no issue
1. renamed alias:
- we have a special alias that does initial setup tasks that are only supposed to be run once
- changing the alias to be `setup` rather than `init` otherwise it is too easy to confuse with `grunt init`
2. require globals to be installed manually
- yarn is RUBBISH at managing globals
- internally we use npm for this (actually we have a managed list of globals) and yarn for everything else
- by moving this to documentation, rather than a command, we have flexibility to do this differently
- also explicit globals are better than installing these without the user knowing IMO
3. setup includes knex-migrator
- do this automatically instead of knex-migrator init being a separate command
- every other time knex-migrator is needed, Ghost _should_ tell you what to do
no issue
- knex@0.12.9
- bookshelf@0.10.3
- and any dependency, which relies on knex@0.14
- we experienced an unwated behaviour where the blog keeps too many connections open
- we have to investigate
refs #5345, refs #3801
- Blog localisation
- default is `en` (English)
- you can change the language code in the admin panel, see
- blog behaviour changes depending on the language e.g. date helper format
- theme translation get's loaded if available depending on the language setting
- falls back to english if not available
- Theme translation
- complete automatic translation of Ghost's frontend for site visitors (themes, etc.), to quickly deploy a site in a non-English language
- added {{t}} and {{lang}} helper
- no backend or admin panel translations (!)
- easily readable translation keys - very simple translation
- server restart required when adding new language files or changing existing files in the theme
- no language code validation for now (will be added soon)
- a full theme translation requires to translate Ghost core templates (e.g. subscriber form)
- when activating a different theme, theme translations are auto re-loaded
- when switching language of blog, theme translations are auto re-loaded
- Bump gscan to version 1.3.0 to support more known helpers
**Documentation can be found at**
no issue
- patch release with two fixes:
- 1. attach target models in batches
- 2. ensure we detach the bookshelf model event from new targets, otherwise we can run into memory leaks
no issue
- adapt major changes of knex-migrator v3
- adapt migration scripts, simplify and add `down` (rollback) hook if possible
- clear Ghost cache after init hook (because of `knex-migrator migrate --init`)
- ensure db migrations work with the CLI
- updated troubleshooting guide (
**For development only: Please ensure you run `npm i -g knex-migrator@latest` to update your global installation to v3. We always prefer the local installation, but v3 has modified and added binaries.**
no issue
- the new `--exit` flag might be interesting at some point
> In Mocha v3.0.0 and newer, returning a Promise and calling done() will result in an exception.
- adapt teardown/setup test utility
- adapt other mixed usages of callback && Promise usage
no issue
- added as dependency
- remove existing tag handling
* Important: Ensure we trigger parent initialize function
- otherwise the plugin is unable to listen on model events
- important: event order for listeners is Ghost -> Plugin
- Ghost should be able to listen on the events as first instance
- e.g. be able to modify/validate relationships
* Fix tag validation
- we detect lower/update case slugs for tags manually
- this can't be taken over from the plugin obviously
- ensure we update the target model e.g. this.set('tags', ...)
* override base fn: `permittedAttributes`
- ensure we call the base
- put relations on top
- each relation is allowed to be passed
- the plugin will auto-unset any relations to it does not reach the database
* Ensure we run add/edit/delete within a transaction
- updating nested relationships requires sql queries
- all sql statements have to run in a single transaction to ensure we rollback everything if an error occurs
- use es6
refs #9178
* Add eslint deps, remove old lint deps
* Add eslint config, remove old lint configs
* Config for server and tests are different
* Tweaked rules to suit us
* Fix linting in codebase - lots of indent changes.
* Fix a real broken test
no issue
- the official V8 LTS release version is 8.9.0
- came out on the 31th of 10/17 (this is where the official LTS for V8 has started)
- requires an update on
no issue
- major bump
- we only use jsonpath inside the `get` helper
- the functionality still works as expected
- includes security fix, see 98464aa5fe
no issue
- we had to fork the original repository at one point, because of slow maintenance
- maintenance is back now
- was merged and released
no issue
- bson-objectid@1.2.1
- compression@1.7.1
- express@4.16.2
- moment-timezone@0.5.14
- mysql@2.15.0
- nconf@0.8.5
- sanitize-html@1.15.0
- simple-html-tokenizer@0.4.3
- superagent@3.8.0
- we are unable to bump moment and bluebird at the moment, because in both releases there is a bug which breaks our tests
- i didn't investigate a lot, but there is
- and for moment, a couple of reports came in for .19 regarding a wrong date behaviour
no issue
- bump dependencies because of failing tests
- added package-lock.json to gitignore, because we use yarn
- run v8 on travis
- support v8 engine in package.json