/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, before, it*/ var testUtils = require('./testUtils'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), _ = require("underscore"), when = require('when'), errors = require('../../server/errorHandling'), // Stuff we are testing plugins = require('../../server/plugins'), GhostPlugin = plugins.GhostPlugin, loader = require('../../server/plugins/loader'), FancyFirstChar = require('../../../content/plugins/FancyFirstChar'); describe('Plugins', function () { var sandbox; before(function (done) { testUtils.clearData().then(function () { done(); }, done); }); beforeEach(function (done) { this.timeout(5000); sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); testUtils.initData().then(function () { done(); }, done); }); afterEach(function (done) { sandbox.restore(); testUtils.clearData().then(function () { done(); }, done); }); describe('GhostPlugin Class', function () { should.exist(GhostPlugin); it('sets app instance', function () { var fakeGhost = {fake: true}, plugin = new GhostPlugin(fakeGhost); plugin.app.should.equal(fakeGhost); }); it('has default install, uninstall, activate and deactivate methods', function () { var fakeGhost = {fake: true}, plugin = new GhostPlugin(fakeGhost); _.isFunction(plugin.install).should.equal(true); _.isFunction(plugin.uninstall).should.equal(true); _.isFunction(plugin.activate).should.equal(true); _.isFunction(plugin.deactivate).should.equal(true); }); }); describe('loader', function () { // TODO: These depend heavily on the FancyFirstChar plugin being present. it('can load FancyFirstChar by name and unload', function (done) { var fancyPlugin = require("../../../content/plugins/FancyFirstChar"), fakeGhost = { registerFilter: function () { return; }, unregisterFilter: function () { return; } }, installMock = sinon.stub(fancyPlugin, "install"), uninstallMock = sinon.stub(fancyPlugin, "uninstall"), registerMock = sinon.stub(fakeGhost, "registerFilter"), unregisterMock = sinon.stub(fakeGhost, "unregisterFilter"); loader.installPluginByName("FancyFirstChar", fakeGhost).then(function (loadedPlugin) { should.exist(loadedPlugin); installMock.called.should.equal(true); loadedPlugin.activate(fakeGhost); // Registers the filter registerMock.called.should.equal(true); loadedPlugin.deactivate(fakeGhost); // Unregisters the filter unregisterMock.called.should.equal(true); loadedPlugin.uninstall(fakeGhost); done(); }, done); }); }); it("can initialize an array of plugins", function (done) { var fakeGhost = { registerFilter: sandbox.stub(), unregisterFilter: sandbox.stub() }, installSpy = sinon.spy(loader, "installPluginByName"), activateSpy = sinon.spy(loader, "activatePluginByName"); plugins.init(fakeGhost, ["FancyFirstChar"]).then(function (loadedPlugins) { should.exist(loadedPlugins); should.exist(loadedPlugins["FancyFirstChar"]); installSpy.called.should.equal(true); activateSpy.called.should.equal(true); var api = require("../../server/api"); return api.settings.read("installedPlugins").then(function (setting) { should.exist(setting); setting.value.should.equal('["FancyFirstChar"]'); done(); }); }, done); }); describe("FancyFirstChar", function () { it("has install and uninstall handlers", function () { should.exist(FancyFirstChar.install); should.exist(FancyFirstChar.uninstall); }); it("activates and deactivates properly", function () { var fakeGhost = { registerFilter: sandbox.stub(), unregisterFilter: sandbox.stub() }; FancyFirstChar.activate(fakeGhost); fakeGhost.registerFilter.called.should.equal(true); FancyFirstChar.deactivate(fakeGhost); fakeGhost.unregisterFilter.called.should.equal(true); }); it("fancifies simple text", function () { var original = "Some text to fancify", expect = 'Some text to fancify', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("fancifies in single tag", function () { var original = "
Some text to fancify
", expect = 'Some text to fancify
', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("fancifies in nested tag", function () { var original = "Some text to fancify
", expect = 'Some text to fancify
', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("fancifies in nested nested tag", function () { var original = "Some text to fancify
", expect = 'Some text to fancify
', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("fancifies with tags before first text", function () { var original = "Some text to fancify
", expect = "Some text to fancify
", result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("does nothing if no text found", function () { var original = "", expect = "", result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("skips leading white space", function () { var original = "\n\tSome text to fancify
", expect = '\n\tSome text to fancify
', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); it("skips white space in inner tags", function () { var original = "\n\t\n\t\t Some text to fancify
", expect = '\n\t\n\t\t Some text to fancify
', result; result = FancyFirstChar.fancify(original); result.should.equal(expect); }); }); });