- This test fixure is up to date and contains real export from Ghost 2.9. This file should not be edited any more as it represents a "snapshot" of 2.9 (don't really know why this version was chosen to be tested, so didn't change the convention).
- Ideally in the future we should maintain snapshots of export from major releases (or at least first non-broken releases after major release) AND a snapshot of the latest ghost version export file (canary of a sort). This way we'll be able to build up confidence of older export files still working and keep good track in export file changes with every new version
- Updated db spec suite to remove "fixture" user before each import to reduce a variable amount of import errors (star from the same state). It has to be done through an API call because restarting Ghost instance to have clean slate before each test case times out the suite
- This test fixure is up to date and contains real export from Ghost 4.0. Previous file was just an old 2.x export file which was updated manually on "as needed bases"
- See 3240d4adf0 for more context
- Updated for exports generations with more accurate instructions (previous one contained a typo)
- This test fixure is up to date and contains real export from Ghost 3.0. Previous file was just an old 2.x export file which was updated manually on "as needed bases"
- The aim is to keep these files as close to real world as possible instead of manually making up data for the needs of test suites
- Fixed test suite which was using the v3 export file
- There were no automations or instructions for updating or creating new export fixtures. This redme should put a start for faster fixture generation process and possibly automation in the future
- Export/Import test suite clean up ctd. See previous commits for context
- Main goal here was to update latest JSON export data. Also hardened tests to make sure this fixture is updated whenever the endpoint changes structure
The price helper requires an object with amount & currency properties to
work correctly. This updates the @price data object to expose these.
In order to maintain backward compatibility with using the @price data
as primitive number values, we add a valueOf method which returns the
legacy dollar amount value.
This means you can use {{price @price.monthly}} OR
{{@price.monthly}} - the second of which will output the dollar
A new theme fixture was added to test both usages of the @price data
no issue
Comped members were not able to view paid-member content because content gating was only looking for `member.status === 'paid'` which doesn't take into consideration members on a "complimentary" plan.
- added front-end acceptance tests for member access to posts
- updated content-gating check to take comped members into consideration
refs TryGhost/Team#535
We want to ensure that a site will always have a default value of
`'#15171A'` for the accent_color setting.
Since the boot process changed we have three cases to account for:
1. Setting does not exist
2. Setting exists with no value
3. Setting exists with a value
It is only in the case of 2. that we want the migration to update the
database with a default value.
In the case of 3. the site owner has already set a value, which we do
not want to override.
In the case of 1. the setting will be created (and populated with
default value) from the default-settings.json file, by the
populateDefaults method called from the settings service
We also update the accent_color setting to include a non-empty
validation, to ensure that the setting will always have a value, as
sites before 4.x may have an empty accent_color, we must update the
importer to set the default value if one is not present. Otherwise we
would run into validation errors and even if we didn't would have an
invalid database state.
- switches to storing "transform-ready" URLs in the database
- transform-ready URLs contain a `__GHOST_URL__` placeholder that corresponds to the configured url that gives a few benefits
- much faster and less memory intensive output transformations through not needing to parse html or markdown - the transform can be achieved using a straightforward regex find+replace
- ability to change to/from or rename subdirectory without any manual updates to the database
- modified existing 4.0 url-transformation migration rather than adding another one and repeating the transformation on posts rows
no refs
refs b56e684258
The test theme fixture was using old `@blog` helper which was deprecated in v2 and replaced with `@site`. Since the latest bump to Gscan - b56e684258 - now validates a theme by going through nested `*.hbs` files, this was missed so far as it didn't fail the tests. This commit updates the test theme fixture to use updated value.
refs 492f115850
- Added quick copy-pasteable instruction on modifying theme fixtures
- Added notes about possible future improvemetns and current pitfalls when touching theme fixtures
- Mailgun responds to an email send with a provider id in the format `<>` but everywhere else it's used in their API it uses the format ``
- updates email batch save to strip the brackets, and migration removes brackets from existing records so we no longer have to add special handling for the stored id any time we use it
- The current huge test utilities file is really hard to reason about
- It is so big we have no idea what's in it anymore
- It's also full of terrible code we want to rework
- Splitting it down into smaller pieces makes it easier to see which are the worst bits!
