/*globals casper */ /** * Casper Tests * * Functional browser tests for checking that the Ghost Admin UI is working as expected * The setup of these tests is a little hacky for now, which is why they are not wired in to grunt * Requires that you are running Ghost locally and have already registered a single user * * Usage (from test/functional): * * casperjs test admin/ --includes=base.js [--host=localhost --port=2368 --noPort=false --email=ghost@tryghost.org --password=Sl1m3r] * * --host - your local host address e.g. localhost or local.tryghost.org * --port - port number of your local Ghost * --email - the email address your admin user is registered with * --password - the password your admin user is registered with * --noPort - don't include a port number * * Requirements: * you must have phantomjs 1.9.1 and casperjs 1.1.0-DEV installed in order for these tests to work */ var DEBUG = false, // TOGGLE THIS TO GET MORE SCREENSHOTS host = casper.cli.options.host || 'localhost', noPort = casper.cli.options.noPort || false, port = casper.cli.options.port || '2368', email = casper.cli.options.email || 'jbloggs@example.com', password = casper.cli.options.password || 'Sl1m3rson', url = 'http://' + host + (noPort ? '/' : ':' + port + '/'), newUser = { name: 'Test User', email: email, password: password }, newSetup = { 'blog-title': 'Test Blog', name: 'Test User', email: email, password: password }, user = { identification: email, password: password }, falseUser = { identification: email, password: 'letmethrough' }, testPost = { title: 'Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet', html: 'I am a test post.\n#I have some small content' }, screens; screens = { 'root': { url: 'ghost/', linkSelector: '#main-menu > li.content a', selector: '#main-menu .content.active' }, 'content': { url: 'ghost/content/', linkSelector: '#main-menu > li.content a', selector: '#main-menu .content.active' }, 'editor': { url: 'ghost/editor/', linkSelector: '#main-menu > li.editor a', selector: '#entry-title' }, 'settings': { url: 'ghost/settings/', linkSelector: '#main-menu > li.settings a', selector: '.settings-content' }, 'settings.general': { url: 'ghost/settings/general', selector: '.settings-content .settings-general' }, 'settings.user': { url: 'ghost/settings/user', linkSelector: '#user-menu li.usermenu-profile a', selector: '.settings-content .settings-user' }, 'signin': { url: 'ghost/signin/', selector: '.button-save' }, 'signin-authenticated': { url: 'ghost/signin/', //signin with authenticated user redirects to posts selector: '#main-menu .content.active' }, 'signout': { url: 'ghost/signout/', linkSelector: '#user-menu li.usermenu-signout a', // When no user exists we get redirected to setup which has button-add selector: '.button-save, .button-add' }, 'signup': { url: 'ghost/signup/', selector: '.button-save' }, 'setup': { url: 'ghost/setup/', selector: '.button-add' }, 'setup-authenticated': { url: 'ghost/setup/', selector: '#main-menu .content.active' } }; casper.writeContentToCodeMirror = function (content) { var lines = content.split('\n'); casper.waitForSelector('.CodeMirror-wrap textarea', function onSuccess() { casper.each(lines, function (self, line) { self.sendKeys('.CodeMirror-wrap textarea', line, {keepFocus: true}); self.sendKeys('.CodeMirror-wrap textarea', casper.page.event.key.Enter, {keepFocus: true}); }); return this; }, function onTimeout() { casper.test.fail('CodeMirror was not found.'); }, 2000); }; casper.waitForOpacity = function (classname, opacity, then, timeout) { timeout = timeout || casper.failOnTimeout(casper.test, 'waitForOpacity failed on ' + classname + ' ' + opacity); casper.waitForSelector(classname).then(function () { casper.waitFor(function checkOpaque() { var value = this.evaluate(function (element, opacity) { var target = document.querySelector(element); if (target === null) { return null; } return window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('opacity') === opacity; }, classname, opacity); if (value !== true && value !