/*globals window, $, _, Backbone, Validator */ (function () { "use strict"; var Ghost = { Layout : {}, Views : {}, Collections : {}, Models : {}, Validate : new Validator(), settings: { apiRoot: '/api/v0.1' }, // This is a helper object to denote legacy things in the // middle of being transitioned. temporary: {}, currentView: null, router: null }; _.extend(Ghost, Backbone.Events); Ghost.init = function () { Ghost.router = new Ghost.Router(); // This is needed so Backbone recognizes elements already rendered server side // as valid views, and events are bound Ghost.notifications = new Ghost.Views.NotificationCollection({model: []}); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, hashChange: false, root: '/ghost' }); }; Ghost.Validate.error = function (object) { this._errors.push(object); return this; }; Ghost.Validate.handleErrors = function () { _.each(Ghost.Validate._errors, function (errorObj) { Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'error', message: errorObj.message, status: 'passive' }); if (errorObj.hasOwnProperty('el')) { errorObj.el.addClass('input-error'); } }); }; window.Ghost = Ghost; }());