- added post count to 'delete tag' modal
- fixed lint errors
- preventing extra data to be sent to server
- adjustments suggested by @jaswilli
- The ‘delete’ button is now a smaller plain text link, opening a
confirmation modal analog to the delete user/post flow
- Adding a post count is dependent on #4654, but the modal is already a
neat step up from the immediate, warning-less deletion.
- Adds styling for re-auth modal.
- Prevent transition to posts route on success.
- Clear credentials from controller.
- Handle confirmAccept action if form is submitted via 'enter'.
- Only allow re-auth as the user that was previously logged in.
- Display a warning modal in the editor routes if the user
is logged out due to re-authorization problems. This provides
a chance to copy any unsaved content before being sent to the
signin page to log back in.
- Pressing Ctrl/CMD+Shift+C in the editor will open up a modal that
contains the generated HTML for either the selected text or the whole
- Created ‘delete user’ modal (similar to the ‘delete post’ modal) and
- Modal will be opened if ‘Delete User’ is selected in the user
setting cog menu
Closes#3533, Closes#3547, Closes#3531
- invite-new-user always resets role to author now, allowing for multiple invites on one load
- Added confirm action when hitting return in INUModal's email input
- Don't pass users as the model to invite-new-user-modal
- Move invite-new-user reset to a `finally` clause
- invite-new-user always closes on a confirm
Closes#3511, Closes#3512, Closes#3526
- show* methods now close existing passive notifications by
default. They also now take an optional options object where
existing parameters such as "delayed" and "defaultErrorText"
can be passed in as well as the new "doNotClosePassive" flag.
- Removed all explicit calls to notifications.closePassive except
for the few places where it makes sense to call it separately.
- Transferring the owner role is now done via a separate
endpoint and not through Ember-Data. As a result the
user role data needs to be updated manually.
- Updated the owner endpoint to return a response body
containing the updated user objects.
- Updated tests.
Closes#3402, Closes#3428
### Components
- Added GhostSelectComponent to handle async select creation (h/t @rwjblue)
- Added GhostRolesSelector (extends GhostSelect) for displaying user role options
- Created StoreInjector for surgically inserting the store into things that normally wouldn't have them.
### Users Settings
- InviteNewUserModal now uses GhostRolesSelector & defaults to Author
- The role dropdown for user settings has permissions set per 3402
### User Model
- Added `role` property as an interface to getting and setting `roles`
- Refactored anything that set `roles` to set `role`
- isAdmin, isAuthor, isOwner and isEditor are all keyed off of `role` now
### Tests
- Added functional tests for Settings.Users
- updated settings.users and settings.users.user screens
- fix spacing on screens
### Server Fixtures
- Fixed owner fixture's roles
- added transfer ownership endpoint
- added owner to roles.permissible
- manually removed owner from roles.browse
- removed hard coded author role
- fixed tests that were passing due to hard coded author role
- added testUtils.setup(‚roles‘)
no issue
- added `invited-pending` when resending invitation
- promise chain was missing a return statement
- email error was masked and front end showed success notification
Closes#3083 Refs #3229
- Populates the dropdown list in the invite user menu with the
list of roles a user is permitted to create.
- Users API now checks the invite user request for allowed roles.
- Change API response from 200 to 201 on successful invitation.
- Change API response from 500 to 201 when the user was created but
the email was not sent. The client will show a warning notification
when it sees 'invite-pending' as the new user's status.
- Add support for "?status=all" to the /users endpoint.
- Refactor the route and controller for the /settings/users page so
that there's only one network API call to load users instead of two.
- API method User#edit now handles User objects that have either
an array of Role ids or objects.
- Fixed error handler notification on upload modal controller.
closes#3309, refs #3229
- adds different message depending on status
- doesn't delete the new user if the problem was an email error
- filters the 2 lists based on all statuses
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.
- new controller and template for invite-new-user-modal
- actually triggers email invite via POST /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- setting default language value (on the client) when creating a user
- only available role is "Author" - pending 3196
- updates to UsersIndexController to allow dynamic property calculation and template rending
- Inject notification object into router
- Listen to didTransition / observe currentPath to close notifications
- Close notifications on successful save actions
- bubble promise rejection on post model validation/save error so that it doesn't bubble as resolved
- prefer `.catch()` for promise handlers as per recommendations
- check if `.save()` is being called from model.destroyRecord() and forgo validation if so
- normalize output for both `.validate()` and `.save()`
Issue #2846
-Implement custom RESTAdapter and serializer for settings data.
-Convert theme selector to Ember.Select.
-Finish upload modal and wire into settings page.
- handle undefined argument in openModal function
- catch whether a model is deleted in Editor routes to aid transition
- move updateTags function to the PostModel
- add call to updateTags in delete-post modal
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things
No issue
-inject popover:service into modal component delete post
controller so popover close can be triggered as part of
the delete action
-remove unnecessary 'needs' from the delete post controller
-wire up delete post action in ember admin
-refactor ember modal dialog
-override RESTAdapter.deleteRecord to workaround Ember expecting
an empty response body on DELETEs
This is a pretty large commit but what it's adding are pretty fundamental to the admin app.
- Creates top level actions on the ApplicationRoute for opening and closing modals. This allows sending the 'openModal' action from any template to open a modal.
- Every modal template lives in 'templates/modals/{{modalName}}'
- Each modal can have a backing controller of the same name that can provide additional control for that modal. Those controllers reside in 'controllers/modals/{{modalName}}'
- Created the ModalDialog component which is where all the logic for the component resides. It's not at 100% parity with the existing Ghost modal system but it has the foundation for further fleshing out. It currently accepts parameters for styling how the modal should appear, which previously was defined in JS files in the Backbone admin.
- This creates the 'delete all posts', 'delete this post', 'markdown', and 'upload' modal. Some are in more stages of completion than others, but I wanted to just get the foundation in place as fast as possible.
- This also creates the UploadModal component which is a subclass of the ModalDialog component. The reason for this subclassing is that the UploadModal component directly accesses the DOM and when that occurs in Ember it should remain in a component definition. It's ready for extending to reach parity. Note: depending on needs the base ModalDialog class may need to be modified.