/*globals describe, beforeEach, it*/ var testUtils = require('./testUtils'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), when = require('when'), fs = require('fs-extra'), // Stuff we are testing admin = require('../../server/controllers/admin'); describe('Admin Controller', function() { describe('uploader', function() { var req; var res; beforeEach(function() { req = { files: { uploadimage: { path: "/tmp/TMPFILEID" } } }; res = { send: function(){} }; }); describe('can not upload invalid file', function() { it('should return 404 for invalid file type', function() { res.send = sinon.stub(); req.files.uploadimage.name = "INVALID.FILE"; admin.uploader(req, res); res.send.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.send.args[0][0].should.equal(404); res.send.args[0][1].should.equal('Invalid filetype'); }); }); describe('valid file', function() { var clock; beforeEach(function() { req.files.uploadimage.name = "IMAGE.jpg"; sinon.stub(fs, 'mkdirs').yields(); sinon.stub(fs, 'copy').yields(); sinon.stub(fs, 'exists').yields(false); }); afterEach(function() { fs.mkdirs.restore(); fs.copy.restore(); fs.exists.restore(); clock.restore(); }); it('can upload jpg', function(done) { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(42); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.not.equal(404); return done(); }); admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('can upload png', function(done) { req.files.uploadimage.name = "IMAGE.png"; clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(42); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.not.equal(404); return done(); }); admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('can upload gif', function(done) { req.files.uploadimage.name = "IMAGE.gif"; clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(42); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.not.equal(404); return done(); }); admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('should send correct path to image when today is in Sep 2013', function(done) { // Sat Sep 07 2013 21:24 clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2013, 8, 7, 21, 24).getTime()); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.equal('/content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE.jpg'); return done(); }); return admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('should send correct path to image when today is in Jan 2014', function(done) { // Jan 1 2014 12:00 clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2014, 0, 1, 12).getTime()); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.equal('/content/images/2014/Jan/IMAGE.jpg'); return done(); }); admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('can upload two different images with the same name without overwriting the first', function(done) { // Sun Sep 08 2013 10:57 clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2013, 8, 8, 10, 57).getTime()); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE.jpg').yields(true); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-1.jpg').yields(false); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.equal('/content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-1.jpg'); return done(); }); return admin.uploader(req, res); }); it('can upload five different images with the same name without overwriting the first', function(done) { // Sun Sep 08 2013 10:57 clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2013, 8, 8, 10, 57).getTime()); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE.jpg').yields(true); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-1.jpg').yields(true); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-2.jpg').yields(true); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-3.jpg').yields(true); fs.exists.withArgs('content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-4.jpg').yields(false); sinon.stub(res, 'send', function(data) { data.should.equal('/content/images/2013/Sep/IMAGE-4.jpg'); return done(); }); return admin.uploader(req, res); }); }); }); });