import {mobileQuery} from 'ghost/utils/mobile'; var SettingsView = Ember.View.extend({ // used by SettingsContentBaseView and on resize to mobile from desktop showSettingsContent: function () { if (mobileQuery.matches) { $('.settings-sidebar').animate({right: '100%', left: '-110%', 'margin-right': '15px'}, 300); $('.settings-content').animate({right: '0', left: '0', 'margin-left': '0'}, 300); $('.settings-header-inner').css('display', 'block'); } }, // used by SettingsIndexView showSettingsMenu: function () { if (mobileQuery.matches) { $('.settings-header-inner').css('display', 'none'); $('.settings-sidebar').animate({right: '0', left: '0', 'margin-right': '0'}, 300); $('.settings-content').animate({right: '-100%', left: '100%', 'margin-left': '15'}, 300); } }, showAll: function () { //Remove any styles applied by jQuery#animate $('.settings-sidebar, .settings-content').removeAttr('style'); }, mobileInteractions: function () { this.set('changeLayout', _.bind(function changeLayout(mq) { if (mq.matches) { //transitioned to mobile layout, so show content this.showSettingsContent(); } else { //went from mobile to desktop this.showAll(); } }, this)); mobileQuery.addListener(this.changeLayout); }.on('didInsertElement'), removeMobileInteractions: function () { mobileQuery.removeListener(this.changeLayout); }.on('willDestroyElement') }); export default SettingsView;