import Ember from 'ember'; import ShortcutsMixin from 'ghost/mixins/shortcuts'; import imageManager from 'ghost/utils/ed-image-manager'; import editorShortcuts from 'ghost/utils/editor-shortcuts'; const {Component, computed, run} = Ember; const {equal} = computed; export default Component.extend(ShortcutsMixin, { tagName: 'section', classNames: ['view-container', 'view-editor'], activeTab: 'markdown', editor: null, editorDisabled: undefined, editorScrollInfo: null, // updated when gh-ed-editor component scrolls height: null, // updated when markdown is rendered shouldFocusEditor: false, showCopyHTMLModal: false, copyHTMLModalContent: null, shortcuts: editorShortcuts, markdownActive: equal('activeTab', 'markdown'), previewActive: equal('activeTab', 'preview'), // HTML Preview listens to scrollPosition and updates its scrollTop value // This property receives scrollInfo from the textEditor, and height from the preview pane, and will update the // scrollPosition value such that when either scrolling or typing-at-the-end of the text editor the preview pane // stays in sync scrollPosition: computed('editorScrollInfo', 'height', function () { let scrollInfo = this.get('editorScrollInfo'); let {$previewContent, $previewViewPort} = this; if (!scrollInfo || !$previewContent || !$previewViewPort) { return 0; } let previewHeight = $previewContent.height() - $previewViewPort.height(); let previewPosition, ratio; ratio = previewHeight / scrollInfo.diff; previewPosition = * ratio; return previewPosition; }), didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.registerShortcuts(); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._cacheElements); }, willDestroyElement() { if (this.get('onTeardown')) { this.get('onTeardown')(); } this.removeShortcuts(); }, _cacheElements() { // cache these elements for use in other methods this.$previewViewPort = this.$('.js-entry-preview-content'); this.$previewContent = this.$('.js-rendered-markdown'); }, actions: { selectTab(tab) { this.set('activeTab', tab); }, updateScrollInfo(scrollInfo) { this.set('editorScrollInfo', scrollInfo); }, updateHeight(height) { this.set('height', height); }, // set from a `sendAction` on the gh-ed-editor component, // so that we get a reference for handling uploads. setEditor(editor) { this.set('editor', editor); }, disableEditor() { this.set('editorDisabled', true); }, enableEditor() { this.set('editorDisabled', undefined); }, // The actual functionality is implemented in utils/ed-editor-shortcuts editorShortcut(options) { if (this.editor.$().is(':focus')) { this.editor.shortcut(options.type); } }, // Match the uploaded file to a line in the editor, and update that line with a path reference // ensuring that everything ends up in the correct place and format. handleImgUpload(imageIndex, newSrc) { let editor = this.get('editor'); let editorValue = editor.getValue(); let replacement = imageManager.getSrcRange(editorValue, imageIndex); let cursorPosition; if (replacement) { cursorPosition = replacement.start + newSrc.length + 1; if (replacement.needsParens) { newSrc = `(${newSrc})`; } editor.replaceSelection(newSrc, replacement.start, replacement.end, cursorPosition); } }, toggleCopyHTMLModal(generatedHTML) { this.set('copyHTMLModalContent', generatedHTML); this.toggleProperty('showCopyHTMLModal'); } } });