== false) { casper.test.fail('Unable to find element: ' + classname); } return value; }, then, timeout); }); }; casper.waitForOpaque = function (classname, then, timeout) { casper.waitForOpacity(classname, '1', then, timeout); }; casper.waitForTransparent = function (classname, then, timeout) { casper.waitForOpacity(classname, '0', then, timeout); }; // ### Then Open And Wait For Page Load // Always wait for the `#main` element as some indication that the ember app has loaded. casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad = function (screen, then, timeout) { then = then || function () {}; timeout = timeout || casper.failOnTimeout(casper.test, 'Unable to load ' + screen); return casper.thenOpen(url + screens[screen].url).then(function () { // Some screens fade in return casper.waitForOpaque(screens[screen].selector, then, timeout, 10000); }); }; casper.thenTransitionAndWaitForScreenLoad = function (screen, then, timeout) { then = then || function () {}; timeout = timeout || casper.failOnTimeout(casper.test, 'Unable to load ' + screen); return casper.thenClick(screens[screen].linkSelector).then(function () { // Some screens fade in return casper.waitForOpaque(screens[screen].selector, then, timeout, 10000); }); }; casper.failOnTimeout = function (test, message) { return function onTimeout() { test.fail(message); }; }; // ### Fill And Save // With Ember in place, we don't want to submit forms, rather press the button which always has a class of // 'button-save'. This method handles that smoothly. casper.fillAndSave = function (selector, data) { casper.then(function doFill() { casper.fill(selector, data, false); casper.thenClick('.button-save'); }); }; // ### Fill And Add // With Ember in place, we don't want to submit forms, rather press the green button which always has a class of // 'button-add'. This method handles that smoothly. casper.fillAndAdd = function (selector, data) { casper.then(function doFill() { casper.fill(selector, data, false); casper.thenClick('.button-add'); }); }; // ## Debugging var jsErrors = [], pageErrors = [], resourceErrors = []; // ## Echo Concise // Does casper.echo but checks for the presence of the --concise flag casper.echoConcise = function (message, style) { if (!casper.cli.options.concise) { casper.echo(message, style); } }; // pass through all console.logs casper.on('remote.message', function (msg) { casper.echoConcise('CONSOLE LOG: ' + msg, 'INFO'); }); // output any errors casper.on('error', function (msg, trace) { casper.echoConcise('ERROR, ' + msg, 'ERROR'); if (trace) { casper.echoConcise('file: ' + trace[0].file, 'WARNING'); casper.echoConcise('line: ' + trace[0].line, 'WARNING'); casper.echoConcise('function: ' + trace[0]['function'], 'WARNING'); } jsErrors.push(msg); }); // output any page errors casper.on('page.error', function (msg, trace) { casper.echoConcise('PAGE ERROR: ' + msg, 'ERROR'); if (trace) { casper.echoConcise('file: ' + trace[0].file, 'WARNING'); casper.echoConcise('line: ' + trace[0].line, 'WARNING'); casper.echoConcise('function: ' + trace[0]['function'], 'WARNING'); } pageErrors.push(msg); }); casper.on('resource.received', function(resource) { var status = resource.status; if(status >= 400) { casper.echoConcise('RESOURCE ERROR: ' + resource.url + ' failed to load (' + status + ')', 'ERROR'); resourceErrors.push({ url: resource.url, status: resource.status }); } }); casper.captureScreenshot = function (filename, debugOnly) { debugOnly = debugOnly !== false; // If we are in debug mode, OR debugOnly is false if (DEBUG || debugOnly === false) { filename = filename || 'casper_test_fail.png'; casper.then(function () { casper.capture(new Date().getTime() + '_' + filename); }); } }; // on failure, grab a screenshot casper.test.on('fail', function captureFailure() { casper.captureScreenshot(casper.test.filename || 'casper_test_fail.png', false); casper.then(function () { console.log(casper.getHTML()); casper.exit(1); }); }); // on exit, output any errors casper.test.on('exit', function() { if (jsErrors.length > 0) { casper.echo(jsErrors.length + ' Javascript errors found', 'WARNING'); } else { casper.echo(jsErrors.length + ' Javascript errors found', 'INFO'); } if (pageErrors.length > 0) { casper.echo(pageErrors.length + ' Page errors found', 'WARNING'); } else { casper.echo(pageErrors.length + ' Page errors found', 'INFO'); } if (resourceErrors.length > 0) { casper.echo(resourceErrors.length + ' Resource errors found', 'WARNING'); } else { casper.echo(resourceErrors.length + ' Resource errors found', 'INFO'); } }); var CasperTest = (function () { var _beforeDoneHandler, _noop = function noop() { }, _isUserRegistered = false; // Always log out at end of test. casper.test.tearDown(function (done) { casper.then(_beforeDoneHandler); CasperTest.Routines.signout.run(); casper.run(done); }); // Wrapper around `casper.test.begin` function begin(testName, expect, suite, doNotAutoLogin) { _beforeDoneHandler = _noop; var runTest = function (test) { test.filename = testName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').concat('.png'); casper.start('about:blank').viewport(1280, 1024); if (!doNotAutoLogin) { // Only call register once for the lifetime of CasperTest if (!