- with dynamic routing the first collection get's the "index" context attached
- the index context signalises the main post listening route (first collection)
- this behaviour was present < 1.24 - we have to keep this behaviour
refs #9601
- if you call `express.Router()`, the router's name is always "router"
- that is caused by the closure behaviour in express:
- Ghost creates a couple of express routers for dynamic routing
- it depends how much you configure in your routes.yaml file
- but every router is called "router"
- this is hard to work with
- with this router wrapping logic, we are able to give each router an exact name
If you enable `DEBUG=ghost:services:routing:*`, you have seen this before
> ghost:services:routing:ParentRouter site: mountRouter: router +0ms
With the wrapper logic, you will see:
> ghost:services:routing:ParentRouter site: mountRouter: StaticPagesRouter +0ms
- furthermore, if you have to access the router stack (`app.router.stack`), you can easily identify and find router instances by name
no issue
- if you define no collections, but a static route, it can happen that the target template to render
makes use of the {{ghost_head}} helper
- the {{ghost_head}} helper tries to create the primary rss feed url
- at the moment: no collections, no primary rss feed url
- if we offer the option to define custom rss rules, this function might need an extension
no issue
- this mock eat already too much of my/our time
- the idea of adding a knex mock was definitely a failed approach/try
- it's too much to maintaince and have not found a module which does this already
- we have to support any query format
- this is too crazy
- the idea was to use the knex mock for model unit tests, because if we want to unit test models we have to
run through bookshelf, because the whole model layer depends on bookshelf e.g. events
- for now we simply use the real database
- we could use the sqlite3 memory mode, but that would mean every unit test runs on sqlite3
- something to consider for later e.g. run unit tests on one matrix
- run the rest on another matrix for sqlite + mysql
- with dynamic routing we have introduced a breaking change, which we have overseen
- Ghost does not return absolute urls, that's why the clients need to concat the blog url and the resource url
- with 1.24.0 Ghost returned resource urls including the subdirectory
- this caused trouble for e.g. zapier or the preview feature in the admin client
- revert breaking change and ensure we only expose resource urls without subdirectory
- add `oembed-parser` module for checking provider availability for a url and fetching data from the provider
- require it in the `overrides.js` file before the general Promise override so that the `promise-wrt` sub-dependency doesn't attempt to extend the Bluebird promise implementation
- add `/oembed` authenticated endpoint
- takes `?url=` query parameter to match against known providers
- adds safeguard against oembed-parser's providers list not recognising http+https and www+non-www
- responds with `ValidationError` if no provider is found
- responds with oembed response from matched provider's oembed endpoint if match is found
no issue
- was introduced with dynamic routing beta:
- the slug param wasn't forwarded correctly
- you were not able to render a custom tag or author template e.g. `tag-news.hbs`
refs #9681
- we already had a protection against these situations when serving the site (theme)
- it can happen that we have to initialise the express engine in the error handler in case the first request to /ghost produces an error (e.g. 503)
- otherwise the underlying error message is hidden and Ghost doesn't render the error html template correctly
- the collection router had a hardcoded default context "home"
- this is wrong
- the context array get's automatically filled for the collection
- if you are serving a page e.g. /page/2/ -> it's "paged"
- if you are serving / -> it's "home"
- same for {{body_class}}, it outputs "home-template" on "/"
- this is the same behaviour as in 1.23.x
no issue
- reverse must happen once in the constructor
- otherwise we reverse the array on each request
- Ghost would randomly pick the first and then the second template
no issue
- from now on: you have to manually reconfigure your slack hook after importing your data
- we were running into trouble that Ghost had import slack hooks, because it can happen very fast
that you are importing someone's slack hook
no issue
- there was a timing bug in Ghost
- we do operations in parallel on bootstrap
- 1) we fetch the resources as early as possible
- 2) we do all the rest (express bootstrapping, theme loading, router registration) etc.
- it can happen that (2) happens too slow and ends in the situation that the queue, which is responsible
to handle both parallel actions, does not wait for the routers and closes the event
- this is a short term fix
- i need to reconsider if there is a better long term fix
refs #9601
### Dynamic Routing
This is the beta version of dynamic routing.
- we had a initial implementation of "channels" available in the codebase
- we have removed and moved this implementation
- there is now a centralised place for dynamic routing - server/services/routing
- each routing component is represented by a router type e.g. collections, routes, static pages, taxonomies, rss, preview of posts
- keep as much as possible logic of routing helpers, middlewares and controllers
- ensure test coverage
- connect all the things together
- yaml file + validation
- routing + routers
- url service
- sitemaps
- url access
- deeper implementation of yaml validations
- e.g. hard require slashes
- ensure routing hierarchy/order
- e.g. you enable the subscriber app
- you have a custom static page, which lives under the same slug /subscribe
- static pages are stronger than apps
- e.g. the first collection owns the post it has filtered
- a post cannot live in two collections
- ensure apps are still working and hook into the routers layer (or better said: and register in the routing service)
- put as much as possible comments to the code base for better understanding
- ensure a clean debug log
- ensure we can unmount routes
- e.g. you have a collection permalink of /:slug/ represented by {globals.permalink}
- and you change the permalink in the admin to dated permalink
- the express route get's refreshed from /:slug/ to /:year/:month/:day/:slug/
- unmount without server restart, yey
- ensure we are backwards compatible
- e.g. render home.hbs for collection index if collection route is /
- ensure you can access your configured permalink from the settings table with {globals.permalink}
### Render 503 if url service did not finish
- return 503 if the url service has not finished generating the resource urls
### Rewrite sitemaps
- we have rewritten the sitemaps "service", because the url generator does no longer happen on runtime
- we generate all urls on bootstrap
- the sitemaps service will consume created resource and router urls
- these urls will be shown on the xml pages
- we listen on url events
- we listen on router events
- we no longer have to fetch the resources, which is nice
- the urlservice pre-fetches resources and emits their urls
- the urlservice is the only component who knows which urls are valid
- i made some ES6 adaptions
- we keep the caching logic -> only regenerate xml if there is a change
- updated tests
- checked test coverage (100%)
### Re-work usage of Url utility
- replace all usages of `urlService.utils.urlFor` by `urlService.getByResourceId`
- only for resources e.g. post, author, tag
- this is important, because with dynamic routing we no longer create static urls based on the settings permalink on runtime
- adapt url utility
- adapt tests
no issue
- the dot notation only works if you install a single lodash dependency e.g. `yarn install lodash.get`
- otherwise we have to use `lodash/get`
no issue
- this is a fix when starting Ghost and it cannot start because of a native error
- it could happen that a third library returns a native error, which will then be wrapped into an Ignition error
- we should tell Ignition to inherit from the error message, otherwise the error message is for example
not directly visible in the CLI
no issue
- discovered while coding
- the value was always false, because we've tried to read the value from the config object
- the value lives in the database and is accessible via the labs service
no issue
- we sanitise any incoming slug on the model layer e.g uppercase -> lowercase
- and when importing e.g. an uppercase slug, the importer was trying to compare the uppercase slug with the sanitised slug