/*globals describe, beforeEach, it*/ var testUtils = require('../utils'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), when = require('when'), assert = require('assert'), _ = require("underscore"), errors = require('../../server/errorHandling'), // Stuff we are testing knex = require("../../server/models/base").knex, migration = require('../../server/data/migration'), exporter = require('../../server/data/export'), importer = require('../../server/data/import'), Importer000 = require('../../server/data/import/000'), Importer001 = require('../../server/data/import/001'), fixtures = require('../../server/data/fixtures'), Settings = require('../../server/models/settings').Settings; describe("Import", function () { should.exist(exporter); should.exist(importer); beforeEach(function (done) { // clear database... we need to initialise it manually for each test testUtils.clearData().then(function () { done(); }, done); }); it("resolves 000", function (done) { var importStub = sinon.stub(Importer000, "importData", function () { return when.resolve(); }), fakeData = { test: true }; importer("000", fakeData).then(function () { importStub.calledWith(fakeData).should.equal(true); importStub.restore(); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it("resolves 001", function (done) { var importStub = sinon.stub(Importer001, "importData", function () { return when.resolve(); }), fakeData = { test: true }; importer("001", fakeData).then(function () { importStub.calledWith(fakeData).should.equal(true); importStub.restore(); done(); }).then(null, done); }); describe("000", function () { should.exist(Importer000); it("imports data from 001", function (done) { var exportData; var migrationStub = sinon.stub(migration, "getDatabaseVersion", function () { return when.resolve("000"); }); // migrate to current version migration.migrateUp().then(function () { // Load the fixtures return fixtures.populateFixtures(); }).then(function () { // Initialise the default settings return Settings.populateDefaults(); }).then(function () { // export the version 000 data ready to import // TODO: Should have static test data here? return exporter(); }).then(function (exported) { exportData = exported; return importer("000", exportData); }).then(function () { // Grab the data from tables return when.all([ knex("users").select(), knex("posts").select(), knex("settings").select(), knex("tags").select() ]); }).then(function (importedData) { should.exist(importedData); importedData.length.should.equal(4, 'Did not get data successfully'); // we always have 0 users as there isn't one in fixtures importedData[0].length.should.equal(0, 'There should not be a user'); // import no longer requires all data to be dropped, and adds posts importedData[1].length.should.equal(exportData.data.posts.length + 1, 'Wrong number of posts'); // test settings importedData[2].length.should.be.above(0, 'Wrong number of settings'); _.findWhere(importedData[2], {key: "databaseVersion"}).value.should.equal("001", 'Wrong database version'); // test tags importedData[3].length.should.equal(exportData.data.tags.length, 'no new tags'); done(); }).then(null, done); }); }); describe("001", function () { should.exist(Importer001); it("imports data from 001", function (done) { var exportData, timestamp = 1349928000000; // Migrate to version 001 migration.migrateUp().then(function () { // Load the fixtures return fixtures.populateFixtures(); }).then(function () { // Initialise the default settings return Settings.populateDefaults(); }).then(function () { // export the version 000 data ready to import // TODO: Should have static test data here? return exporter(); }).then(function (exported) { exportData = exported; // Modify timestamp data for testing exportData.data.posts[0].created_at = timestamp; exportData.data.posts[0].updated_at = timestamp; exportData.data.posts[0].published_at = timestamp; return importer("001", exportData); }).then(function () { // Grab the data from tables return when.all([ knex("users").select(), knex("posts").select(), knex("settings").select(), knex("tags").select() ]); }).then(function (importedData) { should.exist(importedData); importedData.length.should.equal(4, 'Did not get data successfully'); var users = importedData[0], posts = importedData[1], settings = importedData[2], tags = importedData[3]; // we always have 0 users as there isn't one in fixtures users.length.should.equal(0, 'There should not be a user'); // import no longer requires all data to be dropped, and adds posts posts.length.should.equal(exportData.data.posts.length + 1, 'Wrong number of posts'); // test settings settings.length.should.be.above(0, 'Wrong number of settings'); _.findWhere(settings, {key: "databaseVersion"}).value.should.equal("001", 'Wrong database version'); // test tags tags.length.should.equal(exportData.data.tags.length, 'no new tags'); // Ensure imported post retains set timestamp // When in sqlite we are returned a unix timestamp number, // in MySQL we're returned a date object. // We pass the returned post always through the date object // to ensure the return is consistant for all DBs. assert.equal( new Date(posts[1].created_at).getTime(), timestamp); assert.equal( new Date(posts[1].updated_at).getTime(), timestamp); assert.equal( new Date(posts[1].published_at).getTime(), timestamp); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it("doesn't import invalid post data from 001", function (done) { var exportData; // migrate to current version migration.migrateUp().then(function () { // Load the fixtures return fixtures.populateFixtures(); }).then(function () { // Initialise the default settings return Settings.populateDefaults(); }).then(function () { // export the version 000 data ready to import // TODO: Should have static test data here? return exporter(); }).then(function (exported) { exportData = exported; //change title to 151 characters exportData.data.posts[0].title = new Array(152).join('a'); exportData.data.posts[0].tags = 'Tag'; return importer("001", exportData); }).then(function () { (1).should.eql(0, 'Data import should not resolve promise.'); }, function (error) { error.should.eql('Error importing data: Post title maximum length is 150 characters.'); when.all([ knex("users").select(), knex("posts").select(), knex("settings").select(), knex("tags").select() ]).then(function (importedData) { should.exist(importedData); importedData.length.should.equal(4, 'Did not get data successfully'); // we always have 0 users as there isn't one in fixtures importedData[0].length.should.equal(0, 'There should not be a user'); // import no longer requires all data to be dropped, and adds posts importedData[1].length.should.equal(exportData.data.posts.length, 'Wrong number of posts'); // test settings importedData[2].length.should.be.above(0, 'Wrong number of settings'); _.findWhere(importedData[2], {key: "databaseVersion"}).value.should.equal("001", 'Wrong database version'); // test tags importedData[3].length.should.equal(exportData.data.tags.length, 'no new tags'); done(); }); }).then(null, done); }); it("doesn't import invalid settings data from 001", function (done) { var exportData; // migrate to current version migration.migrateUp().then(function () { // Load the fixtures return fixtures.populateFixtures(); }).then(function () { // Initialise the default settings return Settings.populateDefaults(); }).then(function () { // export the version 000 data ready to import // TODO: Should have static test data here? return exporter(); }).then(function (exported) { exportData = exported; //change to blank settings key exportData.data.settings[3].key = null; return importer("001", exportData); }).then(function () { (1).should.eql(0, 'Data import should not resolve promise.'); }, function (error) { error.should.eql('Error importing data: Setting key cannot be blank'); when.all([ knex("users").select(), knex("posts").select(), knex("settings").select(), knex("tags").select() ]).then(function (importedData) { should.exist(importedData); importedData.length.should.equal(4, 'Did not get data successfully'); // we always have 0 users as there isn't one in fixtures importedData[0].length.should.equal(0, 'There should not be a user'); // import no longer requires all data to be dropped, and adds posts importedData[1].length.should.equal(exportData.data.posts.length, 'Wrong number of posts'); // test settings importedData[2].length.should.be.above(0, 'Wrong number of settings'); _.findWhere(importedData[2], {key: "databaseVersion"}).value.should.equal("001", 'Wrong database version'); // test tags importedData[3].length.should.equal(exportData.data.tags.length, 'no new tags'); done(); }); }).then(null, done); }); }); });