refs #7449, refs #7514, refs #7643
- We've had a couple of issues raised, and a few people in #help all report the same error:
> Cannot read property 'zone' of undefined
When starting Ghost.
I'm not sure why this seems to work sometimes, and not others, however it would seem that we
should require moment-timezone anywhere we want to use timezone features.
This PR fixes the LOC shown in #7449 as the problem line + I searched for any other potential problems
With this PR we expose a public configuration endpoint.
When /ghost is requested, we don't load and render the configurations into the template anymore. Instead, Ghost-Admin can request the public configuration endpoint.
* 🎨 make configuration endpoint public
* 🔥 remove loading configurations in admin app
- do not render them into the default html page
* ✨ load client credentials in configuration endpoint
- this is not a security issue, because we have exposed this information anyway before (by rendering them into the requested html page)
* 🎨 extend existing configuration integration test
* ✨ tests: add ghost-auth to data generator
* ✨ add functional test
* 🔥 remove type/value pattern
* 🎨 do not return stringified JSON objects
no issue
- background: we would like to pin 1.8.1 bunyan, because they introduced a behaviour change in the newer versions, see
- because we would like to use Ghost-Ignition in Ghost soon, we can ignore bunyan updates in Ghost for now
- Ignition will take care about be able to update bunyan soon
* 🎨 rotation config
- every parameter is configureable
- increase default number of files to 100
* 🎨 ghost.log location
- example: content/logs/http___my_ghost_blog_com_ghost.log
- user can change the path to something custom by setting logging.path
* 🛠 add response-time as dependency
* 🎨 readable PrettyStream
- tidy up
- generic handling (was important to support more use cases, for example:{ anyKey: anyValue }))
- common log format
- less code 🕵🏻
* 🎨 GhostLogger cleanup
- remove setLoggers -> this function had too much of redundant code
- instead: add smart this.log function
- remove logging.request (---> GhostLogger just forwards the values, it doesn't matter if that is a request or not a request)
- make .warn .debug .info .error small and smart
* 🎨 app.js: add response time as middleware and remove logging.request
* 🎨 setStdoutStream and setFileStream
- redesign GhostLogger to add CustomLoggers very easily
----> Example CustomLogger
function CustomLogger(options) {
// Base iterates over defined transports
// EXAMPLE: ['stdout', 'elasticsearch'], options);
// OVERRIDE default stdout stream and your own!!!
CustomLogger.prototype.setStdoutStream = function() {}
// add a new stream
// get's called automatically when transport elasticsearch is defined
CustomLogger.prototype.setElasticsearchStream = function() {}
* 🎨 log into multiple file by default
- content/logs/domain.error.log --> contains only the errors
- content/logs/domain.log --> contains everything
- rotation for both files
* 🔥 remove logging.debug and use npm debug only
* ✨ shortcuts for mode and level
* 🎨 jshint/jscs
* 🎨 stdout as much as possible for an error
* 🎨 fix tests
* 🎨 remove req.ip from log output, remove response-time dependency
* 🎨 create middleware for logging
- added TODO to move logging middleware to ignition
* ✨ id for each error instance
- copy paste of ignition
- on purpose for now
- delete TODO, wohoo
- use id property instead of uid, see
* 🕵🏻 remove TODO for decouple req.err
- can't find a nicer alternative solution
- added some more descriptions to code pieces in our error-handler
* 🎨 use uuid.v1
- timestamp based
no issue
- add tests for makePathsAbsolute
- add support for windows paths
When Ghost-CLI inits the database of the current GhostVersion (in /current), then it uses knex-migrator to do that.
Knex migrator is reading the .knex-migrator file of the current Ghost version. This returns a relative path to the database location.
The problem: knex-migrator will init the database in the root folder of Ghost-CLI /content/data instead of /current/content . And when you start Ghost (ghost start), it always complains that
that database is not initialised, because it expects the database in /current/content...
* 🎨 move config_spec to config/index_spec
- add one more test case
* 🎨 one token endpoint
refs #7562
- delete /authentication/ghost
- Ghost-Admin will use /authentication/token for all use cases (password, refresh token and authorization code)
- add new grant_type `authorization_code`
* 🎨 update comment description and remove spamPrevention.resetCounter
* 🎨 do not call generateSlug twice for User.setup
* 🎨 call generatePasswordHash onSaving only
- now we can add defaults to User Model
- it was not possible before because add User model did the following:
1. validate password length
2. hash password manually
3. call ghostBookshelf.Model.add and THEN bookshelf defaults fn gets triggered
- call generatePasswordHash in onSaving hook for all use case
- add more tests to user model, juhu