- added outline to modal cancel button to avoid floating it too much in space
- added a lil' animation to modals to make it more obvious that it's a modal
- added ESC button so that it's easier to escape the modal
- added thousands separator to numbers in tiers list and preview
- added dirty state handling to edit/add tier modal
- applied sorting to tiers list
- fixed free trial toggle bug. No default was set and didn't keep the trial value and the toggle in sync
- applied a little scale down to tier preview for better proportions
- applied outline and fixed spacing for form groups
- small UI refinements for static version of Newsletter settings
- replaced textareas with textfields in site description, twitter and FB descriptions
- unified pattern for "Save & close" and "Cancel" in user detail settings
- refined checked background for logo container in Design settings
- refined spacing in Tier detail modal
- fixed gradient bug in Portal preview
- fixed UI bugs in Portal / Links
- fixed tier dropdown bug in Portal / Links. It was always showing links for the first tier
- unified form input element headings
- refined checkbox and toggle label typography and spacing
- `NewsletterList` now uses the new `Table` component, along with its
subcomponents `TableRow` and `TableCell` to be able to show more
relevant data
- Basic static components are needed for Stripe Connect flow
- The current Stripe Connect flow has quite a lot of visual issues and
also the UX is somewhat messy
- Added static button group which will control newsletter title
alignment as a placeholder until we implement something like a Segmented
Control component
- Made the newsletter preview box shadow more subtle and fixed the
background color issue
- Added static design for Newsletter settings group to Admin X settings,
that shows a simple list of newsletters and opens a preview modal with a
sidebar with static form design
- Fixed issue with spacing in `Forms` when there is no title
- It was possible to archive free tier
- The form group heading wasn't discoverable enough
- The left action in modals were not working
- Made free trial toggle work properly
- Updated currency picker to work correctly
- Enforce format on tier prices
- Added support for editing the free tier
- Added validations to tier modal
- Updated tier modal to remove blank benefits before saving
- Using cards instead of standard rows in the Tiers list makes it much
easier to orient it. Also makes settings more playful and nicer.
- Updated `DesktopChrome` component
- Refactored the existing `PreviewModal` and `ThemePreview`
components to use the new component and removed some redundant code
- Added storybook for the component
- The currency dropdown needed a small version of the regular select
- The input field needed a version with a right-side placeholder text