no issue
- returns the promise/result from `loadNextPage` so that it's return value can be utilised in closure actions
- sets the `isLoading` property in `loadFirstPage` to match `loadNextPage` behaviour
- reset the `isLoading` property even if the request fails
- adds a `didReceivePaginationMeta` hook so that consumers of the mixin can use the metadata values without having to rely on observers
- eg. pulling the `total` into a separate property that can be manipulated when items are added/removed but still reset to the sever's total value the next time a page is loaded
- renames the `pagination-route` mixin to simply `pagination` as it's not tied to routes and works equally well in other objects that need to paginate an API resource
no issue
- moves existing mirage config into the `testConfig()` function to retain full mocks during testing
- configure mirage to passthrough all requests when in development mode
no issue
- replace deprecated `normalizeHash` with `normalize` in post serializer
- ensure we check for both `post` and `posts` properties as it will vary depending on the expected response type
- adds an action to update the title
- checks if the post title has changed and is a draft and sends a silent + background save action
- includes the action on the focus-out event on the post title
no issue
- adds `gh-image-uploader` that handles image uploads in a fully ember fashion and with no dependency on `uploader.js`
- adds `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` that can fully replace the old `gh-uploader`
- replace uses of `gh-uploader` in PSM & TSM with `gh-image-uploader-with-preview`
- updates the editor preview image handling to use the new `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` component
- updates the image upload modal to use `gh-image-uploader` (utilises the `saveButton=false` flag which means the preview has to be handled externally to avoid auto-replacement when typing a URL)
- removes all old `uploader.js` related code
- adds custom `RequestEntityTooLargeError` and `UnsupportedMediaTypeError` errors to our `ajax` service
no issue
- we already have similar behaviour in the `liquid-wormhole` (a dependency of `liquid-tether) but this is useful as a distinction for non-animated elements. It's also a dependency of the ember mobiledoc editor (used to render component-cards inline much the same way as this is used to render image upload components inline) and so we wouldn't really gain anything in filesize by forcing the use of `liquid-wormhole` instead
no issue
- keep the original `ember-ajax` behaviour rather than returning `false` when we hit an ajax error - we should only be using `normalizeErrorResponse` to normalize our error responses 😉
- ensures our application code has access to the returned status code for ajax errors
- removes the `xregexp` dependency
- pulls in the non-alphnumeric unicode list directly from the XRegExp library to ensure the word count helper still takes into account unicode strings
The XRegExp dependency was breaking as new browsers add more es6 support as evidenced in #6102. Upgrading to version 3.1.0 fixed the Chrome "experimental JS" issue but was still broken in Safari Technology Preview.
We only use one feature of `XRegExp` in a single place for a relatively non-critical feature: calculating the word count. As such I figured it may be better to drop the 63KB minified dependency and simply copy the result of the compiled regex directly until such time as XRegExp has native support in our supported browsers.