_isUserRegistered) { CasperTest.Routines.signout.run(); CasperTest.Routines.setup.run(); _isUserRegistered = true; } /* Ensure we're logged out at the start of every test or we may get unexpected failures. */ CasperTest.Routines.signout.run(); CasperTest.Routines.signin.run(); } suite.call(casper, test); casper.run(function () { test.done(); }); }; if (typeof expect === 'function') { doNotAutoLogin = suite; suite = expect; casper.test.begin(testName, runTest); } else { casper.test.begin(testName, expect, runTest); } } // Sets a handler to be invoked right before `test.done` is invoked function beforeDone(fn) { if (fn) { _beforeDoneHandler = fn; } else { _beforeDoneHandler = _noop; } } return { begin: begin, beforeDone: beforeDone }; }()); CasperTest.Routines = (function () { function setup() { casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('setup', function then() { casper.captureScreenshot('setting_up1.png'); casper.waitForOpaque('.setup-box', function then() { this.fillAndAdd('#setup', newSetup); }); casper.captureScreenshot('setting_up2.png'); casper.waitForSelectorTextChange('.notification-error', function onSuccess() { var errorText = casper.evaluate(function () { return document.querySelector('.notification-error').innerText; }); casper.echoConcise('It appears as though a user is already registered. Error text: ' + errorText); }, function onTimeout() { casper.echoConcise('It appears as though a user was not already registered.'); }, 2000); casper.captureScreenshot('setting_up3.png'); }); } function signin() { casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('signin', function then() { casper.waitForOpaque('.login-box', function then() { casper.captureScreenshot('signing_in.png'); this.fillAndSave('#login', user); casper.captureScreenshot('signing_in2.png'); }); casper.waitForResource(/posts\/\?status=all&staticPages=all/, function then() { casper.captureScreenshot('signing_in.png'); }, function timeout() { casper.test.fail('Unable to signin and load admin panel'); }); }); } function signout() { casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('signout', function then() { casper.captureScreenshot('ember_signing_out.png'); }); } // This will need switching over to ember once settings general is working properly. function togglePermalinks(state) { casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('settings.general', function then() { var currentState = this.evaluate(function () { return document.querySelector('#permalinks') && document.querySelector('#permalinks').checked ? 'on' : 'off'; }); if (currentState !== state) { casper.thenClick('#permalinks'); casper.thenClick('.button-save'); casper.captureScreenshot('saving.png'); casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function () { casper.captureScreenshot('saved.png'); }); } }); } function createTestPost(publish) { casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('editor', function createTestPost() { casper.sendKeys('#entry-title', testPost.title); casper.writeContentToCodeMirror(testPost.html); casper.sendKeys('#entry-tags input.tag-input', 'TestTag'); casper.sendKeys('#entry-tags input.tag-input', casper.page.event.key.Enter); }); casper.waitForSelectorTextChange('.entry-preview .rendered-markdown'); if (publish) { // Open the publish options menu; casper.thenClick('.js-publish-splitbutton .options.up'); casper.waitForOpaque('.js-publish-splitbutton .open'); // Select the publish post button casper.thenClick('.js-publish-splitbutton li:first-child a'); casper.waitForSelectorTextChange('.js-publish-button', function onSuccess() { casper.thenClick('.js-publish-button'); }); } else { casper.thenClick('.js-publish-button'); } casper.waitForResource(/posts\/\?include=tags$/); } function _createRunner(fn) { fn.run = function run(test) { var routine = this; casper.then(function () { routine.call(casper, test); }); }; return fn; } return { setup: _createRunner(setup), signin: _createRunner(signin), signout: _createRunner(signout), createTestPost: _createRunner(createTestPost), togglePermalinks: _createRunner(togglePermalinks) }; }());