- In some cases, Ghost exploded when the active theme did not have a partials directory
- Added handling for if the active theme was not present
- Probably will conflict with #574 I need to fix this.
- auto-linking was interfering with things that were already a link
- now checks to ensure we are not in a HTML or markdown link already
- added tonnes of new tests
- Adds Tag model with a many-to-many relationship with Post
- Adds Tag API to retrieve all previously used Tags (needed for suggestions)
- Allows setting and retrieval of Tags for a post through the Post's existing API endpoints.
- Hooks up the editor's tag suggestion box to the Ghost install's previously used tags
- Tidies the client code for adding tags, and encapsulates the functionality into a Backbone view
- Added client-side trimming of title on blur if it is not already
- Added server-side trimming of title on 'saving' event of post model.
closes#488 and #107
- added dropdown for theme selection on general page
- added GET /api/v0.1/themes to retrieve available themes
- modified settings model to get available themes
- modified updateSettignsCache to remove path from settings.activeTheme
- Removed one-off styles and code for the publish button. Publish button
now uses data-toggle attribute wired up in toggle.js and forms.scss.
- Ensured split button common styles are up to date to conform with
vendor prefixing of transform properties.
- Test environment runs on a different port
- Removed wait() and replaced with waitFor() where possible
- Added more timeout functions / handlers
- General consistency improvements
- Added a hide and fadeIn() to the render method in Settings.Pane
- Any Settings.Pane which overwrites render should now make sure the parent is called
- Run through grunt validate, all OK.
* New Ghost Logo Icon
* New Lightning Icon for plugins screen
* Remove old Ghost Logo Icon
* Moved #ghost to .ghost-logo to clean up conflicts with editor, previously fixed with dodgy overnesting
closes#422, issue #295
- Added GFM mode to codemirror
- Took the github.js extension for Showdown and added all useful behaviour
- Now supports strikethrough, line breaking and
multiple underscores, and auto linking urls & emails without breaking
definition urls
- Also added definition url handling in preparation for #295
- Added unit tests for the extentions individually and integrated with
This also includes a new jQuery function to get the transition duration of an element.
Modals animations now start when `.in` is applied to the modal container.
- Made fail warning and button display none to reduce DOM content.
- Made toolbar red for fail not orange
- Fixed loading-cat which was persistent in cases of low bandwidth (particularly downstream)
- adds method (isPost)to models index.js that returns true if content, content_raw, title and slug are valid properties
- adds url helper which checks context is post using isPost method
- adds unit test to check a url is prefixed with /
-adds unit test which checks for empty string if either of the 4 properties above are not present.
- Added new grunt task to run casperjs tests.
- Added prerequisites (sass/bourbon/casperjs) to travis config.
- Updated failing functional tests to use more robust `waitFor`
- Updated capserjs `base.js` file to use a password which conforms to
our 8 character minimum.
- Added necessary logout to first test and also registration step to
ensure a user is present in the system.
- CSS classes directly correspond to notification 'types'
- Error, warn and info are reasonably standard terms for descending priority 'log levels', using these to denote red, orange and blue notifications.
Pagination could conceivably be used in more than one place on a page (eg. both top and bottom). For that reason it should probably have a class rather than an ID.
- fixes#517
- prevents this from occuring again in future with other relations
- validation function & stripping done for all models
- casper test for flow, plus validation & logged out tests