const config = require('../server/config'); const sentryConfig = config.get('sentry'); const expressNoop = function (req, res, next) { next(); }; if (sentryConfig && !sentryConfig.disabled) { const Sentry = require('@sentry/node'); const version = require('../server/lib/ghost-version').full; const environment = config.get('env'); Sentry.init({ dsn: sentryConfig.dsn, release: 'ghost@' + version, environment: environment }); module.exports = { requestHandler: Sentry.Handlers.requestHandler(), errorHandler: Sentry.Handlers.errorHandler({ shouldHandleError(error) { // Only handle 500 errors for now // This is because the only other 5XX error should be 503, which are deliberate maintenance/boot errors return (error.statusCode === 500); } }), captureException: Sentry.captureException }; } else { module.exports = { requestHandler: expressNoop, errorHandler: expressNoop, captureException: () => {} }; }