// Contains all path information to be used throughout
// the codebase.

var moment            = require('moment'),
    _                 = require('lodash'),
    ghostConfig = '';

// ## setConfig
// Simple utility function to allow
// passing of the ghostConfig
// object here to be used locally
// to ensure clean depedency graph
// (i.e. no circular dependencies).
function setConfig(config) {
    ghostConfig = config;

// ## createUrl
// Simple url creation from a given path
// Ensures that our urls contain the subdirectory if there is one
// And are correctly formatted as either relative or absolute
// Usage:
// createUrl('/', true) -> http://my-ghost-blog.com/
// E.g. /blog/ subdir
// createUrl('/welcome-to-ghost/') -> /blog/welcome-to-ghost/
// Parameters:
// - urlPath - string which must start and end with a slash
// - absolute (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not the url should be absolute
// Returns:
//  - a URL which always ends with a slash
function createUrl(urlPath, absolute) {
    urlPath = urlPath || '/';
    absolute = absolute || false;

    var output = '';

    // create base of url, always ends without a slash
    if (absolute) {
        output += ghostConfig.url.replace(/\/$/, '');
    } else {
        output += ghostConfig.paths.subdir;

    // append the path, always starts and ends with a slash
    output += urlPath;

    return output;

// ## urlPathForPost
// Always sync
// Creates the url path for a post, given a post and a permalink
// Parameters:
// - post - a json object representing a post
// - permalinks - a json object containing the permalinks setting
function urlPathForPost(post, permalinks) {
    var output = '',
        tags = {
            year:   function () { return moment(post.published_at).format('YYYY'); },
            month:  function () { return moment(post.published_at).format('MM'); },
            day:    function () { return moment(post.published_at).format('DD'); },
            slug: function () { return post.slug; },
            id: function () { return post.id; }

    if (post.page === 1) {
        output += '/:slug/';
    } else {
        output += permalinks.value;

    // replace tags like :slug or :year with actual values
    output = output.replace(/(:[a-z]+)/g, function (match) {
        if (_.has(tags, match.substr(1))) {
            return tags[match.substr(1)]();

    return output;

// ## urlFor
// Synchronous url creation for a given context
// Can generate a url for a named path, given path, or known object (post)
// Determines what sort of context it has been given, and delegates to the correct generation method,
// Finally passing to createUrl, to ensure any subdirectory is honoured, and the url is absolute if needed
// Usage:
// urlFor('home', true) -> http://my-ghost-blog.com/
// E.g. /blog/ subdir
// urlFor({relativeUrl: '/my-static-page/') -> /blog/my-static-page/
// E.g. if post object represents welcome post, and slugs are set to standard
// urlFor('post', {...}) -> /welcome-to-ghost/
// E.g. if post object represents welcome post, and slugs are set to date
// urlFor('post', {...}) -> /2014/01/01/welcome-to-ghost/
// Parameters:
// - context - a string, or json object describing the context for which you need a url
// - data (optional) - a json object containing data needed to generate a url
// - absolute (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not the url should be absolute
// This is probably not the right place for this, but it's the best place for now
function urlFor(context, data, absolute) {
    var urlPath = '/',
        knownObjects = ['post', 'tag', 'user'],
        knownPaths = {'home': '/', 'rss': '/rss/'}; // this will become really big

    // Make data properly optional
    if (_.isBoolean(data)) {
        absolute = data;
        data = null;

    if (_.isObject(context) && context.relativeUrl) {
        urlPath = context.relativeUrl;
    } else if (_.isString(context) && _.indexOf(knownObjects, context) !== -1) {
        // trying to create a url for an object
        if (context === 'post' && data.post && data.permalinks) {
            urlPath = urlPathForPost(data.post, data.permalinks);
        } else if (context === 'tag' && data.tag) {
            urlPath = '/tag/' + data.tag.slug + '/';
        // other objects are recognised but not yet supported
    } else if (_.isString(context) && _.indexOf(_.keys(knownPaths), context) !== -1) {
        // trying to create a url for a named path
        urlPath = knownPaths[context] || '/';

    return createUrl(urlPath, absolute);

// ## urlForPost
// This method is async as we have to fetch the permalinks
// Get the permalink setting and then get a URL for the given post
// Parameters
// - settings - passed reference to api.settings
// - post - a json object representing a post
// - absolute (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not the url should be absolute
function urlForPost(settings, post, absolute) {
    return settings.read('permalinks').then(function (permalinks) {
        return urlFor('post', {post: post, permalinks: permalinks}, absolute);

module.exports.setConfig = setConfig;
module.exports.urlFor = urlFor;
module.exports.urlForPost = urlForPost;