refs #9441
* Updated top-level ids to use const
* Removed one layer of indentation
* Added .eslintignore files for server and test tasks
* Added npm scripts for eslint
* Fixed lint command in w/ grunt
* Uninstalled grunt-eslint
* Added eslint config
refs #10438
- Added validation helper based on JSON schema
- Added schema validation for POST/PUT in /posts endpoints
- Refactored existing authors validation test suite
- Extended test coverage with a minimally required structure of post.add validator
refs #10461
- do not break the existing webhooks by keeping both payload formats for subscribers events
- refactored webhooks service to run models through target API version
- added new events described in the target issue reference
- this refactoring & enhancement is undocumented, further breaking changes will happen because we are actively working on:
refs #10461
- the model layer (only post & user) fetches the model after update
- i assume it was added to ensure a response with all fields
- quick fixing it for now to ensure API layer can access ".wasChanged" to be able to decide if a request modified a resource or not
@NOTE: Bookshelf does not physically update a resource if nothing has changed.
no issue
- the model & api layer suffered from missing fields when creating resources
- usually there is only a handful of fields which are required to insert a resource
- the other fields are nullable and/or get defaults assigned
- the API only returned the configured default fields and the fields you have sent to the API
- this resulted in a response with missing fields
- if you have listend on "created" event, the same happend
- you received a model with missing fields
- we now set the undefined fields to null on purpose to ensure a full model for both cases
There is no endpoint to serve webhooks (not for v0.1, not for v2).
Exposing the secret is required if an integration fetches it's api keys and it's webhooks.
The secret is currently un-used and not implemented.
no issue
- the event chain works like this:
- if a model registers an event, it get's triggered, because it's stronger than the base model
- but you have to call the base model to agree on a contract, because base model implements generic logic in event handlers
- this was inconsistently used
These changes introduce a new "service" to the members api, which handles getting and creating subscriptions.
This is wired up to get subscription information when creating tokens, and attaching information to the token, so that the Content API can allow/deny access.
Behind the subscription service we have a Stripe "payment processor", this holds the logic for creating subscriptions etc... in Stripe.
The logic for getting items out of stripe uses a hash of the relevant data as the id to search for, this allows us to forgo keeping stripe data in a db, so that this feature can get out quicker.
* Used camelCase for gateway method calls
* Added some components for building blocks of forms
* Added input specific components
* Added Form component
This handles collecting the data to submit and sharing state between forms
* Added Pages component to handle urls
* Added the pages for the popup
* Added MembersProvider component
This is designed to give its children access to gateway methods
* Added Modal component
This wraps the pages and handles dispatching form submissions to the members gateway
* Refactored index.js to use new components/pages
* Fixed default page from Signup -> Signin
refs #10431
- the model layer triggers a couple of events on resource update
e.g. post to page -> post.deleted, post.added
- the resource_type must be always "post", because "page" is not an official model (Bookshelf won't be able to resolve the resource anymore)
- the action streams looks very confusion if you see deleted and added actions when toggling the post to a static page
- therefor the easiest approach for now is to only store actions for: added, edited, deleted
- and we will add the context information asap
- e.g. you will see that status was changed from "draft" to "published"
- we can also introduce extra published actions if we want
- relying on the internal event system right now makes things just more complicated and we want to keep it simple
refs #10431
- migration script to add permissions for actions
- restricted to owner & admin & integration role for now
- we will add permissions for other rules too, but we need add more granular restrictions
- e.g. contributors can only read actions for posts which he created
no issue
- With the changes in 79ca6c575c we removed old unused events
- The theme upload event is still used and needed to be put back
- Added the event emit right after the successful upload of the theme
- Renamed analytics events for more consistency
- We need to add the same event emitter to the v0.1 API as it's not deprecated
- emits a `theme.uploaded` event after the theme was successfully uploaded and saved
refs #9178
- Removed tests that had duplicated or already covered cases in acceptance or unit tests
- Optimized some slow tests
- Some test suite naming changes
- Imports cleanup
- Get helper message talks about the old API, but upgrading is the best way to solve the problem
- Had to create a way to add a custom message to a labs enabled helper to achieve this
- using @site.lang to read posts is a valid use case for the get helper filters
- get helper filters have special treatment of anything wrapped in {{}}, in the form of resolvePaths
- resolvePaths uses some custom logic + jsonpath to find the right bit of data to inject
- this function had no handling for globals starting with `@`, and also didn't have access to them
refs #9248
- Bookshelf gives access to ".changed" before the update
- Discussion:
- We also need to know what has changed after the update to be able to decide if we should trigger events
- Furthermore: Bookshelf cannot handle relation updates, it always marks relations as changed even though they did not change
- Bumped bookshelf-relations to be able to
- know if relations were updated
- ensure we unset relations on bookshelf's ".changed"