refs #6458, closes#6457
- replaces jquery-ui.sortable with ember-sortable for drag-n-drop handling
- moves the "new/blank" nav item out of the nav items list
- allows it to be excluded from the draggable list
- cleans up handling of the `navigationItems` array as there's no longer a need to ignore/exclude this extra item
- clears validation errors when typing in the respective field
- adds acceptance test for adding/removing nav items
- improves acceptance test for saving nav items to cover more edge cases
no issue
- drop phantomjs tests both locally and on Travis
- instruct Travis to install latest Chrome and Firefox
- start an X server when running the client tests on Travis
- update testem config to start Chrome and Firefox in both local and CI tests
- fix testing preview sizing in Firefox as it doesn't support `zoom: 50%` style
- improve infinite scroll testing to be more reliable
- fix post acceptance test to handle both mobile and desktop views
no issue
- download phantomjs 2.1.1 in Travis' `before_install` step and update the `PATH` export to so the downloaded version is used
- remove the now no-longer needed `ember-cli-es5-shim` dependency
- update documentation references to match new phantomjs version
- wraps `<img>` element with a `<div>` to workaround buggy browser behaviour (
- adds explicit `width: 100%` to `img` element to fix Firefox not scaling down to mobile sizes
refs #6039
- adds `/authentication/passwordreset` endpoint to mirage config
- tests the "Forgot?" link behaviour on the signin form
NB: This will fail until #6425 is merged as this tests the correct behaviour rather than the currently broken behaviour ;-)
Remove shadow on last tag item hover, was an inconsistent style addition thats not used elsewhere such as the content list
- Remove box-shadow on last of type settings tag hover state
Remove * selector and specify user-select on individual classes for performance.
- remove * selector
- update classes that benefit from user-select none
Having different visuals based around if a radio/checkbox uses a label or not is weird and style changes should use a class modifier.
- Merged the two together as I was unable to find an example checkbox/radio in use that did not use the label tag
Improved UI for radio/checkboxes
- Added cursor pointer to radio/checkboxes
- Added hover state to radio/checkboxes
Add cursor to select boxes for usability
- cursor: pointer; added to select boxes
Add hover state to post edit icon
- add dark grey hover state to post edit icon
Add visual hover to nav user menu dropdown
- Move dropdown icon to visually indicate hover
- redirect to 404 when post is not found
- replace replaceRoute calls with replaceWith calls in routes (replaceRoute is only available on controllers)
- add post mirage factory
- add acceptance test for post 404 redirection
- restores ajax prefilter initializer that was removed in #6243
- adds regression test for standard `$.ajax` requests sending Authorization header
This can be removed once we no longer have jquery plugins that make internal ajax calls that don't go through ember-ajax.
- added keyForAttribute method in application serializer
- override keyForAttribute in settings serializer to not apply camelCase/underscore conversion
- rename under_scored properties to camelCased
no issue
- updates ember-data dependency and switches to direct es6 module import instead of destructuring assignment
- fixes issue with `authenticationFailed` action being called before transitions have finished