- Updated default mocha timeout to 15 seconds. Any future tests that
depend on a timeout (and thus might be better off with a lower value)
can override the default setting which is now 15 seconds.
- Removed test-specific timeout overrides for the mocha tests.
- Fixed the editor/splitbutton tests to wait for the appropriate
selector instead of assuming the dom has been updated immediately.
Should resolve intermittent timeouts when checking the splitbutton's
applied classes.
- Changed to compare instances of `moment` using it's built in
comparison function instead of string compare with the date from the
- Ensure compared date is parsed with the correct formats that we were
supporting before #1107.
- Moved date formats to variables to reduce chance for error in future.
The date stored in the model is in a different format and needs to be converted before being checked. Otherwise, any blur event will trigger the notification that the date has been changed, even if the date is the same.
On both Firefox and Opera (OSX) the user image badge in
the settings page wasn't displayed.
Also, on firefox the badge overlay didn't have the proper size.
I don't know if there's a specific use case requiring a `display:
table` instead of a plain `display: block` but that was failing on
Firefox and Opera.
Using a block instead seems works perfectly (at least on Opera, Chrome,
Safari, Safari Mobile IOS7 and Firefox) regarding the badge size issue.
On Opera, though, the border radius wasn't applied properly to the
image. Adding a `border-radius: 100%;`fix that.
- Updated grunt config for unit and functional tests to remove the test
database after each is run.
- Cleaned up a couple of issues with the functional tests that may have
been causing travis builds to fail randomly, including: the start page
is now `about:blank` instead of whatever page the last test suite left
off at, added some checks in the logout tests to ensure they're truly
independent of the other test suites.
closes#988, closes#956, closes#975
- fixed multiple ids and refactored triggers
- persistence requirement overridden
- trash can now removes url in editor
- if empty url is saved http:// is inserted and dropzone initialized
- insert custom middleware to check for blacklisted files
- redirect to express.static if file accepted
- if not valid return next() to do nothing
- currently black listing .hbs, .txt, .md and .json
- debatable which is best, black list or white list, either one will probably need tweaks but erred on side of letting
a theme serve unknown types
- Adds getSocket function > Returns the socket location if sockets are enabled or false
- Adds startGhost function > Callback for server.listen