refs #9192, refs #5091
- Moved all url generation into generate-feed.js, so we can see as much data processing as possible in a single place.
- Refactored the way res.locals were used, to be more like how express uses them prior to rendering
- Removed a bunch of code & tests todo with context for RSS - I can't see any way that'd be used, unless we switched the rendering to use a template.
- moved the RSS rendering to be part of the service, not controller
- updated the tests significantly
Note: RSS generate-feed has a complete duplication of the code used in the excerpt helper in order to create an item description
refs #9192, refs #9178
After trying to progress with current implementation, it became clear that the route service can't control the boot sequence, because then we end up with circular dependencies between the route service and the channel service.
The route service now exposes:
- a siteRouter
- a way for apps to register routes.
- ParentRouter base class for other modules to use
- the registry
- moved the default route setup back to site/routes.js 🙈
- moved the parent channel router back to the channel service (this makes way more sense imo)
- this structure prevents circular dependencies
- split the registry out into it's own thing
- fixed-up various bits of tests and comments
- DEBUG will print a list of routes 🎉
refs #9192, #5091
- changed channels to use our new base class
- keep the flexible structure, so that channels can be reloaded
- I had to move the router into the route service otherwise we get circular dependencies
- Don't _really_ want to keep it like this - need a way to define base classes as shared
refs #9192, refs #5091, refs #9178
- moved channels from controllers to a service
- split out the parent router from the remaining individual router logic
- moved the tests to match
refs #5091, #9192, #9178
- Get the RSS module into a much better shape
- Controller -> /controllers/rss
- Remainder -> /services/rss
- Moved tests to match & updated requires
refs #9178
* Moved app handling code into services/apps
- Apps is a service, that allows for the App lifecycle
- /server/apps = contains internal apps
- /server/services/apps = contains code for managing/handling app life cycle, providing the proxy, etc
* Split apps service tests into separate files
* Moved internal app tests into test folders
- Problem: Not all the tests in apps were unit tests, yet they were treated like they were in Gruntfile.js
- Unit tests now live in /test/unit/apps
- Route tests now live in /test/functional/routes/apps
- Gruntfile.js has been updated to match
* Switch usage for settingsCache
* Add tests to cover the basic App lifecycle
* Simplify some of the init logic
refs #9178
- Introduce the /services/ folder
- Move xmlrpc there
- Move slack there
- In slack: remove a usage of the settings API that should use settingsCache
- In slack: Simplify the tests
- Various tiny changes to move towards code consistency