refs #6949
- Adds a new VersionMismatchError with status 400 (bad request)
- Adds middleware that checks the X-Ghost-Version header if it is provided
- If it is not provided, the middleware does nothing
- If it is provided, and the versions match, the middleware does nothing
- If it is provided, and the versions don't match, the middleware returns a VersionMismatchError
- Includes both unit and a functional test to prove the middleware works alone and as part of the whole system
refs #6933
Some hard timezones of the hard coded list where shown (`label`-property) with a `GMT`-offset incl. DST. All offsets are now without DST.
Removes `offset` property as it is not used and `Greenwich Mean Time` from label.
fixes#6919, refs #6917
- resolves the problem by guarding for `tags` being undefined or null
- If it is undefined, we don't do any tag processing
- If it is null, we don't do any tag processing
- To delete all tags, you would provide `tags: []`
- adds tests at both the model (using withRelated) and API (using includes) layers
- moves the tests for the post updateTags functionality from the tag model spec to the post model spec & cleans up a bit
issues #6406#6399
- all dates are stored as UTC with this commit
- use'UTC')
- add migration file to recalculate local datetimes to UTC
- store all dates in same format into our three supported databases
- add option to remeber migrations inside settings (core)
- support DST offset for migration
- ensure we force UTC in test env
- run whole migration as transaction
- extend: Settings.findOne function
- add NODE_LEVEL to print errors while running tests
- try/catch while parsing translations file
- run setup/teardown as promise or callback
- some general error improvements
- adding timeZone Service to get the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) overall available
- new publishedAtOffset date as CP using timeZone service and moment-timezone to calculate offset incl. DST
- removing timezone-obj transform as it became obsolete with moment-timezone
- reading timezones from configuration/timezones api endpoint
- adding a moment-utc transform to only work with utc times in backend
- when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone
- added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box
- default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London'
- if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used
- showing local time in 'Publish Date' when it's a draft and no actual publishedAt value exists
- Removed the format 'DD MMM YY @ HH:mm (UTC Z)' which resolves to '01 Jan 16 @ 14:00 (UTC +02:00)'
- Changing the date.js helper in core/server for moment-timezone
- Fix timezone select: updates `selectedTimezone` to return the matching object from `availableTimezones`
- Including timezones in test for date-helper
- update to moment-timezone 0.5.1
- moving form-group of 'selectTimezone' further up so
- Tests:
- Set except for clock service in test env
- adding fixtures to mirage
- adding 'service.ajax' to navigation-test.js
- adding 'service:ghostPaths' to navigation-test.js
- Code improvements
- Changing clockservice to ES6
no issue
- import the now separated [Ghost-Admin]( project as a submodule in it's original location of `core/client`
no issue
- updates the logic to expect `null` scratch values as the scratch values won't be set until the input value has changed
- adds tests for initial value display and regression tests for the cleared input bug
- refactors the validation of facebook and twitter input field in `general.js` and `user.js` controller
- Example validations for facebook:
- `` will be corrected to the full URL
- `user` will show error `Your Page name is not a valid Facebook Page name' for `general.js` and `Your Username is not a valid Facebook Username` for `user.js` as the username in facebook has to be at least 5 characters long
- `` will be autocorrected to the valid facebook URL incl. the `username`
- Example validations for twitter:
- `` will be corrected to the full URL
- `user:99` will show error `Your Username is not a valid Twitter Username`
- `` will be autocorrected to the valid twitter URL incl. the `username`
- updates both acceptance tests
- adds further validation for facebook pages in general settings and user. Submitting a url which incl. `/page/` or `/pages/` will now accept any username followed incl. further `/`.
- adds a custom transform `facebook-url-user` which will extract the username (if it's a facebook page, incl. `pages/`) to store only this in the backend
- uses the `twitter-url-user` transform now also for user
refs #6534
- twitter & facebook fields are changing to store usernames only
- use the new social url util to generate urls where necessary
- update tests
refs #6534
- this PR assumes that we are now saving usernames only in the database for twitter & facebook
- adds a new social links utility which can generate twitter & facebook urls from the username
- adds a {{twitter_url}} and {{facebook_url}} helper which uses these
- adds a full suite of tests for the helpers & utils
no issue
- fixes problem when the nav menu would be shown on an error404 route when the user is not logged in
- adds failing test that passes with this change
refs #6534
- don't output publisher for the 'People' type on the author page
- change publisher to a full 'Organisation' for the 'Article' type on posts
Google's structured data validator also wants image & publisher.logo inside of Article to be full 'ImageObject's.
Currently, it output's an error for them: 'The attribute itemtype has an invalid value.'
However, the spec on says a url is valid:,
which is slightly different to Google's spec here:
Ideally, we would output a full 'ImageObject', however we don't currently have the width & height info required.
Therefore, I think what we have is valid strictly speaking, but we should aim to fix this when we have better image tools.
no issue
- minor optical fix for metadata
- sameAs property was showing `null` value in array, if no data was provided
- instead of showing `null`, it will be empty, if no data (author website, facebook or twitter) it will be an empty array