refs #10790
- Moved /core/apps into core/frontend
- Moved /core/server/helpers to /core/frontend/helpers along with /core/server/services/themes
- Changed helper location in overrides
- Moved /core/server/services/routing to /core/frontend/services
- Moved /core/server/services/url to /core/frontend/services
- Moved /core/server/data/meta to /core/frontend/meta
- Moved /core/server/services/rss to /core/frontend/services
- Moved /core/server/data/xml to /core/frontend/services
refs #9865
- Changed id passed for api_key to an object to be able to differenciate between admin and content api requests
- Added integration id to frame context
- Small refactoring of frame context initialization
refs #9389
Breaking changes for Ghost:
- no need to create a sandbox anymore, each file get's it's own sandbox
- just require sinon and use this sandbox
- you can still create separate sandboxes with .createSandbox
- reset single stubs: use .resetHistory instead of .reset
This is a global replace for any sandbox creation.
> Default sandbox
> Since sinon@5.0.0, the sinon object is a default sandbox. Unless you have a very advanced setup or need a special configuration, you probably want to just use that one.
refs #9865
- Enabled the permissions module to lookup permissions based on an api_key id.
- Updated the "can this" part of the permissions service to load permissions for any api key in the context, and correctly use that to determine whether an action is permissible. It also updates the permissible interface that models can implement to pass in the hasApiKeyPermissions param.
- Fixed the bug with url being set to /404 when id was not present on the model
- Added a functional test to cover this bug
- Refactored url decorating methods to be more clear about the nature of passed parameters