- custom theme settings were not reinstated on import
- importing custom theme settings for the current active theme requires the theme be re-activated
- Careful of flags, having different paginations depending on those
- Little stylistic adjustment to how pagination is shown on engagement bar
- Quite a few feature flag checks to make sure the right style is showing
- The 'should' assertion library is deprecated. Native 'assert' is the recommended lib to use
- Migrating this bit of code allows to remove the should's "utils" folder. Less code, yey!
no issue
Improve the route communication between Ghost Admin and Ghost Explore to
reflect route changes in the URL and correctly navigate to Explore sub
The email link redirects on Pro are cached as 302 redirects in Varnish, so we're missing further clicks after the first one for each member, until the cache is invalidated. This change invalidates cache on link edits to ensure that we correctly redirect members to updated link everytime
- editing a link caused it to jump in the list as its count is reset to 0
- this forces the order of links same after edit, the new order is only visible on refresh or navigating away and coming back
- wires link update API on post analytics UI page to save edited links for a newsletter
- all links matching the edited link are updated by the API in the backend
When a newsletter link is edited, we reset its click count to 0 to show only the clicks on newly edited links. This is done by only counting the member click events for a link which are greater than its last updated at, so that all previous click events are not counted for the link, but are included in the total count of all links on the page.
- Newsletter clicks module has new header and box
- Source attribution module has new header and box
- Resources have new headers inside the box
- New split layout if there are two modules side-by-side
These events are all required for other parts of the Ghost system to stay in
sync. The events on each Tier object will be dispatched by the TierRepository
once they've been persisted.
TierCreatedEvent - generate Stripe Products & Prices
TierNameChangeEvent - update Stripe Products
TierPriceChangeEvent - update Stripe Products & Prices
TierArchivedEvent - update the Portal settings for visible tiers
- disable Stripe Products & Prices
TierActivatedEvent - enable Stripe Products & Prices
refs 82ed10473b
- getDefaultProduct has unified logic across different places (see refed commit). It is recommended to use instead of writing custom queries prone to mistakes.
- Also added more readable name to the possible error message thrown by setComplimentarySubscription