refs #9178
- they definitely don't belong to server/utils
- i think the best place is putting them into the card apps
- the the post model needs to ask the app for it's converters
- move tests as well
refs #9178
- continue with killing our global utils folder
- i haven't found any better naming for lib/promise
- so, require single files for now
- instead of doing `promiseLib = require('../lib/promise')`
- we can optimise the requires later
refs #9178
- this logic belongs to a static model helper
- the visibility property is a model property, the knowledge about the visibility values belongs to the model
- rename the functions, so they make more sense
refs #9178
- we have to take care that we don't end up in circular dependencies
- e.g. API requires UrlService and UrlService needs to require the API (for requesting data)
- update the references
- we would like to get rid of the utils folder, this is/was the most complicated change
no issue
- adapt major changes of knex-migrator v3
- adapt migration scripts, simplify and add `down` (rollback) hook if possible
- clear Ghost cache after init hook (because of `knex-migrator migrate --init`)
- ensure db migrations work with the CLI
- updated troubleshooting guide (
**For development only: Please ensure you run `npm i -g knex-migrator@latest` to update your global installation to v3. We always prefer the local installation, but v3 has modified and added binaries.**
no issue
Support for style webhooks that can be used with Zapier triggers. This can currently be used in two ways:
a) adding a webhook record to the DB manually
b) using the API with password auth and POSTing to /webhooks/ (this is private API so not documented)
⚠️ only _https_ URLs are supported in the webhook `target_url` field 🚨
- add `webhooks` table to store event names and target urls
- add `POST` and `DELETE` endpoints for `/webhooks/`
- configure `subscribers.added` and `subscribers.deleted` events to trigger registered webhooks
no issue
- added as dependency
- remove existing tag handling
* Important: Ensure we trigger parent initialize function
- otherwise the plugin is unable to listen on model events
- important: event order for listeners is Ghost -> Plugin
- Ghost should be able to listen on the events as first instance
- e.g. be able to modify/validate relationships
* Fix tag validation
- we detect lower/update case slugs for tags manually
- this can't be taken over from the plugin obviously
- ensure we update the target model e.g. this.set('tags', ...)
* override base fn: `permittedAttributes`
- ensure we call the base
- put relations on top
- each relation is allowed to be passed
- the plugin will auto-unset any relations to it does not reach the database
* Ensure we run add/edit/delete within a transaction
- updating nested relationships requires sql queries
- all sql statements have to run in a single transaction to ensure we rollback everything if an error occurs
- use es6
Fixed a potential issue (edge-case), where our generated and validated (in terms of check for existance and add a counter) would return a slug, that will exceed the maximum length of the slug fields (191 chars).
This is mostly possible for the post title, which can be 255 chars long and would generate a slug with the same length. This would prevent the user from actually saving a post.
I tried first to determine the expected length for a slug that already exists, but decided that the **easier** and simplyfied implementation is to always cut a slug to **185 chars** (+ counter). This makes it easier to find duplicates and includes a possible high number of counts (edge-edge-case).
The slug will not be cut down to 185 chars if it's an import.
refs #9178
* Add eslint deps, remove old lint deps
* Add eslint config, remove old lint configs
* Config for server and tests are different
* Tweaked rules to suit us
* Fix linting in codebase - lots of indent changes.
* Fix a real broken test
refs #9192
- Each setting is saved individually
- Update this to only happen on import, or when a value changes
- Reduces the amount of work Ghost does on every setting change
refs #9150
- Moves the password length fn from `models/user` to `data/validation` where the other validator functions live.
- Added password validation rules. Password rules added:
- Disallow obviously bad passwords: '1234567890', 'qwertyuiop', 'asdfghjkl;' and 'asdfghjklm' for example
- Disallow passwords that contain the words 'password' or 'ghost'
- Disallow passwords that match the user's email address
- Disallow passwords that match the blog domain or blog title
- Disallow passwords that include 50% or more of the same characters: 'aaaaaaaaaa', '1111111111' and 'ababababab' for example.
- Password validation returns an `Object` now, that includes an `isValid` and `message` property to differentiate between the two error messages (password too short or password insecure).
