/* * Welcome to Ghost - all styles for the Ghost platform are located within * this set of Sass files. Use this file like a table of contents. */ /* ========================================================================== Modules - These styles are re-used in many areas, and are grouped by type. ========================================================================== */ @import "modules/mixins"; /* Sass variables like colours, font sizes, basic styles. */ @import "modules/normalize"; /* Browser cross compatibility normalisation*/ @import "modules/typeplate"; /* All the styles controlling the typographic styles. */ @import "modules/grid"; /* The responsive grid structure used to control the main layout. */ @import "modules/icons"; /* All the styles controlling icons. */ @import "modules/animations"; /* Keyframe animations. */ @import "modules/global"; /* Global elements for the UI, like the header and footer. */ @import "modules/forms"; /* All the styles controlling forms and form fields. */ /* ========================================================================== Layouts - Styles for specific admin screen layouts, grouped by screen. ========================================================================== */ @import "layouts/dashboard"; /* The default admin page, the dashboard. */ @import "layouts/manage"; /* The manage posts screen. */ @import "layouts/editor"; /* The write/edit post screen. */ @import "layouts/settings"; /* The settings screen. */ @import "layouts/login"; /* The settings screen. */