/* global md5 */ import Ember from 'ember'; import {request as ajax} from 'ic-ajax'; import ValidationEngine from 'ghost/mixins/validation-engine'; export default Ember.Controller.extend(ValidationEngine, { size: 90, blogTitle: null, name: null, email: '', password: null, image: null, submitting: false, ghostPaths: Ember.inject.service('ghost-paths'), notifications: Ember.inject.service(), application: Ember.inject.controller(), gravatarUrl: Ember.computed('email', function () { var email = this.get('email'), size = this.get('size'); return 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + md5(email) + '?s=' + size + '&d=blank'; }), userImage: Ember.computed('gravatarUrl', function () { return this.get('image') || this.get('gravatarUrl'); }), userImageBackground: Ember.computed('userImage', function () { return 'background-image: url(' + this.get('userImage') + ')'; }), invalidMessage: 'The password fairy does not approve', // ValidationEngine settings validationType: 'setup', actions: { setup: function () { var self = this, data = self.getProperties('blogTitle', 'name', 'email', 'password'), notifications = this.get('notifications'); this.toggleProperty('submitting'); this.validate().then(function () { self.set('showError', false); ajax({ url: self.get('ghostPaths.url').api('authentication', 'setup'), type: 'POST', data: { setup: [{ name: data.name, email: data.email, password: data.password, blogTitle: data.blogTitle }] } }).then(function () { // Don't call the success handler, otherwise we will be redirected to admin self.get('application').set('skipAuthSuccessHandler', true); self.get('session').authenticate('simple-auth-authenticator:oauth2-password-grant', { identification: self.get('email'), password: self.get('password') }).then(function () { self.set('password', ''); self.transitionToRoute('setup.three'); }); }).catch(function (resp) { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); notifications.showAPIError(resp); }); }).catch(function () { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); self.set('showError', true); }); } } });