- Use a catch predicate in `api/authentication` on `passwordReset`, so the correct `ValidationError` will be thrown during the password reset flow rather then an `UnauthorizedError`.
- When in setup flow, the blog title is not available yet from `settingsCache`. We therefore supply it from the received form data in the user model `setup` method to have it accessible for the validation.
refs #9150
- move data manipulation for importing users from `importers/data/users` to `model/user` for more consistency (see behaviour of post imports)
- changed importing logic in `onSaving` fn for user model:
- when importing, we set the password to a random uid and don't validate, just hash it and lock the user
- when importing with `importPersistUser` we check if the password is a bcrypt hash already and fall back to normal behaviour if not (set random password, lock user, and hash password)
- don't run validations when importing
closes#8668, refs #8920
- Updated tests to include internal tags
- Tests had no example of an internal tag
- Need this to show that the new filtering works as expected
- primary_tag is a calculated field
- This ensures that we can alias the field to equivalent logic in API filters
- By replacing primary_tag by a lookup based on a tag which has order 0
- bump ghost-gql to 0.0.8
Until GQL is refactored, there are limitations on what else can be filtered when using primary_tag in a filter e.g. it wont be possible to do a filter based on primary_tag AND/OR other tag filters.
refs #9001
When a blog is in private mode there is now an unguessable URL that allows access to the RSS feed for internal use, commenting systems, etc.
- add public hash for private blogging
- auto generate on bootstrap if missing
- global hash, we can re-use in the future
- update private blogging middleware to detect the private RSS URL and rewrite it so that the normal rss route/code is used for display
- if a normal `/rss/` route is accessed with a private session return a 404
- use the current date any time a post is fetched if the database contains an invalid date
- raise an error any time an attempt is made to save an invalidate date via the API
- if you send a tag name with a hash, it's an internal tag
- ensure that the visibility property is forced to `internal`
- add a proper test
no issue
* Comment current state of toJSON for user model
- currently the user model does not return the email if the context is app/external/public OR if there is no context object at all
- i am not 100% sure why if there is no context we should not return the email address
- i think no context means internal access
- maybe change this condition cc @ErisDS
* Extend our access rules plugin
- we already have a instance method to determine which context is used
- this relies on passing options into `.forge` - but we almost never pass the context into the forge call
- added @TODO
- provide another static method to determine the context based on the options object passed from outside
* Use the new static function for existing code
* Add comment where the external context is used
* Remove certain fields from a public request (User model only)
* Tests: support `checkResponse` for a public request
- start with an optional option pattern
- i would love to get rid of checkResponse('user', null, null, null)
- still support old style for now
- a resoure can define the default response fields and public response fields
* Tests: adapt public api test
* Tests: adapt api user test
- use new option pattern for `checkResponse`
- eww null, null, null, null....
* Revert the usage of the access rules plugin
no issue
- it's not allowed to change/add these attributes via the API
- created_at = is only once set on adding the resource
- created_by = is only once set on adding the resource
- updated_by = is set on the server side when updating the model (based on who is logged in)
- updated_at = is set on the server side when updating the model
* Revert the usage of the access rules plugin
no issue
- the logic here bypasses filtering options!
- that is wrong, because if we filter out certain options e.g. include
- the tests from the previous commit fail because of this
- if we don't fix this logic, the tests won't pass, because as said, you can bypass certain logic e.g. remove roles from include
- this has worked before, because we passed the wrong options via the API layer
- was introduced here 014e2c88dd, because of
- add proper tests to proof that these queries work!!
