/** * Main controller for Ghost frontend */ /*global require, module */ var api = require('../../api'), config = require('../../config'), utils = require('../../utils'), filters = require('../../filters'), templates = require('./templates'), handleError = require('./error'), formatResponse = require('./format-response'), postLookup = require('./post-lookup'), setResponseContext = require('./context'), setRequestIsSecure = require('./secure'), frontendControllers; /* * Sets the response context around a post and renders it * with the current theme's post view. Used by post preview * and single post methods. * Returns a function that takes the post to be rendered. */ function renderPost(req, res) { return function renderPost(post) { var view = templates.single(req.app.get('activeTheme'), post), response = formatResponse.single(post); setResponseContext(req, res, response); res.render(view, response); }; } frontendControllers = { preview: function preview(req, res, next) { var params = { uuid: req.params.uuid, status: 'all', include: 'author,tags' }; api.posts.read(params).then(function then(result) { var post = result.posts[0]; if (!post) { return next(); } if (post.status === 'published') { return res.redirect(301, utils.url.urlFor('post', {post: post})); } setRequestIsSecure(req, post); filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', post, res.locals) .then(renderPost(req, res)); }).catch(handleError(next)); }, single: function single(req, res, next) { // Query database to find post return postLookup(req.path).then(function then(lookup) { var post = lookup ? lookup.post : false; if (!post) { return next(); } // CASE: last param is of url is /edit, redirect to admin if (lookup.isEditURL) { return res.redirect(config.paths.subdir + '/ghost/editor/' + post.id + '/'); } // CASE: permalink is not valid anymore, we redirect him permanently to the correct one if (post.url !== req.path) { return res.redirect(301, post.url); } setRequestIsSecure(req, post); filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', post, res.locals) .then(renderPost(req, res)); }).catch(handleError(next)); } }; module.exports = frontendControllers;