- fixed bug where ![] is replaced with  for image url
- added fileStorage setting to uploader
- added fileStorage helper (could become standard way of providing config data for frontend???)
- added data element to editor and settings
- if no config value is set fileStorage: true is default
Specified type='button' for the buttons in the form so they don't get
pseudo clicked on enter key in inputs. Added a keyup handler to check
for enter keys in the inputs and do the proper action based on where you
are in the form.
- Updated the blog/content view to check `collection.length` before
attempting to pull another record.
- In the event an item is removed and the collection now has zero items,
still redraw the preview pane, just with no data.
- replace defaults with consistently named .png files
- change the settings saving code so that it doesn't double-save images and save the defaults to the db
- I think there's probably a nicer solution than putting clearEverything() everywhere, but that would also probably involve significant refactoring.
* Adding new error notifications (removed post name, cleaned up statuses) when creating/updating a post
* Removing scheduled from the maps and changing the text of publish-on
* Made temporary "Scheduled publishing is not supported yet." message display in a proper error container, plus a slight grammar fix.
* Removed ; from the start of validation errors on post error, as the previous sentence finishes with a .
* Smoother animations
* Removed blurring in Chrome temporarily
* Centering is now done in CSS (the height is calculated in JS to work in FF and Opera)
* Modals now need close: true to be set to enable the close icon and shortcuts for closing (ESC key, background clicking)
closes#701, closes#702
- if image upload is called from editor the url icon provides a text field and a save button
- if on settings pages (general and user) the save button will capture the entered url or uploaded url
- both modes have the reset button
- fixed bug that is created by url when image is dragged onto window
- Maintain a list of markers for CodeMirror which reference image codes
- Upload start triggers a selection
- Upload success replaces the selection
- No ref-style image markdown handling
- Showdown image URL handling improved at the expense of titles
- Tests updated
- Modified post collection to have default values for paging.
- Added scroll handler to content view to check for more posts and load
as appropriate.
- Sanitized result from server-side post paging, ensure page # is
returned as an integer.
- Added a functional test stub.
- Removed superfluous as-of-yet-unused options in the publish menu.
- Adjusted display names of publish buttons according to differing
states the publish menu can be in (new post, saved draft, published
- Added red highlight style to "important" status change options in the
publish menu (draft => published, published => unpublished).
- Added suite of functional tests around new labels and classes.
- added type to ghost.settings()
- added /api/settings?type=<filter>
- added availableThemes to settingsCache
- removed cachedSettingsRequestHandler
- removed /api/themes (including front end)
- changed activePlugins to type "plugin" in default-settings.json
* Basically adds the client side of node validator, that we're already using
* Validator is plonked onto `Ghost.Validator`
* Usage is identical as to
* Has sanitizing values et al
* `Ghost.Validator.error` is redefined, it populates Ghost.Validator._errors (Array)
* `Ghost.Validator.handleErrors` is supposed to print out the multiple error messages, if there are multiple (this is broken due to how notifications are presented `.html` instead of `.append`), and also apply class to element
* The ajax calls are wrapped in an if to prevent network traffic if something's not right on client side
* Added validation to general settings and user settings screens.
* On validation error, optionally adds `.input-error` to whatever element you reference, see below (if `el` exists on the error object). This is the only place where usage is different to the original implementation. Redeclared `error()` function in `init.js`
* Usage: `Ghost.Validate.check(valueToCheck, {message: "the error message", el: $('#the element')}).isEmail()`
* The element above will receive the `.input-error` class. `isEmail()` is one of the stuff you can check against.
- Added new Backbone view for post settings menu
- Moved sass styles to global.scss for post settings menu items
- Added field to change post slug (permalink) using existing slug