🐛 Fixed author role permission to change author
no issue
- To be able to fix this bug, we had to solve tasks from #9043
- This bug affects the private / undocumented API only
- Author role users should not be allowed to change the author of a post
no issue
- we store dates without milliseconds in the database
- our test environment does not use our model layer to insert data, this is related to
- so it can happen that the test env inserts unix timestamps instead of a formatted string
- e.g. adding data via the model layer (e.g. via the API) the format is always normalised to `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss`
- if we fetch the date from the database, we have a hook which sorts out knex returning different formats for dates
- this hook wraps the returned date into a UTC moment date, but adds the current milliseconds on top
- which can collide in tests when you have specific assertions
- use `startOf` to ignore milliseconds
- furthermore: remove the mentionings of `pg` (postgres)
refs #8602
- Add the wiring to pass attributes around the permission system
- Allows us to get access to the important "unsafe" attributes that are changing
- E.g. status for posts
- This can then be used to determine whether a user has permission to perform an attribute-based action
- E.g. publish a post (change status)
no issue
- this bug fix affects all endpoints for the public user access
- we allowed fetching `roles` via the public api by accident
- see our docs:
- we only allow `count.posts`
- returning roles via the public api exposes too many details
- this was never intentional
no issue
- this bug fix affects all endpoints for the public user access
- we allowed fetching `roles` via the public api by accident
- see our docs:
- we only allow `count.posts`
- returning roles via the public api exposes too many details
- this was never attentional
no issue
- while i was testing random failures, i discovered an edge case for disqus
- you start a new 1.0 blog, you add disqus, the unique identifer is the post id (object id)
- now you export your content and import it on a new instance
- the importer detects that the amp field is null and imports the old object id as comment id
- but the post model is not prepared for this case
- see next commit for tests
**NOTE**: The comment id had two different data types (Number or String). Disqus expects a string. So this should not change any behaviour, now that the comment_id is always a string.
- update the markdown card render method to use SimpleDOM's `createRawHtmlSection`. This avoids SimpleDOM parsing and tokenization of broken or unsupported free-form HTML that markdown allows
- replace markdown extraction/render with mobiledoc's renderer in the `Post` model
- removes `jsdom` as it's no longer necessary
- Implements logic such that internal tags cannot be primary tags
- If the first tag on a post is an internal tag, that post will not have a primary tag
no issue
- adds a ghost-backup client
- adds a client authenticated endpoint to export blog for ghost-backup client only
- allows some additional overrides during import
- allows for an import by file to override locking a user and double hashing the password
- We had a report of weird URLS being output in admin stories view
- This is due to plaintext being incorrectly generated
- In order for a URL to be correct, it would need to already contain the subdirectory
- This line in the post model adds it as well, causing a duplicate
- Hence removing this line is the fix
- This is a user error, not a system error
- Downgrading to a 4xx status code means it doesn't appear in logs where it shouldn't
- We didn't have a suitable error available so I added UpdateCollisionError with 409 status
- when the ownership get's transferred, the id of the new owner is not '1' anymore
- we previously added a database rule, which signalises if the blog is setup or not, see 827aa15757 (diff-7a2fe80302d7d6bf67f97cdccef1f71fR542)
- this database rule is based on the owner id being '1', which is wrong when you transfer ownership
- we should keep in mind, that the owner id being '1' is only the default Ghost setup, but it can change
- blog is setup if the owner is locked
- remove mobiledoc parsing, it's reliance on SimpleDom makes it too
fragile when dealing with the unconstrained user-entered HTML that is
allowed in markdown
- we have to remember the old post id's when migrating a blog from LTS to 1.0
- otherwise we would break disqus comments, because they rely on the post id
- this should fix the discovered situation
no issue
- if you upload a huge import file, parallel operations can throw errors e.g. lock wait exceeds
- this can happen if multiple transactions run in parallel
- there is no need to run:
1. the removal of active tokens on import, because imported users have no active session
2. rescheduling logic on timezone, because importing scheduled posts works out of the box via the model layer (if a published date is detected and it's in the future, the post get's scheduled)
closes#8645, closes#8710
- locked users were once part of the category "active users", but were moved to the inactive category
-> we have added a protection of not being able to edit yourself when you are either suspended or locked
- but they are not really active users, they are restricted, because they have no access to the admin panel
- support three categories: active, inactive, restricted
* - revert restricted states
- instead, update permission layer: fallback to `all` by default, because you are able to serve any user status
- add more tests
- ATTENTION: there is a behaviour change, that a blog owner's author page can be served before setting up the blog, see conversation on slack
-> LTS serves 404
-> 1.0 would serve 200