// If no env is set, default to development // This needs to be above all other require() // modules to ensure config gets right setting. // Module dependencies var config = require('./server/config'), express = require('express'), when = require('when'), _ = require('underscore'), semver = require('semver'), fs = require('fs'), errors = require('./server/errorHandling'), plugins = require('./server/plugins'), path = require('path'), Ghost = require('./ghost'), helpers = require('./server/helpers'), middleware = require('./server/middleware'), routes = require('./server/routes'), packageInfo = require('../package.json'), // Variables ghost = new Ghost(), setup, init; // If we're in development mode, require "when/console/monitor" // for help in seeing swallowed promise errors. if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { require('when/monitor/console'); } // Sets up the express server instance. // Instantiates the ghost singleton, // helpers, routes, middleware, and plugins. // Finally it starts the http server. function setup(server) { when(ghost.init()).then(function () { return helpers.loadCoreHelpers(ghost, config); }).then(function () { // ##Configuration // set the view engine server.set('view engine', 'hbs'); // set the configured URL server.set('ghost root', ghost.blogGlobals().path); // return the correct mime type for woff filess express['static'].mime.define({'application/font-woff': ['woff']}); // ## Middleware middleware(server); // ## Routing // Set up API routes routes.api(server); // Set up Admin routes routes.admin(server); // Set up Frontend routes routes.frontend(server); // Are we using sockets? Custom socket or the default? function getSocket() { if (config().server.hasOwnProperty('socket')) { return _.isString(config().server.socket) ? config().server.socket : path.join(__dirname, '../content/', process.env.NODE_ENV + '.socket'); } return false; } function startGhost() { // Tell users if their node version is not supported, and exit if (!semver.satisfies(process.versions.node, packageInfo.engines.node)) { console.log( "\nERROR: Unsupported version of Node".red, "\nGhost needs Node version".red, packageInfo.engines.node.yellow, "you are using version".red, process.versions.node.yellow, "\nPlease go to http://nodejs.org to get the latest version".green ); process.exit(0); } // Startup & Shutdown messages if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { console.log( "Ghost is running...".green, "\nYour blog is now available on", config().url, "\nCtrl+C to shut down".grey ); // ensure that Ghost exits correctly on Ctrl+C process.on('SIGINT', function () { console.log( "\nGhost has shut down".red, "\nYour blog is now offline" ); process.exit(0); }); } else { console.log( ("Ghost is running in " + process.env.NODE_ENV + "...").green, "\nListening on", getSocket() || config().server.host + ':' + config().server.port, "\nUrl configured as:", config().url, "\nCtrl+C to shut down".grey ); // ensure that Ghost exits correctly on Ctrl+C process.on('SIGINT', function () { console.log( "\nGhost has shutdown".red, "\nGhost was running for", Math.round(process.uptime()), "seconds" ); process.exit(0); }); } } // Expose the express server on the ghost instance. ghost.server = server; // Initialize plugins then start the server plugins.init(ghost).then(function () { // ## Start Ghost App if (getSocket()) { // Make sure the socket is gone before trying to create another fs.unlink(getSocket(), function (err) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ server.listen( getSocket(), startGhost ); fs.chmod(getSocket(), '0744'); }); } else { server.listen( config().server.port, config().server.host, startGhost ); } }); }, function (err) { errors.logErrorAndExit(err); }); } // Initializes the ghost application. function init(app) { if (!app) { app = express(); } // The server and its dependencies require a populated config setup(app); } module.exports = init;