var Post, Posts, _ = require('underscore'), uuid = require('node-uuid'), when = require('when'), errors = require('../errorHandling'), Showdown = require('showdown'), github = require('../../shared/vendor/showdown/extensions/github'), converter = new Showdown.converter({extensions: [github]}), User = require('./user').User, Tag = require('./tag').Tag, GhostBookshelf = require('./base'); Post = GhostBookshelf.Model.extend({ tableName: 'posts', permittedAttributes: [ 'id', 'uuid', 'title', 'slug', 'content_raw', 'content', 'meta_title', 'meta_description', 'meta_keywords', 'featured', 'image', 'status', 'language', 'author_id', 'created_at', 'created_by', 'updated_at', 'updated_by', 'published_at', 'published_by' ], hasTimestamps: true, defaults: function () { return { uuid: uuid.v4(), status: 'draft' // TODO: language: ghost.config().defaultLang); }; }, initialize: function () { this.on('creating', this.creating, this); this.on('saving', this.updateTags, this); this.on('saving', this.saving, this); this.on('saving', this.validate, this); }, validate: function () { GhostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('title'), "Post title cannot be blank").notEmpty(); return true; }, saving: function () { // Deal with the related data here // Remove any properties which don't belong on the post model this.attributes = this.pick(this.permittedAttributes); this.set('content', converter.makeHtml(this.get('content_raw'))); this.set('title', this.get('title').trim()); if (this.hasChanged('status') && this.get('status') === 'published') { this.set('published_at', new Date()); // This will need to go elsewhere in the API layer. this.set('published_by', 1); } this.set('updated_by', 1); // refactoring of ghost required in order to make these details available here }, creating: function () { // set any dynamic default properties var self = this; if (!this.get('created_by')) { this.set('created_by', 1); } if (!this.get('author_id')) { this.set('author_id', 1); } if (!this.get('slug')) { // Generating a slug requires a db call to look for conflicting slugs return this.generateSlug(this.get('title')) .then(function (slug) { self.set({slug: slug}); }); } }, // #### generateSlug // Create a string act as the permalink for a post. generateSlug: function (title) { var slug, slugTryCount = 1, // Look for a post with a matching slug, append an incrementing number if so checkIfSlugExists = function (slugToFind) { return{slug: slugToFind}).then(function (found) { var trimSpace; if (!found) { return when.resolve(slugToFind); } slugTryCount += 1; // If this is the first time through, add the hyphen if (slugTryCount === 2) { slugToFind += '-'; } else { // Otherwise, trim the number off the end trimSpace = -(String(slugTryCount - 1).length); slugToFind = slugToFind.slice(0, trimSpace); } slugToFind += slugTryCount; return checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind); }); }; // Remove URL reserved chars: `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` as well as `\%<>|^~£"` slug = title.trim().replace(/[:\/\?#\[\]@!$&'()*+,;=\\%<>\|\^~£"]/g, '') // Replace dots and spaces with a dash .replace(/(\s|\.)/g, '-') // Convert 2 or more dashes into a single dash .replace(/-+/g, '-') // Make the whole thing lowercase .toLowerCase(); // Remove trailing hypen slug = slug.charAt(slug.length - 1) === '-' ? slug.substr(0, slug.length - 1) : slug; // Check the filtered slug doesn't match any of the reserved keywords slug = /^(ghost|ghost\-admin|admin|wp\-admin|dashboard|login|archive|archives|category|categories|tag|tags|page|pages|post|posts)$/g .test(slug) ? slug + '-post' : slug; //if slug is empty after trimming use "post" if (!slug) { slug = "post"; } // Test for duplicate slugs. return checkIfSlugExists(slug); }, updateTags: function (newTags) { var self = this, tagOperations = [], tagsToDetach, existingTagIDs, tagsToCreateAndAdd, tagsToAddByID, fetchOperation; if (newTags === this) { newTags = this.get('tags'); } if (!newTags || ! { return; } fetchOperation = Post.forge({id:}).fetch({withRelated: ['tags']}); return fetchOperation.then(function (thisModelWithTags) { var existingTags = thisModelWithTags.related('tags').models; tagsToDetach = existingTags.filter(function (existingTag) { var tagStillRemains = newTags.some(function (newTag) { return ===; }); return !tagStillRemains; }); if (tagsToDetach.length > 0) { tagOperations.push(self.tags().detach(tagsToDetach)); } // Detect any tags that have been added by ID existingTagIDs = (existingTag) { return; }); tagsToAddByID = newTags.filter(function (newTag) { return existingTagIDs.indexOf( === -1; }); if (tagsToAddByID.length > 0) { tagsToAddByID = _.pluck(tagsToAddByID, 'id'); tagOperations.push(self.tags().attach(tagsToAddByID)); } // Detect any tags that have been added, but