var should = require('should'), // jshint ignore:line sinon = require('sinon'), passport = require('passport'), rewire = require('rewire'), errors = require('../../../server/errors'), auth = rewire('../../../server/auth'), logging = require('../../../server/logging'), BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy, ClientPasswordStrategy = require('passport-oauth2-client-password').Strategy, user = {id: 1}, info = {scope: '*'}, token = 'test_token', testClient = 'test_client', testSecret = 'not_available', client = { id: 2, type: 'ua' }, sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); function registerSuccessfulBearerStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new BearerStrategy( function strategy(accessToken, done) { accessToken.should.eql(token); return done(null, user, info); } )); } function registerUnsuccessfulBearerStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new BearerStrategy( function strategy(accessToken, done) { accessToken.should.eql(token); return done(null, false); } )); } function registerFaultyBearerStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new BearerStrategy( function strategy(accessToken, done) { accessToken.should.eql(token); return done('error'); } )); } function registerSuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new ClientPasswordStrategy( function strategy(clientId, clientSecret, done) { clientId.should.eql(testClient); clientSecret.should.eql('not_available'); return done(null, client); } )); } function registerUnsuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new ClientPasswordStrategy( function strategy(clientId, clientSecret, done) { clientId.should.eql(testClient); clientSecret.should.eql('not_available'); return done(null, false); } )); } function registerFaultyClientPasswordStrategy() { // register fake BearerStrategy which always authenticates passport.use(new ClientPasswordStrategy( function strategy(clientId, clientSecret, done) { clientId.should.eql(testClient); clientSecret.should.eql('not_available'); return done('error'); } )); } describe('Auth', function () { var res, req, next, loggingStub; beforeEach(function () { req = {}; res = {}; next = sandbox.spy(); loggingStub = sandbox.stub(logging, 'error'); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); it('should require authorized user (user exists)', function (done) { req.user = {id: 1}; auth.authorize.requiresAuthorizedUser(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(); done(); }); it('should require authorized user (user is missing)', function (done) { req.user = false; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(403); (err instanceof errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }; auth.authorize.requiresAuthorizedUser(req, res, next); }); describe('User Authentication', function () { it('should authenticate user', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + token; registerSuccessfulBearerStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(null, user, info); done(); }); it('shouldn\'t pass with client, no bearer token', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.client = {id: 1}; res.status = {}; auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(); done(); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate user', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + token; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; registerUnsuccessfulBearerStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate without bearer token', function (done) { req.headers = {}; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; registerUnsuccessfulBearerStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate with bearer token and client', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + token; req.client = {id: 1}; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; registerUnsuccessfulBearerStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate when error', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + token; registerFaultyBearerStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateUser(req, res, next);; next.calledWith('error'); done(); }); }); describe('Client Authentication', function () { it('shouldn\'t require authorized client with bearer token', function (done) { req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + token; auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(); done(); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate client with broken bearer token', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.headers = {}; req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer'; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate client without client_id/client_secret', function (done) { req.body = {}; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate client without client_id', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_secret = testSecret; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate client without client_secret', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_id = testClient; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate without full client credentials', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_id = testClient; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; registerUnsuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate invalid/unknown client', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_id = testClient; req.body.client_secret = testSecret; res.status = {}; var next = function next(err) { err.statusCode.should.eql(401); (err instanceof errors.UnauthorizedError).should.eql(true); done(); }; registerUnsuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next); }); it('should authenticate valid/known client', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_id = testClient; req.body.client_secret = testSecret; req.headers = {}; registerSuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(null, client); done(); }); it('should authenticate client with id in query', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.query = {}; req.query.client_id = testClient; req.query.client_secret = testSecret; req.headers = {}; registerSuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(null, client); done(); }); it('should authenticate client with id + secret in query', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.query = {}; req.query.client_id = testClient; req.query.client_secret = testSecret; req.headers = {}; registerSuccessfulClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next);; next.calledWith(null, client); done(); }); it('shouldn\'t authenticate when error', function (done) { req.body = {}; req.body.client_id = testClient; req.body.client_secret = testSecret; res.status = {}; registerFaultyClientPasswordStrategy(); auth.authenticate.authenticateClient(req, res, next);; next.calledWith('error'); done(); }); }); });