refs #9866
- Removed `res.isAdmin` flag in v2 express app
- Did not touch v0.1 express app
- Separated url redirect middleware for admin and content API
refs #9866
- Registered Content API under /ghost/api/v2/content/
- Registered Admin API under /ghost/api/v2/admin/
- Moved API v0.1 implementation to web/api/v0.1
- Created web/api/v2 for the new api endpoints
- Started with reducing the implementation for the new Content API (the Content api does not serve admin api endpoints, that's why it was reducible)
- Covered parent-app module with basic test checking correct applications/routes are being mounted
- Added a readme file, which contains a warning using v2, because it's under active development!
- This PR does only make the new endpoints available, we have not:
- optimised the web folder (e.g. res.isAdmin)
- started with different API controllers
- reason: we want to do more preparation tasks before we copy the api controllers
refs #9848
- Disabled image optimization for .gif files as a temporary solution until sharp library starts supporting latest version of libvips
- Disabled image optimization for .svg/.svgz files as permanent solution as these file types are being converted to .png
refs #4453
* On by default
* Added config to disable resizing
* Added basic image optimization processing
* Added dep: sharp (optional dep)
* Added resize middleware
* Take care of rotation based on EXIF information
* Removed all meta data from optimised image
* Added handling if sharp could not get installed
* Do not read ext twice - optimisation
* Do not call sharp if config is disabled
* Do not remove the original image which was uploaded (store 2 images)
* Support of `req.files` for internal logic
* Disabled cache to enable file removal on Windows
- differentiate between
1. original package.json version (can contain pre and build suffix)
2. full package.json version X.X.X-{pre} (optional)
3. safe package.json version X.X (major+minor)
refs #9178
- `checkFileExists` and `checkFileIsValid` where dirty required from web/middleware
- these two functions are only used in the target middleware
- let's move them
refs #9178
- first iteration of tidying up the unit tests
- this is useful in the current stage, because if i move files in the server folder, i need a clean folder/file structure to detect which tests needs to move
- this is a simple cleanup to reflect the current server folder structure