refs #9389
Breaking changes for Ghost:
- no need to create a sandbox anymore, each file get's it's own sandbox
- just require sinon and use this sandbox
- you can still create separate sandboxes with .createSandbox
- reset single stubs: use .resetHistory instead of .reset
This is a global replace for any sandbox creation.
> Default sandbox
> Since sinon@5.0.0, the sinon object is a default sandbox. Unless you have a very advanced setup or need a special configuration, you probably want to just use that one.
no issue
- this mock eat already too much of my/our time
- the idea of adding a knex mock was definitely a failed approach/try
- it's too much to maintaince and have not found a module which does this already
- we have to support any query format
- this is too crazy
- the idea was to use the knex mock for model unit tests, because if we want to unit test models we have to
run through bookshelf, because the whole model layer depends on bookshelf e.g. events
- for now we simply use the real database
- we could use the sqlite3 memory mode, but that would mean every unit test runs on sqlite3
- something to consider for later e.g. run unit tests on one matrix
- run the rest on another matrix for sqlite + mysql
- we add bookshelf-relations step by step if we need it
- with we have rewritten the test env to use Bookshelf
- this is important for our new url service
- because the service is listening on model updates and updates the urls based on the model events
- so with moving to Bookshelf, we need any easy way to add relations
- the test env inserts test fixtures
- it adds permissions and each permission get's roles attached
- `models.Permission.add({roles: [...]})