// Functions to imitate the behavior of Downsize@0.0.5 with 'words: "0"' (heavily based on Downsize) var stack, tagName, tagBuffer, truncatedText, parseState, pointer, states = {unitialized: 0, tag_commenced: 1, tag_string: -1, tag_string_single: -2, comment: -3}, voidElements = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']; function getTagName(tag) { var tagName = (tag || '').match(/<\/*([a-z0-9\:\-\_]+)/i); return tagName ? tagName[1] : null; } function closeTag(openingTag) { var tagName = (getTagName(openingTag)) ? '</' + getTagName(openingTag) + '>' : ''; return tagName; } function downzero(text) { stack = []; tagName = ''; tagBuffer = ''; truncatedText = ''; parseState = 0; pointer = 0; for (; pointer < text.length; pointer += 1) { if (parseState !== states.unitialized) { tagBuffer += text[pointer]; } switch (text[pointer]) { case '<': if (parseState === states.unitialized && text[pointer + 1].match(/[a-z0-9\-\_\/\!]/)) { parseState = states.tag_commenced; tagBuffer += text[pointer]; } break; case '!': if (parseState === states.tag_commenced && text[pointer - 1] === '<') { parseState = states.comment; } break; case '\"': if (parseState === states.tag_string) { parseState = states.tag_commenced; } else if (parseState === states.tag_string_single) { // if double quote is found in a single quote string, ignore it and let the string finish break; } else if (parseState !== states.unitialized) { parseState = states.tag_string; } break; case '\'': if (parseState === states.tag_string_single) { parseState = states.tag_commenced; } else if (parseState === states.tag_string) { break; } else if (parseState !== states.unitialized) { parseState = states.tag_string_single; } break; case '>': if (parseState === states.tag_commenced) { parseState = states.unitialized; truncatedText += tagBuffer; tagName = getTagName(tagBuffer); if (tagBuffer.match(/<\s*\//) && getTagName(stack[stack.length - 1]) === tagName) { stack.pop(); } else if (voidElements.indexOf(tagName) < 0 && !tagBuffer.match(/\/\s*>$/)) { stack.push(tagBuffer); } tagBuffer = ''; continue; } if (parseState === states.comment && text.substring(pointer - 2, pointer) === '--') { parseState = states.unitialized; truncatedText += tagBuffer; tagBuffer = ''; continue; } break; case '-': break; } if (!parseState) { break; } } truncatedText += tagBuffer; while (stack.length) { truncatedText += closeTag(stack.pop()); } return truncatedText; } module.exports = downzero;