const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const urlUtils = require('../../../../../core/shared/url-utils'); const membersService = require('../../../../../core/server/services/members'); const membersMiddleware = require('../../../../../core/server/services/members/middleware'); const settingsCache = require('../../../../../core/shared/settings-cache'); const models = require('../../../../../core/server/models'); describe('Members Service Middleware', function () { describe('createSessionFromMagicLink', function () { let oldSSR; let oldProductModel; let req; let res; let next; before(function () { models.init(); }); beforeEach(function () { req = {}; res = {}; next = sinon.stub(); res.redirect = sinon.stub().returns(''); // Stub the members Service, handle this in separate tests oldSSR = membersService.ssr; membersService.ssr = { exchangeTokenForSession: sinon.stub() }; // Stub the members Service, handle this in separate tests oldProductModel = models.Product; models.Product = { findOne: sinon.stub() }; sinon.stub(urlUtils, 'getSubdir').returns('/blah'); sinon.stub(urlUtils, 'getSiteUrl').returns(''); }); afterEach(function () { membersService.ssr = oldSSR; models.Product = oldProductModel; sinon.restore(); }); it('calls next if url does not include a token', async function () { req.url = '/members'; req.query = {}; // Call the middleware await membersMiddleware.createSessionFromMagicLink(req, res, next); // Check behaviour;; }); it('redirects correctly on success', async function () { req.url = '/members?token=test&action=signup'; req.query = {token: 'test', action: 'signup'}; // Fake token handling success membersService.ssr.exchangeTokenForSession.resolves({ subscriptions: [{ status: 'active', tier: { welcome_page_url: '' } }] }); // Call the middleware await membersMiddleware.createSessionFromMagicLink(req, res, next); // Check behaviour;; res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.eql('/blah/?action=signup&success=true'); }); it('redirects correctly on failure', async function () { req.url = '/members?token=test&action=signup'; req.query = {token: 'test', action: 'signup'}; // Fake token handling failure membersService.ssr.exchangeTokenForSession.rejects(); // Call the middleware await membersMiddleware.createSessionFromMagicLink(req, res, next); // Check behaviour;; res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.eql('/blah/?action=signup&success=false'); }); it('redirects free member to custom redirect on signup', async function () { req.url = '/members?token=test&action=signup'; req.query = {token: 'test', action: 'signup'}; // Fake token handling failure membersService.ssr.exchangeTokenForSession.resolves(); // Fake welcome page for free tier models.Product.findOne.resolves({ get: () => { return ''; } }); // Call the middleware await membersMiddleware.createSessionFromMagicLink(req, res, next); // Check behaviour;; res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.eql(''); }); it('redirects paid member to custom redirect on signup', async function () { req.url = '/members?token=test&action=signup'; req.query = {token: 'test', action: 'signup'}; // Fake token handling failure membersService.ssr.exchangeTokenForSession.resolves({ subscriptions: [{ status: 'active', tier: { welcome_page_url: '' } }] }); // Call the middleware await membersMiddleware.createSessionFromMagicLink(req, res, next); // Check behaviour;; res.redirect.firstCall.args[0].should.eql(''); }); }); });