import {E2E_PORT} from '../../playwright.config'; import {Locator, Page} from '@playwright/test'; import {MockedApi} from './MockedApi'; import {expect} from '@playwright/test'; export const MOCKED_SITE_URL = 'https://localhost:1234'; export {MockedApi}; export async function waitEditorFocused(editor: Locator) { // Wait for focused const internalEditor = editor.getByTestId('editor'); await expect(internalEditor).toBeFocused(); } function escapeHtml(unsafe: string) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') .replace(//g, '>'); } function authFrameMain() { window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { let d = null; try { d = JSON.parse(; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (!d) { return; } const data: {uid: string, action: string} = d; function respond(error, result) { event.source!.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ uid: data.uid, error: error, result: result })); } if (data.action === 'getUser') { try { respond(null, { users: [ { id: 'someone' } ] }); } catch (err) { respond(err, null); } return; } // Other actions: return empty object try { respond(null, {}); } catch (err) { respond(err, null); } }); } export async function mockAdminAuthFrame({admin, page}) { await page.route(admin + 'auth-frame/', async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: `` }); }); } export async function mockAdminAuthFrame204({admin, page}) { await page.route(admin + 'auth-frame/', async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ status: 204 }); }); } export async function initialize({mockedApi, page, bodyStyle, ...options}: { mockedApi: MockedApi, page: Page, path?: string; ghostComments?: string, key?: string, api?: string, admin?: string, colorScheme?: string, avatarSaturation?: string, accentColor?: string, commentsEnabled?: string, title?: string, count?: boolean, publication?: string, postId?: string, bodyStyle?: string, }) { const sitePath = MOCKED_SITE_URL; await page.route(sitePath, async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: `` }); }); const url = `http://localhost:${E2E_PORT}/comments-ui.min.js`; await page.setViewportSize({width: 1000, height: 1000}); await page.goto(sitePath); await mockedApi.listen({page, path: sitePath}); if (!options.ghostComments) { options.ghostComments = MOCKED_SITE_URL; } if (!options.postId) { options.postId = mockedApi.postId; } await page.evaluate((data) => { const scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.src = data.url; for (const option of Object.keys(data.options)) { scriptTag.dataset[option] = data.options[option]; } document.body.appendChild(scriptTag); }, {url, options}); const commentsFrameSelector = 'iframe[title="comments-frame"]'; await page.waitForSelector('iframe'); // wait for data to be loaded because our tests expect it const iframeElement = await page.locator(commentsFrameSelector).elementHandle(); if (!iframeElement) { throw new Error('iframe not found'); } const iframe = await iframeElement.contentFrame(); if (!iframe) { throw new Error('iframe contentFrame not found'); } await iframe.waitForSelector('[data-loaded="true"]'); return { frame: page.frameLocator(commentsFrameSelector) }; } /** * Select text range by RegExp. */ export async function selectText(locator: Locator, pattern: string | RegExp): Promise { await locator.evaluate( (element, {pattern: p}) => { let textNode = element.childNodes[0]; while (textNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE && textNode.childNodes.length) { textNode = textNode.childNodes[0]; } const match = textNode.textContent?.match(new RegExp(p)); if (match) { const range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(textNode, match.index!); range.setEnd(textNode, match.index! + match[0].length); const selection = document.getSelection(); selection?.removeAllRanges(); selection?.addRange(range); } }, {pattern} ); } export async function getHeight(locator: Locator) { return await locator.evaluate((node) => { return node.clientHeight; }); } export async function setClipboard(page, text) { const modifier = getModifierKey(); await page.setContent(`
`); await page.focus('div'); await`${modifier}+KeyA`); await`${modifier}+KeyC`); } export function getModifierKey() { const os = require('os'); const platform = os.platform(); if (platform === 'darwin') { return 'Meta'; } else { return 'Control'; } }