ['core/client/tpl/**/*.hbs'], tasks: ['handlebars'] }, sass: { files: ['<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/**/*'], tasks: ['sass:admin'] }, concat: { files: [ 'core/client/*.js', 'core/client/helpers/*.js', 'core/client/models/*.js', 'core/client/tpl/*.js', 'core/client/views/*.js' ], tasks: ['concat'] }, livereload: { files: [ // Theme CSS 'content/themes/casper/css/*.css', // Theme JS 'content/themes/casper/js/*.js', // Admin CSS '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/*.css', // Admin JS 'core/built/scripts/*.js' ], options: { livereload: true } }, express: { // Restart any time client or server js files change files: ['core/server.js', 'core/server/**/*.js'], tasks: ['express:dev'], options: { //Without this option specified express won't be reloaded nospawn: true } } }, // Start our server in development express: { options: { script: 'index.js' }, dev: { options: { //output: 'Express server listening on address:.*$' } }, test: { options: { node_env: 'testing' } } }, // Open the site in a browser open: { server: { // TODO: Load this port from config? path: '' } }, // JSLint all the things! jslint: { server: { directives: { // node environment node: true, // browser environment browser: false, // allow dangling underscores in var names nomen: true, // allow to do statements todo: true, // allow unused parameters unparam: true, // don't require use strict pragma sloppy: true }, files: { src: [ '*.js', 'core/*.js', 'core/server/**/*.js' ] } }, client: { directives: { // node environment node: false, // browser environment browser: true, // allow dangling underscores in var names nomen: true, // allow to do statements todo: true, // allow unused parameters unparam: true }, files: { src: 'core/client/**/*.js' }, exclude: [ 'core/client/assets/vendor/**/*.js', 'core/client/tpl/**/*.js' ] }, shared: { directives: { // node environment node: true, // browser environment browser: false, // allow dangling underscores in var names nomen: true, // allow to do statements todo: true, // allow unused parameters unparam: true, // don't require use strict pragma sloppy: true }, files: { src: [ 'core/shared/**/*.js' ] }, exclude: [ 'core/shared/vendor/**/*.js' ] } }, mochacli: { options: { ui: 'bdd', reporter: 'spec', timeout: '15000' }, all: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/*_spec.js'] }, api: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/api*_spec.js'] }, client: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/client*_spec.js'] }, server: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/server*_spec.js'] }, shared: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/shared*_spec.js'] }, perm: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/permissions_spec.js'] }, migrate: { src: [ 'core/test/unit/**/export_spec.js', 'core/test/unit/**/import_spec.js' ] }, integration: { src: ['core/test/integration/**/model*_spec.js'] } }, // Compile all the SASS! sass: { admin: { files: { '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/screen.css': '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/screen.scss' } }, compress: { options: { style: 'compressed' }, files: { '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/screen.css': '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/screen.scss' } } }, shell: { bourbon: { command: 'bourbon install --path <%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/modules/' } }, handlebars: { core: { options: { namespace: 'JST', processName: function (filename) { filename = filename.replace('core/client/tpl/', ''); return filename.replace('.hbs', ''); } }, files: { 'core/client/tpl/hbs-tpl.js': 'core/client/tpl/**/*.hbs' } } }, groc: { docs: { options: { 'out': './docs/', 'glob': [ '', 'config.example.js', 'index.js', 'core/*.js', 'core/server/**/*.js', 'core/shared/**/*.js', 'core/client/**/*.js' ], 'except': [ '!core/**/vendor/**/*.js', '!core/client/tpl/**/*.js' ] } } }, clean: { build: { src: ['<%= paths.buildBuild %>/**'] }, test: { src: ['content/data/ghost-test.db'] } }, copy: { nightly: { files: [{ expand: true, src: buildGlob, dest: '<%= paths.nightlyBuild %>/<%= pkg.version %>/' }] }, weekly: { files: [{ expand: true, src: buildGlob, dest: '<%= paths.weeklyBuild %>/<%= pkg.version %>/' }] }, build: { files: [{ expand: true, src: buildGlob, dest: '<%= paths.buildBuild %>/' }] } }, compress: { nightly: { options: { archive: '<%= paths.nightlyDist %>/Ghost-Nightly-<%= pkg.version %>.zip' }, expand: true, cwd: '<%= paths.nightlyBuild %>/<%= pkg.version %>/', src: ['**'] }, weekly: { options: { archive: '<%= paths.weeklyDist %>/Ghost-Weekly-<%= pkg.version %>.zip' }, expand: true, cwd: '<%= paths.weeklyBuild %>/<%= pkg.version %>/', src: ['**'] }, build: { options: { archive: '<%= paths.buildDist %>/' }, expand: true, cwd: '<%= paths.buildBuild %>/', src: ['**'] }, release: { options: { archive: '<%= paths.releaseDist %>/Ghost-<%= pkg.version %>.zip' }, expand: true, cwd: '<%= paths.buildBuild %>/', src: ['**'] } }, bump: { options: { tagName: '%VERSION%', commitMessage: '<%= buildType %> Release %VERSION%', tagMessage: '<%= buildType %> Release %VERSION%', pushTo: 'origin build' } }, concat: { dev: { files: { 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js': [ 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js', 'core/client/assets/lib/jquery-utils.js', 'core/client/assets/lib/uploader.js', 'core/shared/vendor/underscore.js', 'core/shared/vendor/backbone/backbone.js', 'core/shared/vendor/handlebars/handlebars-runtime.js', 'core/shared/vendor/moment.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/icheck/jquery.icheck.min.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.ui.widget.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/codemirror.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/showdown/showdown.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/showdown/extensions/ghostdown.js', 'core/shared/vendor/showdown/extensions/github.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/shortcuts.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/validator-client.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/countable.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/to-title-case.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/packery.pkgd.min.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/fastclick.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/nprogress.js' ], 'core/built/scripts/helpers.js': [ 'core/client/init.js', 'core/client/mobile-interactions.js', 'core/client/toggle.js', 'core/client/markdown-actions.js', 'core/client/helpers/index.js' ], 'core/built/scripts/templates.js': [ 'core/client/tpl/hbs-tpl.js' ], 'core/built/scripts/models.js': [ 'core/client/models/**/*.js' ], 'core/built/scripts/views.js': [ 'core/client/views/**/*.js', 'core/client/router.js' ] } }, prod: { files: { 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js': [ 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js', 'core/client/assets/lib/jquery-utils.js', 'core/client/assets/lib/uploader.js', 'core/shared/vendor/underscore.js', 'core/shared/vendor/backbone/backbone.js', 'core/shared/vendor/handlebars/handlebars-runtime.js', 'core/shared/vendor/moment.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/icheck/jquery.icheck.min.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.ui.widget.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js', 'core/shared/vendor/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/codemirror.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/showdown/showdown.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/showdown/extensions/ghostdown.js', 'core/shared/vendor/showdown/extensions/github.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/shortcuts.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/validator-client.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/countable.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/to-title-case.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/packery.pkgd.min.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/fastclick.js', 'core/client/assets/vendor/nprogress.js', 'core/client/init.js', 'core/client/mobile-interactions.js', 'core/client/toggle.js', 'core/client/markdown-actions.js', 'core/client/helpers/index.js', 'core/client/tpl/hbs-tpl.js', 'core/client/models/**/*.js', 'core/client/views/**/*.js', 'core/client/router.js' ] } } }, uglify: { prod: { files: { 'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js' } } } }; grunt.initConfig(cfg); grunt.registerTask('setTestEnv', 'Use "testing" Ghost config; unless we are running on travis (then show queries for debugging)', function () { process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.TRAVIS ? 