- All var declarations are now const or let as per ES6
- All comma-separated lists / chained declarations are now one declaration per line
- This is for clarity/readability but also made running the var-to-const/let switch smoother
- ESLint rules updated to match
How this was done:
- npm install -g jscodeshift
- git clone https://github.com/cpojer/js-codemod.git
- git clone git@github.com:TryGhost/Ghost.git shallow-ghost
- cd shallow-ghost
- jscodeshift -t ../js-codemod/transforms/unchain-variables.js . -v=2
- jscodeshift -t ../js-codemod/transforms/no-vars.js . -v=2
- yarn
- yarn test
- yarn lint / fix various lint errors (almost all indent) by opening files and saving in vscode
- grunt test-regression
- sorted!
- The refactoring is a substitute for `urlService.utils` used previously throughout the codebase and now extracted into the separate module in Ghost-SDK
- Added url-utils stubbing utility for test suites
- Some tests had to be refactored to avoid double mocks (when url's are being reset inside of rested 'describe' groups)