- `card-markdown` support is being removed from the default mobiledoc cards so we need to make sure imported content doesn't fail
- removed long-unused `cardName` payload property from tests
* Removed support for paid param from v3 & canary API
* Updated active subscription checks to use status flag
* Updated MEGA to use status filter over paid flag
* Removed support for paid option at model level
* Installed @tryghost/members-api@1.0.0-rc.0
* Updated members fixtures
ref #10898
- The redirects configuration's `to` & `from` URL parameters used to ignore it's query string parameters, which resulted in unexpected behavior
- Current changeset only partially fixes the issue. Now `to` URL's query parameters always take precedence over incoming query parameters and the rest of query parameters are passed through.
refs c1d66f0b01
- fixed base model allowing '@@INDEXES@@' as a permitted attribute/order
- fixed base model automatically setting `@@INDEXES@@` to null on the model when creating
- added `doAuth('members:emails')`
- creates an `email_batch` record attached to the first email in the fixtures
- creates an `email_recipients` record for each member
- runs analytics aggregation so the email and member counts are as expected
- added acceptance test for `/member/:id/?include=email_recipients`
- add `orderRawQuery` function to members model so that we can ensure members with an open rate are ordered before members without an open rate no matter the order direction chosen
- added `email_open_rate` to members in the test fixtures to allow testing of order
- updated `order` bookshelf plugin's `parseOrderOption()` method to return multiple order-related properties
- `order` same as before, a key-value object of property-direction
- `orderRaw` new property that is a raw SQL order string generated from `orderRawQuery()` method in models
- `eagerLoad` new property that is an array of properties the `eagerLoad` plugin should use to join across
- updated `pagination.fetchAll()` to apply normal order + raw order if both are available and to handle eager loading / joins when `options.eagerLoad` is populated
- updated post model to include details for email relationship and to add `orderRawQuery()` that allows `email.open_rate` to be used as an order option
- Ghost has been using YAML format for other configurations (e.g. routes). The plan is to move to this format for all user-edited settings files. By default JSON format is still used in Ghost Admin API v2/v3, but will be changed to YAML in API v4. Check referenced issue for more context.
- New format supports all the features available before. The main noticeable change is the structure of config file. It is now grouped by redirect HTTP code instead of specifying `"permanent": true | false` attribute for each config property. Example format for YAML config:
/from-url/: /to-url/
/category/([a-z0-9\-]+)/i: /tag/$1/
/v([0-9\.]+)/docs/([a-z0-9\-]+)/i: /docs/$2/
- Added 2 new endpoints: `POST redirects/upload` and `GET redirects/download`. These serve as an alias to current GET/POST `/redirects/json. "upload/download" naming pattern is introduced to match the convention with other resources that can be uploaded and downloaded (images, themes etc.). `/redirects/json` endpoints will be removed in Admin API v4
- The parsing code from `custom-redirects.js` has been moved to `frontend/services/redirects/settings.js`. This location is more appropriate for this logic and eventually `custom-redirects.js` middlewear might be moved into "frontend" as this middlewear plays a role mostly effecting that area.
refs #11572
- Filtering by fields coming from posts_meta table did not work for post resources. This was due to lack of support for these types of operations on NQL layer. The approach taken here is using same way filtering was done for many:many relations and generates a `WHERE IN` filtering clause. In the future we could look into adding preloading of 1:1 relations which should allow getting rid of `WHERE IN` in favor of `JOIN` and filtering directly by field names.
- Changed structure of `EXPANSIONS` filter configuration. Current approach was based on "bag of all the things". Such structure will become problematic as more fields are added. For example, adding all the fields from 1:1 relation posts:posts_meta might collide with any other relations that would have similar naming like meta_description from tags table (if it were was added).
