- 1.3 post excerpt migration
- add 1.3 migration to add `excerpt` to post schema
- knex-migrator relies on the package.json safe version
- so right now Ghost is on 1.2
- the migration script is for 1.3
- if you pull down the PR (or if we merge this PR into master), you have to run `knex-migrator migrate --v 1.3 --force`
- knex-migrator will tell you what you have todo
- Bump dependencies
- knex-migrator@2.1.3
- Soft limit for custom_excerpt
- Extended {{excerpt}} to use custom excerpt
- when a `custom_excerpt` field exists, the `{{excerpt}}` helper will output this and fall back to autogenerated excerpt if not.
- Refactored behaviour of (meta) description
- html tag `<meta name="description" />` for posts, tags and author doesn't get rendered if not provided.
- fallback for `` removed
- fallback for `tag.description` removed
- structured data and for `post` context takes the following order to render description fields:
1. custom excerpt
2. meta description
3. automated excerpt (50 words)
- updated and added tests to reflect the changes
- when the ownership get's transferred, the id of the new owner is not '1' anymore
- we previously added a database rule, which signalises if the blog is setup or not, see 827aa15757 (diff-7a2fe80302d7d6bf67f97cdccef1f71fR542)
- this database rule is based on the owner id being '1', which is wrong when you transfer ownership
- we should keep in mind, that the owner id being '1' is only the default Ghost setup, but it can change
- blog is setup if the owner is locked
- This file has already been moved, might as well get the rename out of the way
- Especially as we don't migrate clients - everyone will now need to make just one change
refs #8756
- there was a bug in one of the last LTS releases, which produced duplicated attached roles to users
- we want to prevent that on import and take the latest created based on the autoincrement id
- remove mobiledoc parsing, it's reliance on SimpleDom makes it too
fragile when dealing with the unconstrained user-entered HTML that is
allowed in markdown
- we have to remember the old post id's when migrating a blog from LTS to 1.0
- otherwise we would break disqus comments, because they rely on the post id
- this should fix the discovered situation
- the serializer in our mobiledoc renderer didn't have the list of non-closing HTML tags passed in which meant that tags such as `<br>` in the markdown HTML output were being re-serialized to `<br></br>` which is invalid HTML which (at least Chrome) then attempts to fix by rendering it as `<br><br>` instead
- the elements with incorrect rendering that may result in unwanted "fixing" by browsers are `AREA`, `BASE`, `BR`, `COL`, `COMMAND`, `EMBED`, `HR`, `IMG`, `INPUT`, `KEYGEN`, `LINK`, `META`, `PARAM`, `SOURCE`, `TRACK`, and `WBR`
no issue
- this is usually an edge case, but i investigated because i thought that the importer is broken
- the importer logic is build like this:
- it creates a transaction
- this transactions runs through:
- beforeImport
- doImport
- afterImport
- afterImport corrects user references and if a user could not be imported, we have to protect that
NOTE: we could create two transactions to be more correct, but building this had no priority because of edge cases only
having two transactions would solve: you first add the data (error or success), then you correct the data
- usually a user can be always imported (!), but there are a few edge cases (e.g. multiple roles attached)
no issue
- if you upload a huge import file, parallel operations can throw errors e.g. lock wait exceeds
- this can happen if multiple transactions run in parallel
- there is no need to run:
1. the removal of active tokens on import, because imported users have no active session
2. rescheduling logic on timezone, because importing scheduled posts works out of the box via the model layer (if a published date is detected and it's in the future, the post get's scheduled)
closes#8645, closes#8710
- locked users were once part of the category "active users", but were moved to the inactive category
-> we have added a protection of not being able to edit yourself when you are either suspended or locked
- but they are not really active users, they are restricted, because they have no access to the admin panel
- support three categories: active, inactive, restricted
* - revert restricted states
- instead, update permission layer: fallback to `all` by default, because you are able to serve any user status
- add more tests
- ATTENTION: there is a behaviour change, that a blog owner's author page can be served before setting up the blog, see conversation on slack
-> LTS serves 404
-> 1.0 would serve 200
There was a condition added when i've refactored the importer.
> if (models.User.isOwnerUser(obj[key])) {
This condition is absolutely wrong! If you import an owner user, this owner user get's imported as administrator. But the original owner user id reference must be updated as well, so that the reference points to the new administrator id ✌🏻
no issue
- if you delete an active user, Ghost logs an error message (Ghost does not crash!)
