/* global CodeMirror, moment, Showdown */ // jscs:disable disallowSpacesInsideParentheses /** Set up a shortcut function to be called via router actions. * See editor-route-base */ import titleize from 'ghost/utils/titleize'; function init() { // remove predefined `ctrl+h` shortcut delete CodeMirror.keyMap.emacsy['Ctrl-H']; // Used for simple, noncomputational replace-and-go! shortcuts. // See default case in shortcut function below. CodeMirror.prototype.simpleShortcutSyntax = { bold: '**$1**', italic: '*$1*', strike: '~~$1~~', code: '`$1`', link: '[$1](http://)', image: '![$1](http://)', blockquote: '> $1' }; CodeMirror.prototype.shortcut = function (type) { var text = this.getSelection(), cursor = this.getCursor(), line = this.getLine(cursor.line), fromLineStart = {line: cursor.line, ch: 0}, toLineEnd = {line: cursor.line, ch: line.length}, md, letterCount, textIndex, position, converter, generatedHTML, match, currentHeaderLevel, hashPrefix, replacementLine; switch (type) { case 'cycleHeaderLevel': match = line.match(/^#+/); if (!match) { currentHeaderLevel = 1; } else { currentHeaderLevel = match[0].length; } if (currentHeaderLevel > 2) { currentHeaderLevel = 1; } hashPrefix = new Array(currentHeaderLevel + 2).join('#'); // jscs:disable replacementLine = hashPrefix + ' ' + line.replace(/^#* /, ''); // jscs:enable this.replaceRange(replacementLine, fromLineStart, toLineEnd); this.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + replacementLine.length); break; case 'link': md = this.simpleShortcutSyntax.link.replace('$1', text); this.replaceSelection(md, 'end'); if (!text) { this.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1); } else { textIndex = line.indexOf(text, cursor.ch - text.length); position = textIndex + md.length - 1; this.setSelection({ line: cursor.line, ch: position - 7 }, { line: cursor.line, ch: position }); } return; case 'image': md = this.simpleShortcutSyntax.image.replace('$1', text); if (line !== '') { md = '\n\n' + md; } this.replaceSelection(md, 'end'); cursor = this.getCursor(); this.setSelection({line: cursor.line, ch: cursor.ch - 8}, {line: cursor.line, ch: cursor.ch - 1}); return; case 'list': // jscs:disable md = text.replace(/^(\s*)(\w\W*)/gm, '$1* $2'); // jscs:enable this.replaceSelection(md, 'end'); return; case 'currentDate': md = moment(new Date()).format('D MMMM YYYY'); this.replaceSelection(md, 'end'); return; case 'uppercase': md = text.toLocaleUpperCase(); break; case 'lowercase': md = text.toLocaleLowerCase(); break; case 'titlecase': md = titleize(text); break; case 'copyHTML': converter = new Showdown.converter(); if (text) { generatedHTML = converter.makeHtml(text); } else { generatedHTML = converter.makeHtml(this.getValue()); } // Talk to Ember this.component.sendAction('openModal', 'copy-html', {generatedHTML: generatedHTML}); break; default: if (this.simpleShortcutSyntax[type]) { md = this.simpleShortcutSyntax[type].replace('$1', text); } } if (md) { this.replaceSelection(md, 'end'); if (!text) { letterCount = md.length; this.setCursor({ line: cursor.line, ch: cursor.ch + (letterCount / 2) }); } } }; } export default { init: init };