Migration that adds the (nullable) offer_id column to members_stripe_customers_subscriptions.
- New reliable way to know which offer is active for a given subscription (currently we compare the tier and cadence in offer redemptions)
- We'll create a separate migration to backfill all the offer_ids, but only after we updated the code to also store them correctly for new or updated subscriptions (
- Allows us to backfill the MRR of all subscriptions to account for forever offers
Tests for updating `members-api` package to `5.9.0` (happened in earlier commit), which includes the following changes since `5.8.0`:
* Simplifies the calculation of MRR deltas, which will make it easier to update MRR to include offers and cancellations in the future.
* Adjusted MRR and MRR delta calculation to consider "forever" duration offers (only if dashboardv5 flag is enabled)
* Uses the discount information from Stripe to calculate the MRR (this was the easiest way to include it + also supports manually created discounts from users)
* Full difference in
New tests:
- Checks calculation of MRR when using forever vs repeating discounts
- Checks calculation of MRR with dashboard v5 flag enabled/disabled
- Checks calculation of MRR for yearly and monthly subscriptions with forever offers
- Checks updates of MRR and MRR_delta when adding a forever discount to an existing subscription
- Checks updates of MRR and MRR_delta when canceling a subscription with a discount
refs TryGhost/Team#1513
- nullable `sender_name` allows us to use auto fallback of site title for sender name without setting any explicit value for it.
no issue
- There's no need to init whole models module in this test. Simplified mocks are easier to understand without any "magic" that's going on behind model's module "init()" call
- The convention across the codebase is to define headers with capitalized first letters. This change does not affect the output though as all headers are served lowercased anyway.
- Might be a good idea to make all headers lowercased one day to match the casing with the outputs
- adds intermediary newsletter pref selection page to signup flows in case a site has multiple newsletters
- for members signing up as free via magic link
- for members signing up as paid via stripe checkout
- for members signing up as paid via offer url
With multiple newsletters, members can choose their newsletter subscription preference in Portal while signing up. This change handles newsletter preference data for both free and paid members via magic link/stripe checkout and saves it for the newly created member.
- Support the `newsletter_id` only when sending a newsletter
- Default to the default newsletter when `newsletter_id` isn't specified
- Ignore the `newsletter_id` parameter when passed in the post body
- The permissions were missing in the fixture file
- This caused some Ghost installs to not have the right permissions
- This is fixed by adding the missing permissions to the fixture file and creating a migration to resolve the missing permissions
While sending a post to a specific newsletter, we'll need to get list/count of members eligible to receive the post. This change enables members admin API to filter list of members on specific newsletter by their slug.
With multiple newsletters feature, a site should always have at-least one newsletter by default. Also, as with the default product, the default newsletter also needs to be renamed to the site title during the setup flow.
- adds default newsletter to main and test fixtures
- updates setup flow to rename newsletter name and sender name to site title
- updates model to extend default value for fields
- updates test
refs eee8f364de
- Part of the snapshot file was not commited with a referenced commit
- Also while at it, had another look at naming used and have cleared up couple places
We want to save the MRR with a subscription to simplify the calculation of the total MRR once, in 5.0, we also take 'forever' offers into account into the MRR (so we can just SUM the MRR of all subscriptions).
- Sets the MRR to 0 for now.
- Separate commit will fill in all the values in a data migration, but this needs to get merged first because we need this new column in order to update the members-api package (so we already save the MRR before doing the data migration).
- Updated `test/e2e-api/admin/legacy-members.test.js` with improved body assertions.
We do not want to update MRR calculations until 5.0 - so will be adding
a separate migration to populate the mrr_delta column for 5.0
We've only added events for non-expired subscriptions as this is simpler
and won't impact the mrr events when mrr_delta is updated
- When {{tiers}} helper was used with parameters in a Ghost theme, for example statement like this: `{{tiers prefix="Access with:"}}`, the theme did not pass the gscan check and threw a false positive fatal error. {{tiers}} is fully valid and documented helper that should work in current version of Ghost
Currently we only have three event types: created, updated & expired.
A created event always has a `from_plan` of null
An updated event will always have a different `to_plan` and `from_plan`
as the subscription has changed tier/cadence.
An expired event _should_ have a `to_plan` of null, but due to a bug we
have events with the same `from_plan` and `to_plan`.
- newsletter schema columns were using incorrect syntax for `isIn` validations
- adds schema test to make sure schema `isIn` validations are in correct format
- When {{tiers}} helper was used with parameters in a Ghost theme, for example statement like this: `{{tiers prefix="Access with:"}}`, the theme did not pass the gscan check and threw a false positive fatal error. {{tiers}} is fully valid and documented helper that should work in current version of Ghost
- the route settings code was factored out into its own service, but the tests were not moved
- this moves them so it's clearer what tests are for what service
- This enables us to keep track of which newsletter an email was sent to even if the related post is deleted.
- Adds the `newsletter_id` property to the email API
The newsletter table schema has bunch of changes to go through for new and existing columns, this consolidates the schema changes into a single re-create table migration that drops and adds the newsletter table with correct schema. The table re-create migration needs to run before any of the tables using newsletter as foreign key. The changes include -
- new columns for design related fields
- new slug column for filtering
- unique constraint to `name` column
- remove `default` column (noops the existing default column migration)
- `sender_reply_to` has a default of newsletter and a validation of ['newsletter', 'support']
- updated default values for `subscribe_on_signup` and `recipient_filter`
* Added subscription_id to MRR events
As part of 5.0 we want to have cancelled evetns affect MRR. We are going
to backfill and begin populating cancelled events _before_ 5.0 however,
adding a migration to set the MRR deltas as part of 5.0
This migration will need to associate the cancelled events with a
subscription, so we are adding the subscription_id now. This will allow
us to guarantee that all cancelled events will have a subscription_id.
The column is missing a NOT NULL and REFERENCES constraint because
we have not populated the missing values. These will be added in the future
once we have populated the column for all rows