const {URL} = require('url'); const settingsCache = require('../settings/cache'); const ghostVersion = require('../../lib/ghost-version'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const path = require('path'); const logging = require('../../../shared/logging'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const COMPLIMENTARY_PLAN = { name: 'Complimentary', currency: 'usd', interval: 'year', amount: '0' }; // NOTE: the function is an exact duplicate of one in GhostMailer should be extracted // into a common lib once it needs to be reused anywhere else again function getDomain() { const domain = urlUtils.urlFor('home', true).match(new RegExp('^https?://([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i')); return domain && domain[1]; } function getEmailFromAddress() { const subscriptionSettings = settingsCache.get('members_subscription_settings') || {}; return `${subscriptionSettings.fromAddress || 'noreply'}@${getDomain()}`; } /** Copied from theme middleware, remove it there after cleanup to keep this in single place */ function getPublicPlans() { const CURRENCY_SYMBOLS = { USD: '$', AUD: '$', CAD: '$', GBP: '£', EUR: '€' }; const defaultPriceData = { monthly: 0, yearly: 0 }; try { const membersSettings = settingsCache.get('members_subscription_settings'); const stripeProcessor = membersSettings.paymentProcessors.find( processor => processor.adapter === 'stripe' ); const priceData = stripeProcessor.config.plans.reduce((prices, plan) => { const numberAmount = 0 + plan.amount; const dollarAmount = numberAmount ? Math.round(numberAmount / 100) : 0; return Object.assign(prices, { []: dollarAmount }); }, {}); priceData.currency = || 'usd'); priceData.currency_symbol = CURRENCY_SYMBOLS[priceData.currency]; if (Number.isInteger(priceData.monthly) && Number.isInteger(priceData.yearly)) { return priceData; } return defaultPriceData; } catch (err) { return defaultPriceData; } } const getApiUrl = ({version, type}) => { const {href} = new URL( urlUtils.getApiPath({version, type}), urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true) ); return href; }; const siteUrl = urlUtils.getSiteUrl(); const membersApiUrl = getApiUrl({version: 'v3', type: 'members'}); function getStripePaymentConfig() { const subscriptionSettings = settingsCache.get('members_subscription_settings'); const stripePaymentProcessor = subscriptionSettings.paymentProcessors.find( paymentProcessor => paymentProcessor.adapter === 'stripe' ); if (!stripePaymentProcessor || !stripePaymentProcessor.config) { return null; } if (!stripePaymentProcessor.config.public_token || !stripePaymentProcessor.config.secret_token) { return null; } // NOTE: "Complimentary" plan has to be first in the queue so it is created even if regular plans are not configured stripePaymentProcessor.config.plans.unshift(COMPLIMENTARY_PLAN); const webhookHandlerUrl = new URL('/members/webhooks/stripe', siteUrl); const checkoutSuccessUrl = new URL(siteUrl); checkoutSuccessUrl.searchParams.set('stripe', 'success'); const checkoutCancelUrl = new URL(siteUrl); checkoutCancelUrl.searchParams.set('stripe', 'cancel'); const billingSuccessUrl = new URL(siteUrl); billingSuccessUrl.searchParams.set('stripe', 'billing-update-success'); const billingCancelUrl = new URL(siteUrl); billingCancelUrl.searchParams.set('stripe', 'billing-update-cancel'); return { publicKey: stripePaymentProcessor.config.public_token, secretKey: stripePaymentProcessor.config.secret_token, checkoutSuccessUrl: checkoutSuccessUrl.href, checkoutCancelUrl: checkoutCancelUrl.href, billingSuccessUrl: billingSuccessUrl.href, billingCancelUrl: billingCancelUrl.href, webhookHandlerUrl: webhookHandlerUrl.href, product: stripePaymentProcessor.config.product, plans: stripePaymentProcessor.config.plans, appInfo: { name: 'Ghost', partner_id: 'pp_partner_DKmRVtTs4j9pwZ', version: ghostVersion.original, url: '' } }; } function getAuthSecret() { const hexSecret = settingsCache.get('members_email_auth_secret'); if (!hexSecret) { logging.warn('Could not find members_email_auth_secret, using dynamically generated secret'); return crypto.randomBytes(64); } const secret = Buffer.from(hexSecret, 'hex'); if (secret.length < 64) { logging.warn('members_email_auth_secret not large enough (64 bytes), using dynamically generated secret'); return crypto.randomBytes(64); } return secret; } function getAllowSelfSignup() { const subscriptionSettings = settingsCache.get('members_subscription_settings'); return subscriptionSettings.allowSelfSignup; } function getTokenConfig() { return { issuer: membersApiUrl, publicKey: settingsCache.get('members_public_key'), privateKey: settingsCache.get('members_private_key') }; } function getSigninURL(token, type) { const signinURL = new URL(siteUrl); signinURL.pathname = path.join(signinURL.pathname, '/members/'); signinURL.searchParams.set('token', token); signinURL.searchParams.set('action', type); return signinURL.href; } module.exports = { getEmailFromAddress, getPublicPlans, getStripePaymentConfig, getAllowSelfSignup, getAuthSecret, getTokenConfig, getSigninURL };