- To make the development quicker the copy-paste code was left in the codebase but gave immediate smell. Removed it to stop bothering me every time I look at the related code :)
refs 3150c87935
- Adds basic coverage for a bug that was fixed in referenced commit.
Next time it should be easier to add more tests to the suite as there's
already an example starter to work your way from.
- bumped `@tryghost/kg-default-cards` with improved handling of thumbnail aspect ratio and a bugfix for the `loop` attribute on the `<video>` element
- The "Origin" header is require in Admin API requests so it makes sense to bake it into a default request made by most tests. Reduces unnecesary fluf around test request setup and removes a "config" dependency in each tests suite using the "e2e framework"
- updates payload attributes set by audio card in frontend template
- updates use of duration and post url link on audio card in email template
- updates parser plugin for audio card
- updates tests
- Allows for much smaller amount of code to configure a test to work with chai-jest-snapshots. They now work automatically for all regression tests and could be enabled for other suites by adding the "--require=./test/utils/snapshots.js" parameter in respective test:* package script
- Regenerated snapshot for authentication test as the naming structure
changed a little with the snapshot metadata being taken on a higher
level in the test (uses the suite name instead of a specific describe it
used to be called from)
- Moving common mocking/stubbing/spying logic into an outside utils module allows test suites to keep agnostic towards which framework powers mocking etc. Should also substitute email service stubbing used in multiple places
- Bonus, got rid of should dependency, which is deprecated
no issue
- The response from the server might not always contain an array with errors (for example when there's a generic 503 error). This changes prevents tests from hanging and adds at least some relevant output
- Adds content folder creation based on fixtures for e2e tests using the e2e framework
- Mostly a copy-paste for now from existing e2e utils with some simplifications, so we can "complicate things" later only if needed
- This is an example of how the converted test suite syntax could look like when using jest snapshots.
- The tradeoff is not that visible just yet as these tests were mostly checking few fields, but when the whole range of admin API tests is convered we'll be able to get rid of the "checkResponse" utiliti methods along with all the supporting luggage!
refs 24505db918
- The code is heavily borrowed from the referenced commit by @ErisDS. It starts a fresh abstraction layer for all e2e tests to use, provides simle interface for request agent initialization and state management (read the e2e-framework top file description for more)
- Main methods the framework exposes are:
- getAgent - to initialize request agent with a fresh Ghost instance
- initFixtures - to initializer a fresh db state
- resetDb - cleans up the db state if there were state manipulations during the test suite run (POST, PUT requests or non-default fixtures)
- Having a fresh module should allow building new testing utility concepts from the ground up without being tied by the mystery baggage of the legacy localUtils/testUtils
- The outline of the concepts the framework will be handling is in the commont on the top of the e2e-framework file
- This refactor fixes the rest of authentication test suite and outlines the state setup steps that are absolutely needed for tests that rely on any db state. It's still counterintuitive why the fixture initialization has to be called and in that specific order, so next will be refactoring in this area to simplify the initi code
- Passing around plain options object tends to become quite unreadable long term. While these new utils are being shaped up it's still easy to change interface and introduce new parameters with time as needed.
refs 5bea089dfe
refs 16ad5f73c4
- The refactor is heavily inspired by the referenced commit from @ErisDS
- This refactor is meant to serve as a template for further refactors and unification of the abstraction over "request". Should allow us to be more agnostic towards the library that's powering the request thing. For example, mock-express style of request handling could substitute or get substututed easily if all tests are behind similar "get(Authenticated)Agent" interface
- This is a continuation of an experiment to switch over to serverless boot in regression tests. Just a proofe of concept that authentication scenarios would also work and the expectations don't collapse unexpectedly.
- Nothing too crazy so far, easy and straight forward substitution of the config "url" with an express app passed to the supertest agent
- Being able to set up test suites without blocking a port opens a door to new ways to run tests - for example this has been one of the blockers for running mocha tests in parallel
- Additional benefit is lighter statrup, which reducec the test execution time slightly. Doesn't seem like much but these things stack up!
- bumped @tryghost/kg-default-cards that contains initial video card rendering
- added video card CSS file with basic style that prevents video element rendering larger than the content width (similar to default image styles in most themes)