don't already exist in the database tagsToCreateAndAdd = newTags.filter(function (newTag) { return === null || === undefined; }); tagsToCreateAndAdd.forEach(function (tagToCreateAndAdd) { var createAndAddOperation = Tag.add({name:}).then(function (createdTag) { return self.tags().attach(; }); tagOperations.push(createAndAddOperation); }); return when.all(tagOperations); }); }, // Relations user: function () { return this.belongsTo(User, 'created_by'); }, author: function () { return this.belongsTo(User, 'author_id'); }, tags: function () { return this.belongsToMany(Tag); } }, { // #### findAll // Extends base model findAll to eager-fetch author and user relationships. findAll: function (options) { options = options || {}; options.withRelated = [ "author", "user", "tags" ]; return, options); }, // #### findOne // Extends base model findOne to eager-fetch author and user relationships. findOne: function (args, options) { options = options || {}; options.withRelated = [ "author", "user", "tags" ]; return, args, options); }, // #### findPage // Find results by page - returns an object containing the // information about the request (page, limit), along with the // info needed for pagination (pages, total). // **response:** // { // posts: [ // {...}, {...}, {...} // ], // page: __, // limit: __, // pages: __, // total: __ // } /* * @params opts */ findPage: function (opts) { var postCollection; // Allow findPage(n) if (_.isString(opts) || _.isNumber(opts)) { opts = {page: opts}; } opts = _.extend({ page: 1, limit: 15, where: {}, status: 'published', orderBy: ['published_at', 'DESC'] }, opts); postCollection = Posts.forge(); // Unless `all` is passed as an option, filter on // the status provided. if (opts.status !== 'all') { opts.where.status = opts.status; } // If there are where conditionals specified, add those // to the query. if (opts.where) { postCollection.query('where', opts.where); } opts.withRelated = [ "author", "user", "tags" ]; // Set the limit & offset for the query, fetching // with the opts (to specify any eager relations, etc.) // Omitting the `page`, `limit`, `where` just to be sure // aren't used for other purposes. return postCollection .query('limit', opts.limit) .query('offset', opts.limit * ( - 1)) .query('orderBy', opts.orderBy[0], opts.orderBy[1]) .fetch(_.omit(opts, 'page', 'limit', 'where', 'status', 'orderBy')) .then(function (collection) { var qb; // After we're done, we need to figure out what // the limits are for the pagination values. qb = GhostBookshelf.Knex(_.result(collection, 'tableName')); if (opts.where) { qb.where(opts.where); } return qb.count(_.result(collection, 'idAttribute')).then(function (resp) { var totalPosts = resp[0].aggregate, data = { posts: collection.toJSON(), page:, limit: opts.limit, pages: Math.ceil(totalPosts / opts.limit), total: totalPosts }; if (data.pages > 1) { if ( === 1) { = + 1; } else if ( === data.pages) { data.prev = - 1; } else { = + 1; data.prev = - 1; } } return data; }, errors.logAndThrowError); }, errors.logAndThrowError); }, permissable: function (postModelOrId, userId, action_type, userPermissions) { var self = this, hasPermission, postModel = postModelOrId; // If we passed in an id instead of a model, get the model // then check the permissions if (_.isNumber(postModelOrId) || _.isString(postModelOrId)) { return{id: postModelOrId}).then(function (foundPostModel) { return self.permissable(foundPostModel, userId, action_type, userPermissions); }, errors.logAndThrowError); } // Check if any permissions apply for this user and post. hasPermission = _.any(userPermissions, function (perm) { // Check for matching action type and object type if (perm.get('action_type') !== action_type || perm.get('object_type') !== 'post') { return false; } // If asking whether we can create posts, // and we have a create posts permission then go ahead and say yes if (action_type === 'create' && perm.get('action_type') === action_type) { return true; } // Check for either no object id or a matching one return !perm.get('object_id') || perm.get('object_id') ===; }); // If this is the author of the post, allow it. // Moved below the permissions checks because there may not be a postModel // in the case like canThis(user) hasPermission = hasPermission || (postModel && userId === postModel.get('author_id')); // Resolve if we have appropriate permissions if (hasPermission) { return when.resolve(); } // Otherwise, you shall not pass. return when.reject(); }, add: function (newPostData, options) { return, newPostData, options).tap(function (post) { // associated models can't be created until the post has an ID, so run this after return post.updateTags(newPostData.tags); }); } }); Posts = GhostBookshelf.Collection.extend({ model: Post }); module.exports = { Post: Post, Posts: Posts };