const moment = require('moment'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); /** * @description Get signed admin token for making authenticated scheduling requests * * @return {Promise} */ const getSignedAdminToken = function ({publishedAt, apiUrl, integration}) { let key = integration.api_keys[0]; const JWT_OPTIONS = { keyid:, algorithm: 'HS256', audience: apiUrl, noTimestamp: true }; // Default token expiry is till 6 hours after scheduled time // or if published_at is in past then till 6 hours after blog start // to allow for retries in case of network issues // and never before 10 mins to publish time let tokenExpiry = moment(publishedAt).add(6, 'h'); if (tokenExpiry.isBefore(moment())) { tokenExpiry = moment().add(6, 'h'); } return jwt.sign( { exp: tokenExpiry.unix(), nbf: moment(publishedAt).subtract(10, 'm').unix() }, Buffer.from(key.secret, 'hex'), JWT_OPTIONS ); }; module.exports = getSignedAdminToken;