'travis-' + process.env.DB : 'testing'; }); grunt.registerTask('loadConfig', function () { var done = this.async(); configLoader.loadConfig().then(function () { done(); }); }); grunt.registerTask('updateCurrentPackageInfo', 'Update the package information after changes', function () { cfg.pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'); }); grunt.registerTask('setCurrentBuildType', function (type) { cfg.buildType = type; }); grunt.registerTask('spawn-casperjs', function () { var done = this.async(), options = ['host', 'noPort', 'port', 'email', 'password'], args = ['test'] .concat(grunt.option('target') || ['admin/', 'frontend/']) .concat(['--includes=base.js', '--verbose', '--log-level=debug', '--port=2369']); // Forward parameters from grunt to casperjs _.each(options, function processOption(option) { if (grunt.option(option)) { args.push('--' + option + '=' + grunt.option(option)); } }); grunt.util.spawn({ cmd: 'casperjs', args: args, opts: { cwd: path.resolve('core/test/functional'), stdio: 'inherit' } }, function (error, result, code) { if (error) {; } grunt.log.writeln(result.stdout); done(); }); }); /* Generate Changelog * - Pulls changelog from git, excluding merges. * - Uses first line of commit message. Includes committer name. */ grunt.registerTask('changelog', 'Generate changelog from Git', function () { // TODO: Break the contents of this task out into a separate module, // put on npm. (@cgiffard) var done = this.async(); function git(args, callback, depth) { depth = depth || 0; if (!depth) { grunt.log.writeln('git ' + args.join(' ')); } var buffer = []; spawn('git', args, { // We can reasonably assume the gruntfile will be in the root of the repo. cwd : __dirname, stdio : ['ignore', 'pipe', process.stderr] }).on('exit', function (code) { // Process exited correctly but we got no output. // Spawn again, but make sure we don't spiral out of control. // Hack to work around an apparent node bug. // // Frustratingly, it's impossible to distinguish this // bug from a genuine empty log. if (!buffer.length && code === 0 && depth < 20) { return setImmediate(function () { git(args, callback, depth ? depth + 1 : 1); }); } if (code === 0) { return callback(buffer.join('')); } // We failed. Git returned a non-standard exit code. grunt.log.error('Git returned a non-zero exit code.'); done(false); // Push returned data into the buffer }).stdout.on('data', buffer.push.bind(buffer)); } // Crazy function for getting around inconsistencies in tagging function sortTags(a, b) { a = a.tag; b = b.tag; // NOTE: Accounting for different tagging method for // 0.2.1 and up. // If we didn't have this issue I'd just pass rcompare // into sort directly. Could be something to think about // in future. if (semver.rcompare(a, '0.2.0') < 0 || semver.rcompare(b, '0.2.0') < 0) { return semver.rcompare(a, b); } a = a.split('-'); b = b.split('-'); if (semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]) !== 0) { return semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]); } // Using this janky looking integerising-method // because it's faster and doesn't result in NaN, which // breaks sorting /*jslint bitwise: true */ return (+b[1] | 0) - (+a[1] | 0); } // Gets tags in master branch, sorts them with semver, function getTags(callback) { git(['show-ref', '--tags'], function (results) { results = results .split(/\n+/) .filter(function (tag) { return tag.length && tag.match(/\/\d+\.\d+/); }) .map(function (tag) { return { 'tag': tag.split(/tags\//).pop().trim(), 'ref': tag.split(/\s+/).shift().trim() }; }) .sort(sortTags); callback(results); }); } // Parses log to extract commit data. function parseLog(data) { var commits = [], commitRegex = new RegExp( '\\n*[|\\*\\s]*commit\\s+([a-f0-9]+)' + '\\n[|\\*\\s]*Author:\\s+([^<\\n]+)<([^>\\n]+)>' + '\\n[|\\*\\s]*Date:\\s+([^\\n]+)' + '\\n+[|\\*\\s]*[ ]{4}([^\\n]+)', 'ig' ); // Using String.prototype.replace as a kind of poor-man's substitute // for a streaming parser. data.replace( commitRegex, function (wholeCommit, hash, author, email, date, message) { // The author name and commit message may have trailing space. author = author.trim(); message = message.trim(); // Reformat date to make it parse-able by JS date = date.replace( /^(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\d+)\s([\d\:]+)\s(\d+)\s([\+\-\d]+)$/, '$1, $2 $3 $5 $4 $6' ); commits.push({ 