import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin'; import MobileIndexRoute from 'ghost/routes/mobile-index-route'; import mobileQuery from 'ghost/utils/mobile'; export default MobileIndexRoute.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, { noPosts: false, // Transition to a specific post if we're not on mobile beforeModel: function () { if (!mobileQuery.matches) { return this.goToPost(); } }, setupController: function (controller, model) { /*jshint unused:false*/ controller.set('noPosts', this.get('noPosts')); }, goToPost: function () { var self = this, // the store has been populated by PostsRoute posts ='post'), post; return this.get('session.user').then(function (user) { post = posts.find(function (post) { // Authors can only see posts they've written if (user.get('isAuthor')) { return post.isAuthoredByUser(user); } return true; }); if (post) { return self.transitionTo('', post); } self.set('noPosts', true); }); }, // Mobile posts route callback desktopTransition: function () { this.goToPost(); } });