- Created `boundOneWay` util to extract common pattern of having a oneWay property that doesn't break its binding after being set
- Changed `EditorControllerMixin.willPublish`, `PostSettingsMenuController.publishedAtValue` and `.slugValue` to use the new `boundOneWay` util
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things
- `AuthenticatedRoute` now stores the user's original destination on the
- The `SignIn` route's `login` action checks if the `loginTransition` property is set on the
`ApplicationController`, and if so, retries that transition after a
successful login.
No issue
The following is a list of routes which are not authenticated
- placeholder routes: `editor` and `content`
- `application`
- password routes: `forgotten`, `reset`, `signin`, `signup`
Ref #1351.
- Refactored `PostSettingsMenuController` to appropriately set and display
slug and publish date and their placeholders.
- Removed api spam on title change by putting `slugPlaceholder` generation
inside of an `` call.
- Renamed `gh-blur-text-field` to `gh-blur-input`
- Created `SlugGenerator` class to abstract slug generation.
- Added `timestampVerification` function to `utils/date-formatting`
- `utils/date-formatting` now uses `strict` parsing of dates
- Added more acceptable date formats to accommodate strict parsing
- Moved `isDraft` and `isPublished` computed properties from
`EditorController` to `PostModel`
- make a PostSerializer to embed the tags objects in the posts POST/PUT request
- on editor save, clear out tags from the post and data store that have `id: null`
refs #1641
- added addUnique()
- added dropUnique()
- added addColumn() -> needed for #2330
- dropColumn() is missing due to lack of knex support
- further cleanup of the migrations module
- `editor-base-controller`'s `save` action returns a promise with the model
after saving
- `EditorNewController` will transition to `EditorEditController` upon a
successful save (model has an id)
- Removed a console.log in editor's save function
- Moved `new` route into `editor` resource (``)
- Moved the current editor controller, view, and route to `editor.edit`
- Added `editor.index`, which automatically transitions into ``
- Moved controllers, views, templates, and routes to match new router config. Also changed links to `editor` into `` and `editor.edit` as appropriate.
-refactor exporter to export tables that exist in the
database instead of keying off of schema.js
-move some shared database utility functions into their
own module
Previously, the exports were somewhat random with some files declaring
local variables then immediately exporting them, and others simply
doing the work needed in the export itself.
No issue
-fail fast if an invalid post id is passed into the
editor route to prevent an unnecessary network request
for all posts
-if post id is valid but post does not exist, transition
to Content screen instead of returning an invalid model
no related issue
- Updates package.json packages, adding express middleware packages
that have been broken into their own modules
- Updates controllers/frontend.js to use the new Layer object that Express 4.0
has. Requires some monkey-patching as the Layer object isn't explicitly
surfaced, however it should be safe to do.
- Moved the setup of routes into middleware/index.js because they need to
be added as a middleware function before the 404 and 500 handlers. This is
no longer possible with the old app.use(app.router) as that has been removed.
- Cleaned up middleware/index.js to make it compatible with Express 4.0.
- Simplified the way themes are activated and enabled when they are activated.
The new handling is simpler, yet should still cover all the use cases that
previously existed.
- The entire flow of activating a theme through middleware should be a little
more centralized, letting it be easier to read and maintain.
- Moved every routes/*.js file to use an individual express.Router() instance.
- create EditorController, PostSettingsMenuController
- remove `` controllerName dependency on EditorRoute/NewRoute
- `{{render}}` the PostSettingsMenuView with its own controller
- break up properties/methods from PostsPostController into all three controllers
- fix EditorRoute pagination options to now be comparable to PostsRoute
- add NewController to force NewRoute to refresh editor with blank model. Identical to Editor's
- EditorController and NewController are based on a shared mixin
- NewView created, templateName is 'editor'
- add a utility function to add classnames to targets, retrofitted from clientold to accommodate ``
- create a content-preview view that tracks its scrolling
- add a scroll handler to the existing PostsListView
- The `posts/post` template now takes its HTML from the post model instead of using the editor's markdown component
* Mailer now only handles sending email and initializing settings. Instead of adding new notifications there, it just sets flags on its own object.
* Mailer now checks for the presence of "to". If there is none, it fails. You should really pass a full mail object complete with "to", "subject" and "html", otherwise it's partial content.
* Therefore Mail API doesn't check for the existence of the "to", and doesn't get the email from settings and substitute that
* index.js now has a method that adds the notifications. I figured adding those THERE is probably better than individually in every module. It is, as the comments say, can be made extensible