'hash': hash, 'author': author, 'email': email, 'date': date, 'parsedDate': new Date(Date.parse(date)), 'message': message }); return null; } ); return commits; } // Gets git log for specified range. function getLog(to, from, callback) { var range = from && to ? from + '..' + to : '', args = [ 'log', 'master', '--no-color', '--no-merges', '--graph' ]; if (range) { args.push(range); } git(args, function (data) { callback(parseLog(data)); }); } // Run the job getTags(function (tags) { var logPath = path.join(__dirname, ''), log = fs.createWriteStream(logPath), commitCache = {}; function processTag(tag, callback) { var buffer = '', peek = tag[1]; tag = tag[0]; getLog(tag.tag, peek.tag, function (commits) { // Use the comparison with HEAD to remove commits which // haven't been included in a build/release yet. if (tag.tag === 'HEAD') { commits.forEach(function (commit) { commitCache[commit.hash] = true; }); return callback(''); } buffer += '## Release ' + tag.tag + '\n'; commits = commits .filter(function (commit) { // Get rid of jenkins' release tagging commits // Remove commits we've already spat out return ( !== 'TryGhost-Jenkins' && !commitCache[commit.hash] ); }) .map(function (commit) { buffer += '\n* ' + commit.message + ' (_' + + '_)'; commitCache[commit.hash] = true; }); if (!commits.length) { buffer += '\nNo changes were made in this build.\n'; } callback(buffer + '\n'); }); } // Get two weeks' worth of tags tags.unshift({'tag': 'HEAD'}); tags = tags .slice(0, 14) .map(function (tag, index) { return [ tag, tags[index + 1] || tags[index] ]; }); log.write('# Ghost Changelog\n\n'); log.write('_Showing ' + tags.length + ' releases._\n'); when.reduce(tags, function (prev, tag, idx) { return when.promise(function (resolve) { processTag(tag, function (releaseData) { resolve(prev + '\n' + releaseData); }); }); }, '') .then(function (reducedChangelog) { log.write(reducedChangelog); log.close(); done(true); }); }); }); grunt.registerTask('nightly', 'Nightly builds\n' + ' - Do our standard build steps (sass, handlebars, etc)\n' + ' - Bump patch version in package.json, commit, tag and push\n' + ' - Generate changelog for the past 14 releases\n' + ' - Copy files to build-folder/#/#{version} directory\n' + ' - Clean out unnecessary files (travis, .git*, .af*, .groc*)\n' + ' - Zip files in build folder to dist-folder/#{version} directory', [ 'setCurrentBuildType:Nightly', 'shell:bourbon', 'sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify', 'bump:build', 'updateCurrentPackageInfo', 'changelog', 'copy:nightly', 'compress:nightly' ]); grunt.registerTask('weekly', [ 'setCurrentBuildType:Weekly', 'shell:bourbon', 'sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify', 'bump:build', 'updateCurrentPackageInfo', 'changelog', 'copy:weekly', 'compress:weekly' ]); grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'shell:bourbon', 'sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify', 'changelog', 'clean:build', 'copy:build', 'compress:build' ]); grunt.registerTask('release', [ 'shell:bourbon', 'sass:admin', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify', 'changelog', 'clean:build', 'copy:build', 'compress:release' ]); grunt.registerTask('dev', 'Dev Mode; watch files and restart server on changes', [ 'sass:admin', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'express:dev', 'watch' ]); // TODO: Git submodule init/update ( grunt.registerTask('init', 'Prepare the project for development', ['shell:bourbon', 'default']); grunt.registerTask('test-unit', 'Run unit tests', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'express:test', 'mochacli:all']); grunt.registerTask('test-integration', 'Run integration tests', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'express:test', 'mochacli:integration']); grunt.registerTask('test-functional', 'Run casperjs tests only', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'express:test', 'spawn-casperjs']); grunt.registerTask('validate', 'Run tests and lint code', ['jslint', 'test-unit', 'test-integration', 'test-functional']); grunt.registerTask('docs', 'Generate Docs', ['groc']); // TODO: Production build task that minifies with uglify:prod grunt.registerTask('prod', ['sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify']); // When you just say 'grunt' grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat']); }; module.exports = configureGrunt;