/*global window, document, Ghost, $, _, Backbone, JST, shortcut */ (function () { "use strict"; Ghost.TemplateView = Backbone.View.extend({ templateName: "widget", template: function (data) { return JST[this.templateName](data); }, templateData: function () { if (this.model) { return this.model.toJSON(); } if (this.collection) { return this.collection.toJSON(); } return {}; }, render: function () { if (_.isFunction(this.beforeRender)) { this.beforeRender(); } this.$el.html(this.template(this.templateData())); if (_.isFunction(this.afterRender)) { this.afterRender(); } return this; } }); Ghost.View = Ghost.TemplateView.extend({ // Adds a subview to the current view, which will // ensure its removal when this view is removed, // or when view.removeSubviews is called addSubview: function (view) { if (!(view instanceof Backbone.View)) { throw new Error("Subview must be a Backbone.View"); } this.subviews = this.subviews || []; this.subviews.push(view); return view; }, // Removes any subviews associated with this view // by `addSubview`, which will in-turn remove any // children of those views, and so on. removeSubviews: function () { var children = this.subviews; if (!children) { return this; } _(children).invoke("remove"); this.subviews = []; return this; }, // Extends the view's remove, by calling `removeSubviews` // if any subviews exist. remove: function () { if (this.subviews) { this.removeSubviews(); } return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); }, // Used in API request fail handlers to parse a standard api error // response json for the message to display getRequestErrorMessage: function (request) { var message; // Can't really continue without a request if (!request) { return null; } // Seems like a sensible default message = request.statusText; // If a non 200 response if (request.status !== 200) { try { // Try to parse out the error, or default to "Unknown" message = request.responseJSON.error || "Unknown Error"; } catch (e) { message = "The server returned an error (" + (request.status || "?") + ")."; } } return message; }, // Getting URL vars getUrlVariables: function () { var vars = [], hash, hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'), i; for (i = 0; i < hashes.length; i += 1) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; } }); /** * This is the view to generate the markup for the individual * notification. Will be included into #flashbar. * * States can be * - persistent * - passive * * Types can be * - error * - success * - alert * - (empty) * */ Ghost.Views.Notification = Ghost.View.extend({ templateName: 'notification', className: 'js-bb-notification', template: function (data) { return JST[this.templateName](data); }, render: function () { var html = this.template(this.model); this.$el.html(html); return this; } }); /** * This handles Notification groups */ Ghost.Views.NotificationCollection = Ghost.View.extend({ el: '#flashbar', initialize: function () { var self = this; this.render(); Backbone.history.on('route', function () { self.clearEverything(); }); }, events: { 'animationend .js-notification': 'removeItem', 'webkitAnimationEnd .js-notification': 'removeItem', 'oanimationend .js-notification': 'removeItem', 'MSAnimationEnd .js-notification': 'removeItem', 'click .js-notification.notification-passive .close': 'closePassive', 'click .js-notification.notification-persistent .close': 'closePersistent' }, render: function () { _.each(this.model, function (item) { this.renderItem(item); }, this); }, renderItem: function (item) { var itemView = new Ghost.Views.Notification({ model: item }); this.$el.html(itemView.render().el); }, addItem: function (item) { this.model.push(item); this.renderItem(item); }, clearEverything: function () { this.$el.find('.js-notification.notification-passive').fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, removeItem: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = e.currentTarget; if (self.className.indexOf('notification-persistent') !== -1) { $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: '/api/v0.1/notifications/' + $(self).find('.close').data('id') }).done(function (result) { $(e.currentTarget).remove(); }); } else { $(e.currentTarget).remove(); } }, closePassive: function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).parent().fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, closePersistent: function (e) { var self = e.currentTarget; $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: '/api/v0.1/notifications/' + $(self).data('id') }).done(function (result) { if ($(self).parent().parent().hasClass('js-bb-notification')) { $(self).parent().parent().fadeOut(200, function () { $(self).remove(); }); } else { $(self).parent().fadeOut(200, function () { $(self).remove(); }); } }); } }); // ## Modals Ghost.Views.Modal = Ghost.View.extend({ el: '#modal-container', templateName: 'modal', className: 'js-bb-modal', // Render and manages modal dismissal initialize: function () { this.render(); var self = this; if (!this.model.options.confirm) { shortcut.add("ESC", function () { self.removeElement(); }); $(document).on('click', '.modal-background', function (e) { self.removeElement(e); }); } else { // Initiate functions for buttons here so models don't get tied up. this.acceptModal = function () { this.model.options.confirm.accept.func(); self.removeElement(); }; this.rejectModal = function () { this.model.options.confirm.reject.func(); self.removeElement(); }; shortcut.remove("ESC"); $(document).off('click', '.modal-background'); } }, templateData: function () { return this.model; }, events: { 'click .close': 'removeElement', 'click .js-button-accept': 'acceptModal', 'click .js-button-reject': 'rejectModal' }, afterRender: function () { this.$(".modal-content").html(this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal.ContentView({model: this.model})).render().el); this.$el.children(".js-modal").center().css("max-height", $(window).height() - 120); // same as resize(), but the debounce causes init lag this.$el.addClass("active dark"); if (document.body.style.webkitFilter !== undefined) { // Detect webkit filters $("body").addClass("blur"); } var self = this; $(window).on('resize', self.resize); }, // #### resize // Center and resize modal based on window height resize: _.debounce(function () { $(".js-modal").center().css("max-height", $(window).height() - 120); }, 50), // #### remove // Removes Backbone attachments from modals remove: function () { this.undelegateEvents(); this.$el.empty(); this.stopListening(); return this; }, // #### removeElement // Visually removes the modal from the user interface removeElement: function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } var self = this; this.$el.removeClass('dark'); $('.js-modal').fadeOut(300, function () { $(this).remove(); if (document.body.style.filter !== undefined) { $("body").removeClass("blur"); } self.remove(); self.$el.removeClass('active'); }); } }); // ## Modal Content Ghost.Views.Modal.ContentView = Ghost.View.extend({ template: function (data) { return JST['modals/' + this.model.content.template](data); }, templateData: function () { return this.model; } }); }());