const sinon = require('sinon'); const should = require('should'); // Stuff we are testing const date = require('../../../../core/frontend/helpers/date'); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); describe('{{date}} helper', function () { it('creates properly formatted date strings', function () { const testDates = [ '2013-12-31T11:28:58.593+02:00', '2014-01-01T01:28:58.593+11:00', '2014-02-20T01:28:58.593-04:00', '2014-03-01T01:28:58.593+00:00' ]; const timezone = 'Europe/Dublin'; const format = 'MMM Do, YYYY'; const context = { hash: { format: format }, data: { site: { timezone } } }; let rendered; testDates.forEach(function (d) { rendered ={published_at: d}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).format(format)); rendered ={}, d, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).format(format)); }); // No date falls back to now rendered ={}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment().tz(timezone).format(format)); }); it('creates properly localised date strings', function () { const testDates = [ '2013-12-31T23:58:58.593+02:00', '2014-01-01T00:28:58.593+11:00', '2014-11-20T01:28:58.593-04:00', '2014-03-01T01:28:58.593+00:00' ]; const locales = [ 'en', 'en-gb', 'de' ]; const timezone = 'Europe/Dublin'; const format = 'll'; locales.forEach(function (locale) { let rendered; const context = { hash: {}, data: { site: { timezone, locale } } }; testDates.forEach(function (d) { rendered ={published_at: d}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).locale(locale).format(format)); rendered ={}, d, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).locale(locale).format(format)); }); // No date falls back to now rendered ={}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment().tz(timezone).locale(locale).format(format)); }); }); it('creates properly formatted time ago date strings', function () { const testDates = [ '2013-12-31T23:58:58.593+02:00', '2014-01-01T00:28:58.593+11:00', '2014-11-20T01:28:58.593-04:00', '2014-03-01T01:28:58.593+00:00' ]; const timezone = 'Europe/Dublin'; const timeNow = moment().tz('Europe/Dublin'); const context = { hash: { timeago: true }, data: { site: { timezone } } }; let rendered; testDates.forEach(function (d) { rendered ={published_at: d}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).from(timeNow)); rendered ={}, d, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal(moment(d).tz(timezone).from(timeNow)); }); // No date falls back to now rendered ={}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal('a few seconds ago'); }); it('ignores an invalid date, defaulting to now', function () { const timezone = 'Europe/Dublin'; const timeNow = moment().tz('Europe/Dublin'); const context = { hash: { timeago: true }, data: { site: { timezone } } }; let invalidDate = 'Fred'; let rendered; rendered ={published_at: invalidDate}, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal('a few seconds ago'); rendered ={}, invalidDate, context); should.exist(rendered); String(rendered).should.equal('a few seconds ago'); }); it('allows user to override the site\'s locale and timezone', function () { const context = { hash: { format: 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ' // RFC 822 }, data: { site: { timezone: 'Asia/Tokyo', locale: 'ja-jp' } } }; // Using the site locale by default, none specified in hash const published_at = '2013-12-31T23:58:58.593+02:00'; String({published_at}, context)).should.equal('水, 01 1月 2014 06:58:58 +0900'); // Overriding the site locale and timezone in hash context.hash.timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; context.hash.locale = 'fr-fr'; String({published_at}, context)).should.equal('mar., 31 déc. 2013 22:58:58 +0100'); context.hash.timezone = 'Europe/Moscow'; context.hash.locale = 'ru-ru'; String({published_at}, context)).should.equal('ср, 01 янв. 2014 01:58:58 +0400'); context.hash.locale = 'en-us'; String({published_at}, context)).should.equal('Wed, 01 Jan 2014 01:58:58 +0400'); }); });