- Bumped nql version to 0.5.0. This adds filtering support to 1:1 relations
- Added filter expansions which can be unique per model Previous approach with single global expansions lookup wasn't working in case different models would need to declare expansion for same field names. Having a `filterExpansion` method per model works in a similar convention other filter related model methods do (e.g. enforcedFilters, defaultFilters)
no issue
- standard browse/read/add/edit/destroy API endpoints for snippets resource
- updates `@tryghost/admin-api-schema` dependency to version that includes snippet definition and schemas
- Internal preview controller was lacking "mapping" call to post object which handled not only missing meta attribute information but lots of other mappings (e.g. users, tags, etc.)
- Have added a regression test to catch issues like this in the future
By using the "email" validation, we were validating emails in CSV
imports using a different validator to the rest of the API. AJV's built
in email validation was failing on emails with "special" characters,
such as letters with an umlaut above them.
This commit brings the validation for CSV imports in line with the rest
of the API.
- When splitting out posts_meta table out of posts table, the fixtures were not corrected.
- There were no acceptance/regression tests which involved posts_meta fields which is why the error was not detected
no issue
- members who have trial subscriptions added directly via Stripe will have a status of `"trialed"` in their Ghost subscription
- the `paid: true` filter was not taking that into account meaning trial users were not receiving newsletters sent to paid members even though they have a "paid" subscription
- When adding new member through `POST /members` API or importing members with CSV importer `POST /members/upload` API created_at and subscribed were ignored
- Similar problem but only with `subscribed` field was present in `PUT /members/:id` API
- The regression was introduced with a bump of @tryghost/members-api to 0.26.0, specifically this change in upstream - a28bcc5b2a (diff-3daeef67d07a2a0f94c89a86cafcede9R44)
- Bumped @tryghost/members-api package to 0.28.2 fixing the underlying issue - 7b5f2e3cb7
no issue
- When batch insert fails handling should be more granular and aim to retry and insert as many records from the batch as possible.
- Added retry logic for failed member's batch inserts. It's a sequential insert for each record in the batch. This implementation was chosen to keep it as simple as possible
- Added filtering of "toCreate" records when member fails to insert. We should not try inserting related members_labels/members_stripe_customers/members_stripe_customer_subscriptions records because they would definitely fail insertion without associated member record
no issue
- Additional validation is needed for imported data because in case of bulk insertions (through knex) we bypass model layer validation - this could lead to invalid data in the database, which would be hard to fix.
- Chose validation method we use for other endpoints - through JSON Schema. It proved to be very performant (200ms overhead for 50k records). When comparing it with iterative method (validating each record separately) this was adding about 17s of overhead.
- Refactored returned values from "sanitizeInput" method to encapsulate more logic so that the caller doesn't have to calculate amount of invalid records and deal with error types
- Whole sanitizeInput method could now be easily extracted into separate module (somewhere close to members importer)
- Bumped members-csv package. It is meant to handle empty string values - '' and null, which should allow validating member records more consistently!
- Updates `boolean` serialization in v2/canary serializers to apply only for `boolean` type settings
- Updates `boolean` transformation in model layer `format`/`parse` to check on `boolean` type setting
- Removes error thrown on Read-only setting for settings edit endpoint
- Updates v2/canary input serializers to remove any Read-only settings (using RO flag) to avoid edits
- Added type/group mappings in the importer when pre-migration settings table import data is present
- Updates tests
refs 2614565d5a
- Renames to match referenced migration renames
- Fixed API responses so they are consistent with newly renamed fields
- Not returning lang and timezone keys from settings in API v2 ther rest should be returned in API v3/canary
- precursor to migrating from `settings.type` to ``
- renames `blog` type to `site`
- renames `bulk_email` type to `email`
- moves settings out of `site` (previously `blog`) into more appropriate groups such as `core` or individual feature groups