- but the event logic is not triggered, that means we don't delete the users tokens
- token deletion happens on: suspend a user and delete a user
no issue
- if you destroy a user with an unknown user id, Ghost would crash
- because `userModel.hasRole` is undefined
- there is actually a bigger underlying architectual problem:
- the permission check should rely on an existing user
- so there should be a first api layer, which 1. validates (this code exists) and 2. ensures that requested database id's exist
- but this requires a bigger refactoring
- This makes sure that when you do an import, you still get the LATEST
default settings for labs. Even if you had a different value before.
- LTS -> 1.0 is an upgrade, and Public API should be on by default, even if you
had deliberately turned it off before.
- Cheeky test added
no issue
Seems like we forgot to update the AMP template to reflect our image helper changes.
- Replaces `{{image}}` helper with `{{img_url}}` for `feature_image`
- Removes `{{meta_description}}` helper
refs #8620
Adds a new Ghost Author user, which is the author of the new welcome blog posts. The user is set to active, so the author slug works (otherwise it would render a 404, when user is suspended). Furthermore, there's one little fix in the user model, which was checking only for `active` user to decide the signup or setup process for the UI. Adding one more conditional to check if the found active user is also the owner, prevents to get redirected to sign in.
- this doesn't take the feature out of beta, but does enable it by default
- no need to enable the public api in the test anymore
- because public api is enabled by default
- isPasswordCorrect fn returns a specific error, which we simply forward
- no need to wrap a custom error into a new custom error
- the rule is always: if you are using a Ghost unit/function, you can expect that this unit returns a custom error
- use our `urlJoin` util to concatenate the URL (not the query part of it, as this is not supported in `urlJoin`) and to prevent possible missing or double slashes, as `config.apiUrl` could be with or without trailing slash
- before we create our model fixtures, we assign a `published_at` property with a difference of 1 second for each blog post, so the `prev_post` and `next_post` helpers work correctly
- updates default post fixtures
- adds default logo and cover images to settings fixtures
- update tests due to coupling to dev/prod fixtures
refs #8530
- display theme name for non-fatal errors
- minor wording tweak
- remove duplicate lodash require
- use the shiny new calculated property syntax
refs #8222
- differentiate between errors and fatal errors
- use gscan errors in theme middleware
- Adds a new `error()` method to `currentActiveTheme` constructor which will return the errors we receive from gscan
- In middleware, if a theme couldn't be activated because it's invalid, we'll fetch the erros and send them to our error handler. We also use a new property `hideStack` to control, if the stack (in dev mode and if available) should be shown or the gscan errors (in prod mode, or in dev if no stack error)
- In our error handler we use this conditional to send a new property `gscan` to our error theme
- In `error.hbs` we'll iterate through possible `gscan` error objects and render them.
- remove stack printing
- stack for theme developers in development mode doesn't make sense
- stack in production doesn't make sense
- the stack is usually hard to read
- if you are developer you can read the error stack on the server log
- utils.packages: transform native error into Ghost error
- use `onlyFatalErrors` for gscan format and differeniate fatal errors vo.2
- optimise bootstrap error handling
- transform theme is missing into an error
- add new translation key
- show html tags for error.hbs template: rule
refs #8141
- update importer for LTS fields
- optimise for LTS export fixtures
- add image/language test for LTS import
- ensure post image is mapped to feature_image
- create mobiledoc values from markdown and html
- if mobiledoc is null, use markdown or html to create a mobiledoc markdown card
- update import mapping to use locale
- defaultLang in settings now maps to default_locale
- language for post and user models now maps to locale
- posts are not always loaded in correct same order so we select the posts we want to validate
- ensure if mobiledoc field is not in export we can still import from markdown
- map last_login to last_seen
- for users the importer maps last_login to last_seen
- add warning for legacyActiveTheme
- for export with old activeTheme key provide a warning that theme is not installed
- add importer test for LTS user long email
- add a test for LTS export where email address could be longer than alpha
- fix for importer date tests on mysql
- use valueOf in moment to compare times stored in different formats
- ignore warnings for not found settings in import
- use a flag to ignore NotFound Entries for settings during import