no issue
- `customers` property contains an array of customer for which 'for..of' syntax is more appropriate
- Bug was causing creation of multiple customers in Stripe when new checkout session was initiated for existing customer
- Discussed in
- It's a follow up to a series of refactorings in the module mostly discussed in refed PR
- The sendEmailWithMagicLink and destroyStripeSubscriptions were exposed through members API so that Ghost could call it from the controller level
refs #
- Added method to allow updating single subscription. Only `cancel_at_period_end` field can be updated.
- Middleware is needed to allow Ghost Core to cancel/uncancel member's subscription.
- Relies on the request containing identity information to be able to verify if subscription belongs to the user
- When member could not be identified by the identity information present in the request we should throw instead of continuing processing
- Handling and messaging inspired by
- When the user initiates subscription cancellation we can safely mark the subscription as canceled so that it's not shown in the interface on subsequent request. Otherwise, we end up in a situation where we still return the subscription in the period until Stripe triggers the webhook.
- Added boolean coercion for cancel_at_period_end parameter. If anything but boolean is passed to Stripe API it throws an error. Coercing the value on our side is a gives a better dev experience
When using localhost urls the call to `create` will error and end in teh
catch block - so we need to use the environment variable there, too.
Introduced in 0149dd8f
no issue
- When debugging Stripe with using: `stripe listen \
--forward-to http://ghost.local/members/webhooks/stripe/` this priority is nice to have so that Ghost process can be initialized using WEBHOOK_SECRET env variable
- It was not working in current form because Stripe recognized `ghost.local` as a valid domain and didn't throw any errors
- Removed unneeded secret assignment in a catch statement. It is redundant with the new implementation
* customer.subscription.deleted - when a subscription is cancelled
* customer.subscription.updated - when a subscription status/plan changes
* invoice.payment_succeeded - when a subscription has successfully renew
* invoice.payment.failed - when a subscription has failed to renew